Another Week of Smoke and Mirrors; While the 15 Million Unemployeed Sit and Wait
Written and Edited by John R. Hernandez, Jr.
Before I begin let me just say that I have a great deal of respect for President Obama and all of the Democratic leadership. But I feel there are some issues that need to be faced and I cannot continue to keep my mouth shut over them. This week the White House Hispanic Group launches out their full agenda on Hispanic issues.
No doubt there will be gatherings and luncheons and maybe even a few parties for political and back door affiliates who will all be patting each other on the back for what little they will and have provided in the form of any new ideas to help expand or improve the situation of Hispanics. On the contrary but nevertheless once again; the issues of unemployment –mostly- dealing with Puerto Rican citizens will undoubtedly be mute. Oh, yes they will all be represented, it would be an insult that some Puerto Rican dignataries -not be invited- to this illustrious White House event.
I can imagine the nose raising and eye brow swirling looks Obama and his Hispanic ideologues would be getting if at least one or two Puerto Rican members were not sent a request to attend. Anyway, after all the dancing and speeches and hand clapping and -empty gestures of (a distant and unattainable) progress- their will be a long rush of wind across these United States of America yet another sign that another year has gone by and nothing will be done once again to improve the quality of life for the poor down trodden Puerto Rican citizens of the barrios or the others living on the fringes of poverty or abject impoverishment. Why? Because the push now and before has been to -keep your mouth shut- and just tow the line! This whole Hispanic push is about the immigration problem and how to dismantle the Republican affront on the Mexican and South American illegal alien controversy. Just this past week we had an illustrious member of the journalism field inform us that he has been living here and reporting the news and living high of the hog even though he is and has been an illegal alien. My question is just how many illegal aliens are living here defrauding this government and impersonating real citizens? The concern from the White House over this issue was a little less than a whisper or two. This administration’s focus and the whole Hispanic week long conferences are and will be about the immigration issue and only that.
Let me inform you I agree with the Republicans at least on this issue -which we do need to, have a strong unbending immigration law-. And that is about the whole of what I agree with them on; besides, the abortion issue and a few others. However, they continue to disgust me with their push to dismantle social programs that will only hurt the most vulnerable of us. I believe -we need to take our nation back- from the thugs and drug dealers out on the streets. Maybe, Obama should say something about all the Hispanic gangs north and south of the border -that don’t give a dam about this whole Hispanic week operation. They ARE waiting with AK-47's and sub machine guns to start the next Alamo border war with this nation. But, of course, the White House pushes that aside.
They won't even admit to the disastrous condition of our entire US Labor Department –infrastructure- that is in a shambles and bloated with high paying salaries and cronyism for do nothing jobs. So, this is what we can expect at the end of this week; the president will get up and applaud all the work that his panels and dignitaries and members of his administration are doing to help with the immigration reform issues and after that he will go back to the oval office and loom over all the- thank you notes- and cards from his Mexican supporters and once again like for the past -150 years- the voice of the real citizens including the Puerto Rican legal citizens will go completely ignored. Now, I don’t blame the pres, after all he is only learning to tow the line.
The Rising Class Divide and the Chasm Between knowledge and Ignorance
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 2011
As a result of the extended legislation of the Bush era Tax Cuts that was signed into law on December 17, 2010 by President Obama.
The Act extends the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) for new employees who start work after August 31, 2011 and before January 1, 2012. The WOTC is equal to 40 percent of up to $6,000 of the qualifying employee’s first-year wages, subject to certain restrictions. Along with that there were Payroll Tax Relief and additional Economic incentives included the new legislation. This means that corporations who are hungry to get the most out of federal tax credits will be scheming selectively in their hiring processes. Those of us who claim to support the 15 million unemployed and who abhor the oppressive conditions they are made to face on an everyday basis. Should stop trying to make excuses for those who abandoned all these people during the last three years!!! Take a close look at the facts! Corporations will do anything they can to get away with and take advantage of every tax loophole and tax credit available to them. Your either fighting to solve the problems or your part of the problems 15 million unemployed Americans face day by day! What I am trying to do with my petition to include the Long Term Unemployed into the Guidelines of the Federally Mandated Work Force Initiatives is to help create a level playing field. I wholeheartedly support all federal programs that factually help those on public assistance and would like to see those programs revised and expanded indefinitely.
