Sunday, August 31, 2014

A REFRESHER COURSE ON ME; and all the things I love to write about

A REFRESHER COURSE ON ME; and all the things I love to write about


Created, Edited, and Published By John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2014
FOR WE STRUGGLE NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD                                                        "All nations shall tremble at the sound of His Name"

"In a week or so Americans and others throughout thee world will once again remember the victims and fallen heroes both who lost their lives in the wake of the tragedy of September 11, 2001. While America survived there were thousands who never made it. Their lives were taken, the light that stood to bring light to our lives and the world was snuffed out by crazed Jihadist elements of global terrorism. Today we see this same craze rumbling incessantly throughout the middle east, particularly surrounding the land of Israel. We must never forget that as we weep for the loss of our loved ones and friends there are others out there who weep each and every day for those they have lost and those who they might lose tonight, tomorrow, or in some unsuspecting time. Because global terrorism doesn't stop after it commits another act of atrocity here or elsewhere. It is a concerted effort at disrupting our lives, our businesses, and our way of life. Let's not forget that as we mourn our losses there are still others out there. For example, in the land of Israel and elsewhere who each and every day are suffering from the unspeakable madness inflicted upon them by a global terroristic network that will not rest. This month as we remember what took place on that day in September 2001 we had better start believing that the day will soon come when it can and may take place in one way or another. And until the day comes that we eradicate this hideous evil known as Global terrorism, they have one weapon more powerful than any other; that weapon is time. And if we don't pull all of our resources to complete the mission we started, we will one day -maybe sooner than we think- live to regret what we could of done had we made the right decisions. I stood atop the crater that was the epicenter of September 11th 2001 and sadly stared at those still searching through the rubble of what once was the Trade Centers. Prior to this tragedy, I had the privilege to have worked in New York right there where all this took place. I remember the countless times I rode the Trade Centers elevators up and down. I remember one morning cashing in what I thought was a big winner of a lottery ticket right across the street from the Trade Center building at One Liberty Plaza. Now it's not the same anymore, because some Jihadist took all of that away to feed his hunger for hatred of others. There was a group of people who put together a great concert to benefit September 11th Telethon Fund. It was titled, America: A Tribute To Heroes. I got one of the DVD's and I have been lucky enough to cherish it and enjoy everyone who took part in the memorial. It's hard for me to say I like one song or act over the other, because everyone made it a great tribute. Though, I particularly like Stevie Wonder's 'Love's in Need of Love Today' and U2's 'Walk On'. I hope that I've gotten my message through -today- that we need to be vigilant and mindful that, because we are living in relative peace and comfort there are still others whose lives are and have been in constant -unrelenting- turmoil as a result of the murderous craze of global terrorism!"
 JRH-2014 NDMH


Created, Edited, and Published By John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2014
FOR WE STRUGGLE NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD                                                        "All nations shall tremble at the sound of His Name"

"After going over the latest feeds, I thought it appropriate on this Labor Day 2014 weekend to pause here and ask a question. Where has Kerry been? In the face of four thousand or so rockets launched at Israel in just the past two months by Hamas Jihadists, the beheadings and atrocities inflicted upon Iraqis, Kurds, and the Jewish minority; many of which have been subject to rape. Whether it's Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Qaida, or IS it's all the same thing. Out of control religious fanaticists fueled by a world media -which- survives off of every second of video clip they can get hungry television viewers to consume. Religious fanaticists whose aim is to subvert and subdue those living in the fringes of religious suppression, persecution, and denial of self determination. Any front mounted against IS must include a major multiplistic -globally concerted- effort. Launched at every terrorist group whose tentacles are aimed at everything and everyone they have clearly -by their actions and words- labeled as their enemies. That includes all of us. But, to reiterate, to take the fight to one group -while- the others are rearming, reintegrating, shoring up their defenses, and or soliciting further support both from silent contributors and the ever hungry world media and its sympathizing viewers. That is tantamount to allowing the tentacles of global terrorism to plan, concentrate their efforts on exclusive targets, and carry out their bloody campaign of creating further mass chaos elsewhere. Just after 9/11 the media took a different light in how they reported and what they reported on. Finally, they had gotten the message that they had been playing into the hands of the global Jihadists; who needed them to carry their sympathy induced propaganda out to the global masses. Today's efforts at reigning in and finally chopping away at each and every tentacle popping up all across the globe -requires the media to dig deep- and find the same kind of compassion it once found during the emotional aftershock of America's worst tragedy. Because it's not just going to end with Hamas, or IS, Hezbollah, Al Qaida or any other one individual group. When you remove the title of the organization what you have left are tens of thousands of fanatical Jihadists bred for one and one thing only since birth. To kill or subjugate each and every one of us who stand in stark contradiction to everything they have believed in and want!" JRH-2014 NDMH

"Cemeteries, hospitals, and schools used as launching pads to send hundreds more rockets and continue the terrorist war against Israel. As the UN security council, Abbas, Obama, and Kerry turn a blind eye and deaf ear!" JRH-2014 NDMH

Israel needs our prayers. Over the last 5 days, 570 rockets have been fired at Israel- 260 were launched from schools, 50 from medical facilities and 130 from cemeteries. Please add your prayer below. More prayer more power!

