By John R Hernandez@NDMH 2015
"If you thought when they came for our bibles and our flags, it was enough? You are wrong. If you thought when they came to remove our crosses and other holiday emblems from our public spaces, it was enough? You are wrong. If you thought when they came to remove any assemblies or fellow-shipping in public, it was enough? You are wrong. If you thought because they have infiltrated every area of our government, our private spaces, and invested in the trillions in our economy and properties.
That would mean we could all live happily ever after? You are wrong. If you thought because this poor excuse for a President is right when he says we are not at war with Islam? You are wrong. We have been at war with Islam since the late 1700. Since Islamic terrorists captured and held captive members of our merchant ships traveling abroad. The Barbary Coast Pirates as they were known stretched their tentacles across the Mediterranean Sea. Ten's thousands of lives were lost as a result of their barbarism.
Luckily for us we can search the net and find this information. But if it was up to them the historical content would have been removed. You have a chance to go out to do the search and find out for yourself. Don't wait for the day that you wake up and find out that they have come to burn our history, to subjugate, and imprison us. Make no doubt about it. They are here and working towards that day! Think of it this way. Why do you think the President of Egypt has ordered a complete clean up of all Muslim mosques in that country.
He has removed the Radical Muslim Brotherhood for terrorist incitement. As he is doing with each and every mosque and person inciting terrorism. There are good Muslims who just want live in peace with their neighbors, go to mosque, and respect the rights of others. He also realizes that when war breaks out, everyone becomes the enemy, and shares the carnage and bloodshed. It takes a lot of guts for that man to do what he is doing. But, it is because he cares about his country and his people. And he is tired of the beheadings, rapes, and terrorist incitement from Radical Islam! Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about our leadership.
2001 showed us that 1993 was not the last terrorist attack America would be facing from the Global Network of Radical Islamists. Continuously supplied and financially supported mainly by Iran and other benefactors.They came back, they trained on cockpits, and those who attacked our world trade centers, executed their missions with flawless precision. We chased their counterparts anywhere else we thought we could make a difference, Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, and elsewhere. We believed we could buy our way in, to get closer, but it turned on us. We thought pitting one group on another would help us to gain time and influence. But, that also failed us.
Our enemies are too smart. They won't sell each out and so they took our money, our weapons, and the lives of our soldiers. Everytime they led us down a false trail. Our soldiers who survived, returned home with missing limbs after following leads into areas saturated with improvised antipersonnel bombs. In effect it was a bloody debacle not only for the US but for our allies. These individuals will not sell each other out like we say or think they will. Hence, water boarding and Guantanamo! The amount of total information we were able to extract compared to the degree of personnel losses and bodily damage calculated in injuries to our forces on the ground; does not legitimate our efforts!
To date; beheading, torture, and rape from Radical Islamists has reached into the ten's of thousands To include people of all races and faiths. Refugee numbers is hovering somewhere in the hundreds of thousands! While our present administration on Capital Hill is adamant about taking the reigns off of Iran. The one country in the world responsible for the financial and military support of Radical Islam! This administration, while considerate of social issues, has embarked on a leftist agenda akin to a neo-Marxist ideology. Completely contrary to and opposed to our founding fathers beliefs and practices. If this administration continues on its path unabated? And Iran is allowed to accelerate its nuclear ambitions(break out time), not only the Middle East but, every nation on Earth will pay the price of inaction! JRH-NDMH 2015

More than 125,000 of Iraq's Christians have been forced to flee the homeland they have lived in for nearly 2,000 years because of ISIS violence and
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