Job Flight, Out Sourcing, Cutbacks, Right to Work Laws, Streamlining the Workforce, Farming Out Jobs, and any practices that double and triple what one person does on the factory or production line floor not only helps to place a greater stress on the dwindling workforce; but, keeps more and more of the millions of unemployed out on the streets with little to no hope of putting another meal in the mouth s of their children. The fact remains that counting those who have stopped looking for work and or who have become homeless along with their children and who have fallen between the cracks of corporate and government abandonment the figures would show that unemployment today is well over the 20 million mark. Corporations have now systematically rid themselves of millions of American workers and now they are going after the job security and benefits that so many members of our unions have fought and died for over the past century. I have a petition that I have placed here over the past month and few if nay have taken the time to sign it. Why, have you kept silent? There are well over 15 million Americans out there asking us to support them. This petition will get the government to understand that the long term unemployed need to be included into all federal, state and local jobs and hiring programs. For the past 100 years many in corporate America have been and are fully determined to dismantle our unions piece by piece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We cannot turn back the clock and give back all we’ve gained.
If that’s the case then we better be prepared for a classless society much like communism. If you don’t have any civil or human rights you belong to no class other than the classless, those with no say in their lives. No constitution, no Bill of Rights, No Declaration of Independence; nothing! Stand up and be counted or hide in your shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Questions and Comments to Speaker Pelosi on Issues I Care About Dearly
Sorry I wasn't able to ask The Honorable Speaker and or her colleagues about these issues I was at war trying to bring attention to the plight of the long term unemployed to the still ignorant out there. My statements and questions to the Speaker of the House are as follow:
Why has the President and the Congress of the United States turned a deaf ear to the crisis of millions of Americans who hold contracts of mortgages for tens of millions of Land and Home Package deals throughout the US? I have sent several emails on this issue out to different individuals in DCCC as well as other members of the Senate and Congress and I never get a reply. I tried to pay close attention to all the hearings that went on up on Capital Hill and never did I hear any comments either from those politicians on the podium panels or those guest speakers (BOA, Chase, Wells Fargo, etc.,) in attendance. I contracted my home to purchase via one of these contracts -but- for well over 7 years now I suffered -because- there were no benefits available equal to those of conventional mortgage holders. Why have you done nothing to help assist and protect the rights of people like us out there?
2). I have initiated a petition through the grassroots progressive Change.org to bring attention to why some corporations selectively chose to hire TANF and other public assistance recipients; knowing that hiring these individuals will garner them millions in job tax credits carried over from the extension of the Bush Tax Credits?
I believe that the long-term unemployed –must- be included in any existing or proposed new Federally Mandated Workforce Initiatives Guidelines. The 15 million or more unemployed AMERICANS out there need the support of the government just as so many others out there are getting from corporations. There is a lot more that I could say about this -but- I will just hold my peace for now.
3). I too, like so many had to leave school to help care for my child -because- I believed I was doing what was in his best interest. Things never worked out between me and his mom and she went her way and I stayed and fought to keep the home alive with my child’s memory and the hope in my heart that one day I could get my rights back that she walked out with. My question to the speaker and her colleagues is
why hasn’t she or even the President acknowledged the severe oppression inflicted on non-custodial fathers by the custodial parent’s inflicted Parental Alienation? You might be surprised to know that this type of behavior not only hurts the fathers but it also effects the psychological developmental growth of his child.
4). Anyone who reads the newspapers, or browses the internet or watches television out there is aware of Parental Alienation and or its effects in one form or the other. And those who are more astute have even heard of those of us who are pushing for a complete overhaul of the American Family Court System –because- we believe it is biased and unfair to fathers if not downright unjust. This past Fathers Day the President offered us a free pass to the zoo.
