Written and Edited by John R. Hernandez, Jr.
Hello everyone,
I wanted to thank you all for your help with this petition and I thought I would offer you some scholarly data that might interest you. I have wanted to write about this issue for ever! I can remember putting proposals together as far back as some 15 to 20 years ago; that dealt with any social issue I came across. I have been a victim of transportation problems as I am sure some of you have at one time or another, in your life. The only research I did for this petition was the images that have been embedded in my mind throughout the years. The following data -you will find here- I decided to bring it to your attention –because- I have been concerned about the lack of attention or action this petition has been getting; as well as, I have been concerned about the lack of attention my other petitions have been getting. So, last night on the 17th of July I gathered up some factual data. Hoping, that your friends and family and their friends will see the facts as they have been collected.
Although as the authors and researchers suggest that, in this extremely large study, "The aim of this study was to understand rural Black and White older adults’ self-reports of transportation difficulty." The data collected by these statisticians reveals to us that there is a need for free and expanded transportation services that should be provided for the poor in rural areas and especially to those in the aging populations.
Below are sample quotes from different investigators which reveal the negative effects of inadequate transportation services on the poor and elderly in rural areas. If you would like to study this subject further I urge you to visit;
Transportation Difficulty of Black and White Rural Older Adults
Nan Sook Park, Ph.D.,ab Lucinda L. Roff, Ph.D.,ab Fei Sun, Ph.D.,bc Michael W. Parker, Ph.D.,ab David L. Klemmack, Ph.D.,bd Patricia Sawyer, Ph.D.,ef and Richard M. Allman, M.D.efga School of Social Work, The University of Alabamab Center for Mental Health and Aging, The University of Alabamac Department of Social Work, Arizona State University New College Program and Department of Criminal Justice, The University of Alabama The Division of Gerontology, Geriatrics, and Palliative Care, University of Alabama at Birmingham Center for Aging, University of Alabama at Birmingham[,] Birmingham/Atlanta VA Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center Corresponding Author: Nan Sook Park, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, Box 870314, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0314, Phone: (205) 348-4441, Fax: (205) 348-9419, E-mail: npark@bama.ua.edu
The author’s analysis reveals that, "Difficulty with transportation in rural settings can result in social isolation and deterioration of quality of life in addition to limited access to services. In emergency circumstances,... transportation difficulty can mean the difference between life and death (Gullette, 2006; Parker et al., 2007)."
"Rural residents disproportionately experience transportation difficulty because rural areas are sparsely populated and lack public transportation services (Arcury et al., 2005a, 2005b). Rural elders are subject to higher transportation costs than their urban counterparts because walking and public transportation are typically not feasible options, and their trips are likely to be longer (Rosenbloom, 2004)." And,
"Although transportation fundamentally influences access to various services and thus affects quality of life, 40% of the U.S. population in rural areas have no public transportation services available, and 25% have insufficient transportation (Glasgow, 2000a). In rural areas without public transportation, taxi services are rare or likely to be prohibitively expensive. Although some senior centers in rural areas provide van transportation, rural elders’ transportation options are typically limited to walking, bicycling, or using a private vehicle." In Addition to that the authors of these papers suggest that,
"The proportion of older persons who live in rural areas (14.7%) is higher than in metropolitan areas (11.9%) and rural older adults have to travel longer distances than urban older adults to access services and activities (Rosenbloom, 2004). Rural older adults tend to be older, have lower economic status, and be in poorer health than urban older adults (Roff & Klemmack, 2003)."
My Thanks to all scientists and researchers who worked tirelessly on these projects to help with this issue -as I have- with this petition in my own small way -as well as- all of you who have taken the time to sign it and tell everyone you know; the importance of expanding transportation to the rural poor and elderly populations cannot be overlooked any longer. Can you imagine, when I was a small child I remember walking along dilapidated planks of old wood after the monsoon rains just to keep from slipping into the mud holes left behind. In those days the only means of transportation in the poorest of areas in that island were your feet.
Thanks again,
John R. Hernandez, Jr.
In case you haven't gotten a chance to take a closer look at my new book "In the Birth of a New Dawn" it is still available at Smashwords.com with a 25% off discount untill July 31st. You can also pick up a sample at Barnes & Noble, Diesel.com, Apple.com, Sony.com, and through the Scrolmotion.com applications. I would be thilled if you could stop by and leave a comment at these sites so that they don't raise the rent on me for loafing around.
“In your Arms”
By John R. Hernandez, Jr.
Short excerpt from my new book "Beyond the Dawn"
If I could feel your life as you do and taste the
sweet kiss of your lips; if only but for a moment.
As the sun is setting and the last drop of light
gives way to an eternal moment of silence and
your fingers could embrace my gentle
pedals. Then, you would know what I feel as you
hold me in your arms...
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