"A good move by our FBI to step up and take the forefront; in the face of the outrage and realization, that the horrific killing of one our American journalists has brought home the point. That IS and Islamic world terrorism is aiming its tentacles in our direction!" JRH-2014 NDMH

Created, Edited, and Published By John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2014
FOR WE STRUGGLE NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD                                                        "All nations shall tremble at the sound of His Name"

"And finally, at whatever the cost, Palestine must never be given statehood. History has proven; by its mass creation of child terrorists forced to one day find a bullet and use it to kill Israelis; by its own admission its leadership has vowed to destroy Israel and all Israelis; and by its unholy alliance with non-other than one of the most radical terrorist organizations Hamas; by the sheer number and continued aggression by rocket fire into all parts of Israel, injuring not only Israelis but its own Palestinian countrymen, women, and children. Palestine and its leadership for over a century has been a thorn in the backs of all Israelis who only wish to live in comfort and peace with all its peace loving neighbors. But, instead it is constantly attacked, provoked, harassed, derided, and made the guilty party in the face of the recent deaths of three young boys kidnapped, tortured, and murdered and the thousands of rockets launched from Jihadists, extreme radicals bent on disrupting and antagonizing innocent Israelis. We know in whose favor and as a result of its own cowardice, the reasons why the UN security council has over and over again and again blamed and filed actions against God's chosen people and their holy land. Because, there is very little respect and compassion for God or Israel in the eyes of those who in their own hearts hatred has replaced the true faith. Which despite its own failings, Israel and the majority of its people live each and every day to steadfastly strengthen and preserve -as an affirmation- of their devotions and their selfless love for their God; and the core principle of their faith enshrined in their hearts. Which is to love others as you would love yourself. Sadly, one of the main faults running down the faces of all murdering and uncompassionate terrorists!" JRH-2014 NDMH

Virtualjerusalem.com recently reported that "Thousands of people shouted anti-Israel and anti-Semitic slogans, wore anti-Semitic T-shirts, and defended Hitler on Saturday - all in alleged defense of a free Gaza and..." That report led me to make these comments "The Grand Mufti of Palestine went to see Hitler in person and requested that he do to the Jews in Israel as Hitler was doing to them in Europe. So as you can see radical Jihadist Palestinians have had a long relationship with Nazis leading back to Hitler and the Holocaust. By the way what the Mufti was requesting was that same ultimate solution of either gassing or burning the Jews as Hitler was doing to them. So it comes as no surprise to see radical Palestine all over the world seeking the extermination of the Jewish people once again; as their religious leader had done some half century ago!" JRH-2014 NDMH

Pro-Palestinians Defend Hitler in London
Thousands of people shouted anti-Israel and anti-Semitic slogans, wore anti-Semitic T-shirts, and defended Hitler on Saturday - all in alleged defense of a free Gaza and...

"God's laws have been set aside to make way for other laws instituted by men to control and oppress other men, women, and children. Because man has chosen to set God aside and set himself up above God and His laws. This is that demonic plan straight out of the play book and pit of Hell itself by its leader and benefactor Satan himself. In effect some men have creped in and taken on the personification of the anti-Christ, that man of perdition. Today, the cancer of apostasy has creped into our government in many ways and places. Laws are created that destroy the underpinnings of what once it was meant to define the proper structure of the family. Bureaucracies have been created to herd men and women like cattle before Godless and heartless judges; at the hands of court aides equally as cursed. For no other reason, other than further oppressing and mentally torturing God fearing men and women. The creation of the American family court system including its -storm troopers- cps heartless cronies, was never meant to be a bloated money making bureaucracy. When a government raises up an army of corrupt men and women whose mindless wills are beset on destroying the lives and hearts of loving parents, including their children. Parents whose only concern is to nurture and rear their children in a God fearing and God loving setting. It is time for this nation to rise and put an end at what ever the cost to these enemies of God and men!" JRH-2014 NDMH

 link via AFSCME.
August 22

"Microsoft has done the right thing by severing its ties with this corrupt organization. Let's hope the others will follow suit real soon!" JRH-2014 NDMH

Microsoft Ditches ALEC In Latest Blow To Conservative Group
Microsoft said on Tuesday that it will end its involvement with the American Legislative Exchange Council, the conservative...