Once again as usual for the past 30 years I have not seen and or heard any mention of any consideration by the White House or anyone up on Capital Hill -to even take a look at; this dismal calamity faced by so many millions of fathers out there. It is not enough that we must face parental alienation on a daily basis, but that every year we wait in hope and hear nothing from our top leaders is an outright shameful abandonment of our rights. And for the millions of children out there, there is no answer or hope -either! Go to angiemedia.com to get a fresh start on this issue! Please!
5). A year after leaving school to come to take care of my child, his mother decided to move on with an old high school chum of hers. I was left to fend for myself. I tried to get back into school and continue my studies in Communications and Planning and Public Policy. I was informed by my previous school that I owed them money. They rejected my requests to create a payment schedule for me by telling me they could not trust me to pay the debt of $1,985.00 back and so they refused to release my transcripts. Even though I had a perfect record with that university. I never had any trouble with them at all. I had a great reputation and some great mentors who were saddened by all this. My question to Speaker Pelosi is how it is possible with the great minds up on Capital Hill and -given the conditions in the economy.
That no one has considered creating a loan or a debt forgiveness program to help bail out the millions -out there; held hostage by student loans and so many other situations that only serve to oppress and keep people from moving forward in life?
6). I realize so many Americans are hurting out there; no jobs, no family, no hope, no help from the federal government -other than the extension of unemployment benefits- for some. Which, in my opinion the Democrats and the President deserve eternal gratitude for fighting to keep those benefits going. But, it’s not time to quit. Unemployment benefits need to be enhanced and strengthened as our entire social programs do. And the
Republicans need to be made to know that any compromises on new taxes or any other Democratic concerns must take into consideration the enhancement and expansion of all these social programs. In the future I will continue to fight for all the issues I have mentioned here until our all voices are heard and our demands are fulfilled.
May God Bless you Mrs. Speaker,
John R. Hernandez
A Greedy Self Serving Mankind; Worshipping Amongst the Synagogues of Satan
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 7/11
You ever ask yourself why do the greedy and naive scum of the earth always seem to rise to the top, while the pure and most blessed of souls have to grumble down in the muck and mire to make a living down here on God's green earth? You ever wonder why humanity allows millions of unborn babies to be dumped down the toilet every year; unwanted, unloved, despised for what little life they represent to the ungodly and despicable amongst us? You ever wonder why hatred and envy is so prevalent today; why video games and pornography is so popular; why drugs and alcohol are the choicest ways of facing reality; why children are abandoned as are the elderly; why the greedy seem to just get greedier? Everyday we pass someone on the streets and we may smile or look the other way or stare uneasily; we go home we turn on the boob tube and watch someone's life rolled out before us and then we watch as the experts dissect the true meaning of their malaise and then lay it all out before us. We peer into the smallest minutest particles of DNA to get to the bottom of whom or why this person did what he/she did to that other person.
We preoccupy our minds, we push it all out and fill it back again with everything we think we like and everything we believe fits neatly into the world we have created for ourselves. But have we ever really asked the question; is this the world we want to live in? Is this the world we truly have created or is it a world that has been diabolically crafted just for our consumption, for our taste buds, to direct and control the pains and yearnings of our compulsive behaviors?
You know what people want most of all? Someone they can depend on and who will not betray them; someone who won't smile in front of their face while behind those eyes detest the ground they stand on. This is what people want. They want to build networks of friends all around the globe, if possible. Friends who will be there for them in times of need with prayer, love and material help. Instead they rely on the big corporations to do it all for them and they believe their lies all the while the top most wealthy get wealthier and arrogantly thumb their noses at them. Telling them they deserve their riches; all those cars, boats, homes, money in the bank, properties, businesses, jewelry, clothes –because- they feel they worked hard for what they got. We live in a greedy self serving world where pain and suffering is a way of life for so many out there. There are so few in high places that truly care for those at or near the bottom and what little we or they have down here those at the top want to get that too. There are some on this side of the class divide that will do anything to keep the rest of us away from their little pot of gold, from their private little miserable world, alienating the rest of us around them. Never realizing that what little they may have and what little we may have is slowly being erroded. Slowly fading away, slowly drifting from our hands and theirs.
