Apathy and Indifference- the poison- that is strangling the hope promised to the less fortunate in society by every president since the Great Depression
Written and edited by John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2011
Newspapers, Radios, Televisions and Computers; the pillars of the Technological Era have consolidated the fangs and rhetoric of political machineries; thereby, helping to create and amass a multibillion dollar industry. Hollywood, Corporate America and the Wall Street insurance peddlers; who prey on the failures and calamities of Americans. Felt the strength of this new consolidated American Political Industry when it stepped in to bail out the giant industrial monoliths of American might. None of which could have been accomplished without the unsubscribed help of the American Tax Payer. It’s become more about how much money you can influence your counterparts to manipulate your way or how much of the funding pie you can control and to where it goes. Usually, to special interests in their own backyards.
And when it comes to slicing off a piece of the American Tax Payer Pie towards helping the less fortunate; Republicans bulk and sneer at the poor as if they don’t deserve the crumbs allotted to them.How different life would be if I was president? Well for starters I would make sure that all men have equal access to their children from birth and let the courts prove their unworthiness to have those rights. I would make sure that politics and religious organizations are not allowed to take control of the airwaves to espouse political rhetoric that favors any particular party. I would make sure that religious entities follow a rigorous initiation –where- they not be allowed to produce or to write about or speak -over the air- about anything that is not of a religious nature. If you want to be a religious entity then that is what you should be espousing biblical truths and not any political rhetoric paid for by tax payer money.
If however you so choose to not accept tax payer funding then you can talk about whatever you like so long as it's not on the tax payers dime! I would make sure video game manufacturers provide an equal share of educational and Soft Reaction materials for children; because, I feel that way too much is being made that panders to a violent nature. I would make sure social network entities scrutinize who they employ to oversee users; because, way -too many- social networks hire people that have some chip on their shoulders or are just not fit to provide an unbiased service to users. Many network sites hire the wrong people who only end up harassing users instead of sitting back and helping the flow of information to run smoothly.
I would make sure that the poor get the free transportation and other services they deserve. I would make sure that companies that sell cigarettes and or liquor and even drug manufacturers pay a greater share for drug rehab, cancer treatment and other services that cost tax payers billions yearly. I would make sure that all of the aging populations have all the services they deserve on time; and I would help families who desire to keep their elderly at home during the aging process. I would make sure, that boards of education and other administration officials and education providers are held responsible for our children’s education while on school property and that they be reviewed on a semi-yearly basis to make sure that they are doing their best to educate our children.
I would fine, incarcerate and or expel any government entity that is not acting on behalf of the best interest of our children, the working poor, the elderly, the disadvantaged and, the incapacitated, those on public assistance and any other, member of the less fortunate amongst us. As human beings we have to recognize that it is our duty to help the less fortunate. Republicans would like us to believe that we have no responsibility to help others and that they should stand up on their own two feet and get no government help. Most Republicans on The Hill have had their benefits handed down to them from generation to generation. Unlike people out on the streets who have to fight everyday for a crumb of the American Pie.
They on The Hill are ignorant by personal decision to the facts that affect the less fortunate and disadvantaged. Maybe what we need is a litmus test for all future candidates who aspire to become a part of the political machinery; that they get training in multicultural and social sensitive history? The Republicans treat Americans like they are dumb-stupid-children who know no better. Republicans hide behind moral values, Jesus Christ and Religion whenever they espouse their rhetoric; but, wasn't it Jesus Christ and God himself who has admonished us to help our fellow man and is it not true that government programs are funded from tax payer moneys and much of that is for the charitable work directed to us by God himself. Why do Republicans hate the poor so much?
These are our mandate. Do unto to others as you would like them to do unto you. If you don’t want to sign a petition that will help the poor and disadvantaged then don’t be surprised when you get the same treatment. In my administration ignorance will not be a copout. You can describe your society as a democracy or as a freely elected democratic republic or whatever you heart desires. What has happened to America- is that- way too many laws- have been passed to allow people to become lazier and lazier as the years go by. I don’t think we have -too much freedom- but, that we have way too much abuse over the priorities we so choose to adopt while in the process of enjoying our freedoms. Americans in my opinion have become way too lazy, obstinate and difficult. Because, of the abuse of our freedoms. We have become a mob mentaly society. Politics has become another sitcom. Politicians have become experts at manipulating the media with taxpayer money to demonize and or to disgrace the reputation of their competitors -when behind closed doors- they sit and laugh after the elections.