"What is wrong with America? Humanism has creped in to the daily lives of may Americans and it has corrupted their way of life. Those with abominable lifestyles are allowed to live and believe that their way of life is a result of how they were born even though you and I know that a DNA strand clearly shows two options, male or female. No brainer there! The apostic faith has creped in and has been allowed to corrupt the faith our forefathers handed down to many of us hundred if not thousands of years ago. Both the distorted humanistic way of life and its apostic companion have been allowed to invade the lives of many to the point where laws have been created to protect this distorted and antichrist-ian way of life.
 Many, today, in the traditional church not only support this false humanistic way of life but, some will fight tooth and nail to allow its continued immersion into many of today's academic institutions of higher learning; including some elementary teaching venues. Why am I telling you all this? Because, as societies break away from traditional religious practices and beliefs to the point where the word of God is being replaced with humanist language. We can begin to see the inherent word of God in prophecy coming to life before our eyes!" JRH-2014 NDMH

"Everything that happens good or bad is not always -because- God wants it to happen. You kill someone in cold blood that is your actions; you run someone over because you're driving too fast that is your actions; you shoot drugs that is your actions; you pretend and blame Israel when it is only trying to defend itself that is your ignorance at work. There is a lot that God can or will not do to interfere in man's affairs. But, God has given us a picture book of actions and words to describe those actions He will and has taken in Man's history on Earth. Man has the ultimate open choice to do what is right or to make wrong decisions -which- ultimately reveal their outcomes with good or bad results. No, not everything that happens good or bad is because God wants it to happen!" JRH-2014 NDMH

 Christians United for Israel (CUFI)'s photo.
July 13


"When you look at the broad range and capacity of these rockets, the degree of damage to life and property both of Israelis, Arabs, and peoples of many races and ethnicities living in and around Israel. The fact that those behind these savage rocket attacks clearly never had any inclination to come to terms with any peace agreement. You will realize that what Israel and the Arab community -it is trying to protect- including all other peoples there; are all caught up in a massive -yet- intricate web of deception and a deranged desire for world domination. Not surprisingly unlike the same diabolical and deranged web of deception spawned by the one man who in the past century planned out the mass extermination of not only Jews but, of peoples of many colors and races. The only question that remains unanswered is how is it possible for the world community to stand by and watch 500 or more deadly rockets being launched into Israel in the past 6 months and do or say absolutely nothing about it?" JRH-2014 NDMH

LIKE to APPLAUD Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper's unequivocal support for Israel.

No Other Nation on Earth Could be Asked to do Less
 "The still cold murdered bodies of three teenage boys have made no impact on the conscience of Abbas, Hamas, Fatah, and or any of the heartless radical murdering Jihadists. They continue their diabolical rampage against Israeli society; with countless rocket launches, further threats of violence, and impending annihilation. Abbas is equally as guilty for these children's deaths -since- he has refused to distance himself from the latter. Iran works feverishly and hastefully to attain enough nuclear material for its weapons of mass destruction. Isis gaining strength in Iraq is at the threshold about to get its hands on more territory; this time in Syria. All in all, one could say Israel is like a caged tiger surrounded by its enemies on all sides. The time will come when the caged tiger will have to strike out in defense of itself, its territorial integrity, and in defense of its brethren. No other nation on Earth could be asked to do less. What then, is the global community waiting for? Another 9/11 -this time- in the Middle East; in order for it to be moved after-the- bloodshed to order the military to do its job? JRH-2014 NDMH

"Well, since President Obama by his recent remarks has with one fell swoop redefined the definition of the family. It does not surprise me that he would be visiting the issue of Family-Friendly-Workplace Policies. To let the rest of us, who oppose some of the extravagant posturing of his shape shifting personality; as it evolves further into the primordial swamp of distaste and disgust for moral values." JRH-2014 NDMH

"Happy Father's Day to all my brothers out there who are being alienated from their children by a vindictive ex. For whatever it's worth as long as you haven't done anything wrong by your kids. They will never stop loving you or being your children. Though, they may be miles away they'll always be by your side. Nothing or no one can ever stop them from being your children or you from being their real dad! JRH-2014 NDMH