Because, through that dust storm of hatred and despair there are many up on top- who would like to see those of us at the bottom of the class divide- constantly at eachothers throats -helplessly watching- as that little bit of charity or love or help is taken away. They tried to rip the system apart by driving the final wedge between the classes in 2008 but were thwarted. But these scoundrels will stop at nothing to try it again.
Include Long Term Unemployed into the Federally Mandated Guidelines of Workforce Initiatives
For a very long time now I couldn't understand why so many people I'd run into were jobless and even when I was looking for work I'd notice that...
Some reading helps lower your blood pleasure....
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
by John R Hernandez on Tuesday, July 5, 2011 at 9:57am
To All Jew Haters..
Written and Edited By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 7/2011
except for quotes from yahooanswers.com and wikipedia.com
To those who support the Palestinian cause I say this; after your done killing every Jew and pushing them into the Sea and raping their children and torturing their ederly and burning down their lands. What are you gonna do when -Jesus the Jew- stands before all of you with all the Hosts of Heaven upon the Mount of Olives? Where are you gonna hide? Where are you gonna run to? Are you gonna run to facebook and spit one last time in the face of another Jew? You can't erase the face of Jesus from Jerusalem!!! But, since he died for the sins of the world
it isn't -too late yet- to repent and be free of all your hatred! Don't wait till it's too late; I hear their is no end to the torment of HELL!!
"You have heard that it was said, "You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy." But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." Mathew-
start>>>The following excerpt is borrowed from yahooanswers.com and was posted by Bill:
“The record of the Vatican in relationship to the Holocaust is one of the great moral failures in history—one from which the Catholic Church itself has yet to recover,” writes columnist James Carroll in The Boston Globe. To back up his point, he lists the following historical data: “1929—The Lateran Pacts between Mussolini and Pius XI give the Vatican freedom and money, and they give needed prestige to Mussolini. [1933]—The Vatican signs a Concordat with Hitler, his first international success. . . . 1935—Mussolini invades Abyssinia. Catholic bishops bless Italian troops . . . 1939—Mussolini decrees an end to the rights of Jews in Italy. The pope says nothing. . . . 1942—The pope receives reports from Italian army chaplains about the extermination of the Jews. In his Christmas message, he bemoans the fate of ‘unfortunate people’ killed because of their race, but he does not mention Hitler, Germany or the death camps. Once again, the word ‘Jew’ is not used. . . . 1943—Germans begin to round up Jews in Italy, even in Rome near the Vatican. The pope is still silent.”
Why the Churches Kept Silent
ON DECEMBER 8, 1993, Dr. Franklin Littell of Baylor University spoke at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum about a troublesome “concrete truth.” What was that?
The truth, Littell said, was that “six million Jews were targeted and systematically murdered in the heart of Christendom, by baptized Roman Catholics, Protestants, and Eastern Orthodox who were never rebuked, let alone excommunicated.” One voice, however, did consistently speak out about clergy involvement with Hitler’s regime. And the voice, as we have seen, was that of Jehovah’s Witnesses.Holocaust was the state-sponsored, systematic persecution and annihilation of European Jewry by Nazi Germany and its collaborators between 1933 and 1945.” Jews were the primary victims, but the State policy also sought to eliminate Roma and Sinti (two gypsy tribes), the disabled, Poles, Soviet prisoners of war, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and political dissidents. "
The above quoted text is a statement from "bill" and it is copyright protected; for further info please see it posted on the folowing webpage and is placed here for illustration purposes only.
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=1006040805757 end
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My thanks to wikipedia.com and yahooanswers.com for all their great materials
[the products of hate...]