It’s business as usual. The American political machinery much like the American family court system and just about much of our legal system has been turned into the good old boy network; where money dictates who wins in the end regardless of the infractions of justice perpetrated against innocent citizens. It has been well over 45 days since I put up my petitions to help out the unemployed, the rural poor and others; with my latest petition being the creation for a national program to help get the people and economy rolling again. Between, the three petitions I think I have gotten about 45 signers. Can you imagine the amount of time an effort it has taken me to do all of this and the slap in the face I get when people I know from day to day on Facebook and elsewhere completely ignore these petitions?
This is what I like to call selfishness! Americans have become way too apathetic and lazy. They live from week to week from paycheck to paycheck from Friday night drinking binges and party outings and then the rest of their nights or days at work are spent on social networks; and just having a good old time. Americans feel like they are so insulated even in the face of the fact that another 9/11 is about to roll along and yet even that event seems to have been brushed under the rug of ignorance and apathy. Teenage suicide, prostitution, drug abuse, runaways, teenage school drop out, violence against children and many other aberrations have become so the norm that it has been turned into another three minutes of entertainment such as on and on cell phones.
And as for all of you who help put another Republican in the Georgia at-will statehouse. Think about this; since Nathan Deal has been in office -funding to social programs has been curtailed; to the effect that one of the most important social programs that helped to bring assistance to mothers and fathers in that state has been completely de-funded and all the people and offices in the entire state that administered the Georgia Fatherhood Program have been shut down. These are the programs that I like to call at the street level. What I find to be so grievous is how the lowest level programs aimed at the most vulnerable members of our society are taking the brunt of the Republican Social Program Slashing Onslaught?
My belief is that humans are inquisitive, knowledge seeking and apart from their hunter gatherer prehistoric members. And this is a good thing, that people are interested in ideas and facts and truths; but, what I am concerned with is how apathetic humans have become when it comes to the limit of compassion they address towards their fellow man and woman. And furthermore I do admire the level of intelligence out there, but I am concerned that all this intelligence is being wasted on things that are diagonally opposite of what a compassionate society should be. It’s a phenomenon to me how very few but 45 people have signed a petition to help the less fortunate and in particular that this denial to partake in helping others is happening in 2011.
Have we reached the peak of the abyss where the intersections of the two-class divide has widened so far that humanity is begun to embrace everything that is contrary to reason, to selflessness, charitable consciousness and devoid of true inward love? Because if this is what my petitions are saying; then, I shatter to think what lies ahead in the near future for this society. If I was president, It would all be so-much-different!
In the Birth of a New Dawn;
My Compilation of Prose in English and Spanish
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I just created a petition entitled Include Long Term Unemployed into the Federally Mandated Guidelines of Workforce Initiatives, because I care deeply about this very important issue.
I'm trying to collect 2000000 signatures, and I could really use your help.
To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here:
It'll just take a minute!
Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!
Below you will find a link to the Georgia Fatherhood Program website and a brief look at what is found on their site from their words.
"The Georgia Fatherhood Program (GFP) is a partnership between the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) and the Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL). This program provides education, training and job placement services for non-custodial and custodial parents that are unemployed and underemployed. The GFP offers a statewide systematic delivery of services that enables participants to contribute to the economic well being of their children and the workforce development of the State. The standard is to provide a comprehensive program of services, which includes assessment, workshop competencies, and skills training concurrent with employment.
Specifically, the Georgia Fatherhood Program targets parents who:
are unemployed;
are underemployed with an income less than $20,000 per year;
have children receiving TANF benefits; or
lack a high school diploma or GED and who
are seeking to increase their earning potential
Cited by the U.S. Department of Education and the National Child Support Enforcement Association as the only statewide program of its kind, the Georgia Fatherhood Program serves as a national model of collaboration for comprehensive training and service delivery to non-custodial and custodial parents.
Georgia Fatherhood Program"
"The information about the Georgia Fatherhood Program posted here I borrowed from their website. I feel this is am important program that needs to be refunded and which ultimately helps not only mothers but fathers in the state Georgia.
John R. Hernandez, Jr. 2011"
Today is March 22, 2014 and I am commenting on my blog. My email addy is jrh684156@