"Americans have allowed the lives of fifty million children to pass through their hands by the sheer arrogance and defiance for the honor and respect for life. America needs to show to the world that its legacy of death can be a thing of the past no more to be seen or heard of again!" JRH-2014 NDMH

"When you realize that you are helpless to change anything in life. Without the Blood of Jesus Christ which, strengthens you, renews you, and makes you a new creation. In the eyes of Almighty God and the world. You will begin to see and understand why so many souls throughout this night and weekend are once again, rejoicing. Alive in the risen Hope that is Jesus, and praising; not just only the Word of God but, the mighty works of His hands. May you find in you through God's Blessed Grace that wondrous joy and peace. In the true meaning of the Savior's Love that you have come to know. And the new life that you have come to live -which is in you- through Christ Jesus now and always. Do your best to keep living it and may God be with you all. Shabbat Shalom!" JRH-2014 NDMH

"A reprobate mind functions perversely. You can love your neighbor as yourself but, you do not have to love, accept, and or agree with his or her actions!" JRH-2014 NDMH

 'While, the world is fixated on the sham that are these so-called peace talks between Israel and the PA. Hezbollah, the Jihadists, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al Qaeda are all hoping that Iran comes through with the good news that its work has been completed and it is now in possession of a nuclear bomb. It's time Israel washes its hands of this charade and gets back to the business of running the nation, protecting it's people, and focusing on its blessed future ahead! And as an appetizer, really guys do we actually think that continued dialogue with hardened criminals running global terrorists networks will bring the desired peace which has been promised for decades? Instead Israel has received hundreds of bombings, rocket attacks, kidnappings and murders. And as if that wasn't enough all of the above have been visited upon Israel with the blessing of none other than those same individuals who have publicly and adamantly rejected any official and or unofficial acceptance of the state of Israel!" JRH-2014 NDMH

"Dear President Obama, promise me you will make sure that this will be an immediate increase in wages for the American people and not some piece meal hike that will take three years to come to fruition. Because, to tell you the truth Americans are tired of foot dragging and they need an immediate wage hike asap, Thanks again, best regards. Yours truly!" JRH-2014 NDMH

Is Fear or Shame Behind Kerry's Remarks
 "I think Secretary of State John Kerry is ashamed of his Jewish roots when he unabashedly argues his -moot point- that Israel should not insist that the PA recognize the Jewish State of Israel. Logic tells me that after all the name calling, and rocket shelling into Israel. Along with the threats of annihilation Jews by Iran and the PA. That Israel has every right to demand the PA officially and in public recognize its statehood once and for all. If Kerry wishes for Israel to capitulate and give in to these peace negotiations in lieu of a future Palestinian state. Which Israel will have to recognize publicly. Curiously though, Kerry pointing his finger at congress and the world appears to be somewhat ashamed, or afraid, or both!" JRH-2014 NDMH

Because of You
 Writer: Clarkson, Kelly / Hodges, David / Moody, Ben
 Lyrics © EMI Music Publishing, Chrysalis One Music, Universal Music Publishing
 I will not make the same mistakes that you did
 I will not let myself
 Cause my heart so much misery
 I will not break the way you did,
 You fell so hard
 I've learned the hard way
 To never let it get that far
 Because of you
 I never stray too far from the sidewalk
 Because of you
 I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
 Because of you
 I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
 Because of you
 I am afraid
 I lose my way
 And it's not too long before you point it out
 I cannot cry
 Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
 I'm forced to fake
 A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
 My heart can't possibly break
 When it wasn't even whole to start with
 Because of you
 I never stray too far from the sidewalk
 Because of you
 I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
 Because of you
 I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
 Because of you
 I am afraid
 I watched you die
 I heard you cry every night in your sleep
 I was so young
 You should have known better than to lean on me
 You never thought of anyone else
 You just saw your pain
 And now I cry in the middle of the night
 For the same damn thing
 Because of you
 I never stray too far from the sidewalk
 Because of you
 I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
 Because of you
 I try my hardest just to forget everything
 Because of you
 I don't know how to let anyone else in
 Because of you
 I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
 Because of you
 I am afraid
 Because of you
 Because of you
 Writer: Clarkson, Kelly / Hodges, David / Moody, Ben
 Lyrics © EMI Music Publishing, Chrysalis One Music, Universal Music Publishing

"Sadly, America is the only nation on
 Earth that has tossed out the death
 penalty in 18 states and is yet to do
 away with the death penalty on the
 innocent unborn child." JRH-2014 NDMH

"For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words." (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18).

"Who would of thought this nation would of degraded itself to the point where one would have to get permission to share one's child?"JRH-2014 NDMH

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