All Text borrowed from wikipedia are used for illustration purposes only and not for any commercial gains.
start>>>Excerpt borrowed from Wikipedia:"
In 1947, the British government announced it would withdraw from the Mandate of Palestine, stating it was unable to arrive at a solution acceptable to both Arabs and Jews.[68] The newly created United Nations approved the Partition Plan for Palestine (United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181) on November 29, 1947, which sought to divide the country into two states—one Arab and one Jewish. Jerusalem was designated to be an international city—a corpus separatum—administered by the UN.[69] The Jewish community accepted the plan,[70] but the Arab League and Arab Higher Committee of Palestine rejected it.[71] On December 1, 1947, the Arab Higher Committee proclaimed a three-day strike, and Arab bands began attacking Jewish targets.[72] The Jews were initially on the defensive as civil war broke out, but they gradually moved onto the offensive.[73] The Palestinian Arab economy collapsed and 250,000 Palestinian-Arabs fled or were expelled.[74] David Ben-Gurion proclaiming Israeli independence on May 14, 1948, below a portrait of Theodor Herzl
On May 14, 1948, the day before the expiration of the British Mandate, the Jewish Agency proclaimed independence, naming the country Israel.[75] The following day, the armies of four Arab countries —Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq — attacked Israel, launching the 1948 Arab–Israeli War;[76][77] Saudi Arabia sent a military contingent to operate under Egyptian command; Yemen declared war but did not take military action.[78] After a year of fighting, a ceasefire was declared and temporary borders, known as the Green Line, were established.[79] Jordan annexed what became known as the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and Egypt took control of the Gaza Strip. Over 700,000 Palestinians were expelled or fled from Israel during the conflict. Israel was accepted as a member of the United Nations by majority vote on May 11, 1949.[80] In the early years of the state, the Labor Zionist movement led by Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion dominated Israeli politics.[81][82] These years were marked by an influx of Holocaust survivors and Jews from Arab lands, many of whom faced persecution in and expulsion from their original countries.[83] Consequently, the population of Israel rose from 800,000 to two million between 1948 and 1958.[84] Some arrived as refugees with no possessions and were housed in temporary camps known as ma'abarot; by 1952, over 200,000 immigrants were living in these tent cities.[85] The need to solve the crisis led Ben-Gurion to sign a reparations agreement with West Germany that triggered mass protests by Jews angered at the idea that Israel could accept monetary compensation for the Holocaust.[86] In the 1950s, Israel was frequently attacked by Palestinian fedayeen, mainly from the Egyptian-occupied Gaza Strip.[87] In 1950 Egypt closed the Suez Canal to Israel. There was mounting tension and a number of armed clashes took place along all of Israel's borders. In 1956, Israel joined a secret alliance with Great Britain and France aimed at regaining control of the Suez Canal, which the Egyptians had nationalized (see the Suez Crisis). Israel overran the Sinai Peninsula but was soon pressured to withdraw by the United Nations in return for guarantees of Israeli shipping rights in the Red Sea and the Canal.[88][89]In the early 1960s, Israel captured Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in Argentina and brought him to back to Israel for trial.[90] The trial had a major impact on public awareness of the Holocaust,[91] but Eichmann remains the only person ever to be executed by order of an Israeli court.[92]"
The above text was borrowed for illustration purposes only from wikipedia.com and is copyright protected but also a part of the associated CREATIVE commons attributes.
The above quoted text has been borrowed for illustration purposes from Wikipedia.com
• This page was last modified on 1 July 2011 at 11:05.
• Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License........
Bolded text wherever found outside of original formating is for highlight and emphasis only.
Worshipping at the Altar of Selfishness and Hatred
by John R Hernandez on Tuesday, July 5, 2011 at 9:52pm
But the GREATEST of these is Love; embedded attributes of human emotions gone awry
Written and Edited By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 7/11
Hate forces us to discard the unwanted; too lazy to walk down to the Goodwill or Salvation Army Box; to offer it to our neighbors or the strangers down the road, no, it's much easier to just throw it all away; so noone can get to it.
This is how we treat our relationships; we use them and we squeeze them, till they can't take it no more or untill we're sick and tired; and then we dump them out into the streets for someone else to pick them up and do worst things to them.
Repeating the cycle of hate over and over again. We love our children or so we pretend, untill noone is around and then we light the cigarette, we pop the beer bottle open and kick back on the couch to watch the latest sports channel or soap opera, ignoring, their solitude and pain. We plan and scheme our way out of everything; too sick to make it to church for the sixth time in a row, too tired to look in on the elderly neighbor, too arrogant to pitch in and help with the dishes; or show someone the affection they so desperately need and deserve. Blindly following the norms dictated to us by a pretentious and shallow consumer ads; our nails must be done exactly like they do it in that fashion mag, our suits must be tailored to the right fit we see in the fashion shows, how we talk and how we walk, who we choose as friends and who we choose to ignore; what school we attend, the latest tatoo, the latest fad.
After all it tells them who we are on the outside. But, is that really who we are on the inside? Behind it all; lay the simmering embers of a burning anger, an incomplete desire to want to let go; a compulsion to attain, to get more, to be the best, to stand above the crowd, to give ground to no one; to nurture and feed the hate!
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In Support of Non-Custodial Fathers!!! God Bless All of You!!!
by John R. Hernandez,Jr.
In reply to the rethoric that went for supporting the rights of fathers.
It would of been a better message if it would have included the gurantee that one day Non-Custodial Fathers will get all the rights they deserve -which- for far too long have been denied to them by the oppressive practice of Parental Alienation; both from custodial parents -as well as- under the Corrupt American Family Court System! But, that's right-yeh- Non-Custodial Fathers don't have big pockets; since the majority of them are paying through the ying-yang -to warrant- any support from today's so-called crusaders for family...!
John R. Hernandez, Jr.
For Those of You Whose Fingers are too Lazy to Stroll Over and Check Out my Websites!!!
by John R. Hernandez,Jr. on Friday, July 1, 2011 at 11:43pm
Older posts
Faith and Values; Pray for this Nation
Posted on June 25, 2011 by johnrhernandez
Remember Your First Love; Whose God is he?
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
As I look around this world I see so much hatred, scoffing, and apathy. People living one way on church day and another the rest of the week. I see parents spending little time with their children when they should be there to help them with their homework; making sure it gets done right the first time. Helping them to become productive citizens. Helping them to learn to play and instrument or become better linguists.
I see children ignoring the needs of their parents now that they are grown and on their own. Because, the parents that helped to raise them are way too easily abandoned and caged in private care facilities; forgotten to their eyes. I hear the cries of those who live in homeless shelters with no hope; but, to just get through another night in what seems more like a living hell to them. I see warriors come back home broken and crippled, living desperate lives, shunned from the public eye and left to wallow in the muck and mire of confusion and pain. I see the eyes of mothers abandoned, forced to seek out an existence; when we should be there. We turn our faces and walk away. How much pain and terror must we face before our hearts break from the suffering and torment of this human family? We are called to recognize and comfort the afflicted, the aggrieved, those who suffer persecution and those who as a result natural phenomenon or as a result of human interaction; human failure, or mechanical error are heart broken. Inadvertent, accidents happen all the time. But, when we as a church; as those called out by Almighty God to come together and pray for those in the congregation, to admonish (to rebuke, to educate the flock in God’s way’s, to instruct, to edify, to lift up, to feed the hungry, to open the eyes of those blindly living their lives..). It is because of these, that his great love is poured out unto us as a congregation and those we send out.
That is our great commission, our first love, as brothers and sisters in faith. But, when we begin to go out on our own and put God sort of in a box and sit ourselves up high and pretend we are in control. This is a great mistake! That many churches make. When Christ speaks to the church at Ephesus he castigates it for its failure to recognize who is in control and the reason why they took the oath of Faith. And the admonition goes to all congregants; because it may sound strange to you but all of us in the body are stewards of that body and partakers of the responsibility to edify and to rebuke as necessary each and every member –regardless- of position or tile. Whenever we ignore the needs of those less fortunate we ignore the love of God. Whenever, we pretend the poor around us don’t exist, we deny the love of God exists. Whenever we fail to offer a helping hand to someone we otherwise would rather not bother with, we act as if the love of God didn’t exist in us. This is what Christ is saying to Ephesus, you have lost your first love. Often times we replace that Love we the love for fornication, for alcohol, for gambling, for money, for everything that our weak and helpless flesh wrongfully allows. “Don’t forget” Jesus says to us! And remember that
if Jesus be with us who can be against us! For we are more than conquerors in Christ who strengthens us. There are some that are called to comfort and instruct, others to edify and build, some to be disciples, others deacons, some to the mission fields of life; But all of us are called equally for one purpose as was Ephesus. To bring the love and joy of our faith and our way of life to those whose lives have been shattered; to help free the captives (addicted), bring site to the blind (in faith) and to proclaim the coming day of our Lord and Savior (His return to Rule and to Judge). Some people treat God as if he was one of their buddies. Like the friend at work, or the one they hunt with or just anybody. Some people fail to recognize who they are addressing. Who they are talking to and before whose presence they stand.
The biggest mistake the church at Ephesus made and the main reason Christ himself had to have a face to face with them was and is because they began to take God for granted! Of course we all have read the Bible; we all know by the countless examples of fire and brimstone God raising his hand and slaughtering Israel’s enemies by the millions. And we also have first and second hand accounts of the times Almighty God had to step in and rebuke sinners. He even tearfully at times after long lamentations and great callings; had to punish and even exterminate many Jews. Convicting them of worshipping idols; of not following his rules of engagement, of becoming haughty and arrogant and -oh yes- for that seemingly innocent offense of taking him for granted. We are not forced to be perfect but we are asked to cleanse our minds, wash our garments clean; in order that we may present ourselves a just and perfect sacrifice. Go out into the world and make disciples of men. Why? Because, we live in a lost and dying world. Behold I stand and knock, if anyone should listen and open unto me I will come in and sit with him and fellowship with him or her or them and teach them my ways. I am the way the truth and the life;
no one can come to the father but through me. He who believes in me I will give him to drink from the rivers of living water. For the day will come that you will not worship in flesh but in spirit and in truth; and he will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and take away all of their sorrows and be their God.
Have a Blessed Day!
Links to Social Activism: Petition to get help for rural poor;
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Petition to get help for unemployed workers;
Posted in PROMOTIONS, SALES, MARKETING, Love Prose, Poetry of John R. Hernandez, In the Birth of a New Dawn, The Art of Being a Great Writer by John R Hernandez Jr., Parental Alienation, Nurturing your Children, I love my Children, The Beauty in Your Child, The Stigma of Being a Noncustodial Father, Parental Aleination, Growing Up Fatherless, On Writing Prose, Social Injustice, Long Term Unemployed, Judeo Christian Values, The Great Tribulation, Social Change | Tagged Christ, God, Jesus, Christianity, Religion and Spirituality, Faith and Values, Religion, The Bible, Prayer, Ephesus, Israel, Faith.
I Will Not Yield On This Issue!
Posted on June 24, 2011 by johnrhernandez
In Support of Civil Rights for All Non-Custodial Fathers
Preamble to the US Constitution; We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Universal DECLARATION OF Human Rights “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
Today freedom of speech, or the freedom of expression, is recognized in international and regional human rights law. The right is enshrined in Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, Article 13 of the American Convention on Human Rights and Article 9 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights.[8] Based on John Milton‘s arguments, freedom of speech is understood as a multi-faceted right that includes not only the right to express, or disseminate, information and ideas, but three further distinct aspects: • the right to seek information and ideas; • the right to receive information and ideas; • the right to impart information and ideas.[8]
The above text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; The above[quotes] and texts and statements have been borrowed from among other places Wikipedia.com
The Oppression of Parental Alienation and the Negatively Biased Anti-Fatherhood Family Court System are the Reasons Why Some Men Just Give Up!
Followup reading and info:
"Divorced From Reality on Child Support" by Dianna Thompson and Glenn Sacks
"When Child Support is Due, Even the Poor Find Little Mercy" by Leslie Kaufman.
""New Study Show Child Support Guidelines in Need of Reform" by Jeffrey M. Leving and Glenn Sacks
"Title IV-D Employee Embezzles Quarter of a Million in Child Support Enforcement Money" by Larry Holland
"The Price Some Reservist Have to Pay" by Phyllis Schlafly
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 7/11 (c)
“First they threw out prayer in schools along with the bible, then they threw out the pledge of alligeance, then they came for our unborn and threw them into waste recepticles like yesterday’s garbage, then they created a massive bureacratic family court system -which- singlehandedly gurantees to all states and to all women a nice fat check for every man they file a lawsuit of child support on; ultimately helping to place the final wedge between fathers and their children”
John R Hernandez, Jr.>
Those who know of me, know how much I love my children and they sure dang know what hell I have been put through by the system and the two mothers of my children. We are all human beings and we all make mistakes. I’ve made mine, God knows I made two big mistakes with those two. But, I have never brought shame or hurt to any one of them or to their door. I have walked away, lived my life and left people alone to sort out their own misery and mistakes. I have paid dearly for only wanting one thing. To have what every decent sane man should dream of and want. God knows I try to be a good Christian as far as patience will allow. I did my best with my oldest child, though she grew up in a single family home; I spent most of my time there playing with her, taking her to the park, the zoo, the amusemnst parks, the sea shore; in effect I was there and I saw her grow up and shared greatly in her life. Her mother never pushed me away or alienated me from her. And she made every effort to come with her and visit and if I wasn’t there I knew there would be a note on my door letting me know she came by. I would have to say we had a good realtionship. Because, I allowed it to be for 15 years of Katie’s life. I was there! I contributed what I could. I paid my support and still spent out of the other pocket on my daughter and if the mother needed something I did my best to get it for her. Even though I knew deep inside I had been railroaded by the family court system. I tried to live a clean life and made sure to never let my daughter see me with another woman. So she would never have to hear the words “your dad is a woman chaser”. I wanted her to remember me in a good way as a good father, a good example in her life. Just as I remember days like this one. It was after working the all night shift I went over to her and her mom’s home. I’d fallen asleep on the couch for an hour or so it was about 8:am and I jumped up. Because, this was her first day of kindergarten and I knew I had to be there. Her mother and I walked her to the schoold bus stop. I helped her get on the bus, and just as she got to the top of the stairs on that bus she did a 160 degree circle and said to me, “Wrong bus!”. My heart fell somewhere between my stomach I know not where. It was all I could do to hold the lump in my throat and I said, “No baby this is the right bus, here let me introduce you to your new bus friend” and she said hello to the other girl sitting there by herself and sat next to her and they smiled at each other. I said, “bye-bye I’ll see you later baby”. The bus rolled on down the road as I held the tears as best I could. Her mom smiled and we walked away with another precious memory of our little girl’s first experience on her first day of Kindergarten. After that first day at school I would take her to school or her mom would. And we both would go visit and let her know we loved her and wanted to be near her; as she learned to get used to school life. I used to love to buy her things with what little I had. I remember she would love to model for me and I would encourage her. I got a picture of her modeling for me where she looked like both Little Bo Beep and Shirley Temple in it. I remember when I ordered the cardboard doll house for her. I thought to my self it wasn’t wood but she might like it just the same cause somewhere I saw a part of me in her. Well, the day came and I brought the package over to her and we both put it together. She was tickled pink! She loved her doll house even though it was cardboard. It still meant the world to her and she had many months and years of fun with it and all the toys. I and her mother and granmother got for her to go along with her special doll house. Another memory was that I used to love taking her to buy toys and things and take drives and one day while on a toy drive I stopped at Kaybee Toys at the Mall. Well, we walked around that store for what seemed like hours me pushing the cart around those eisles of toys and more toys. The cart was full and I stopped by the end of one eisle and had a word with her. It went like this, “Now hon you know we can’t afford all these things so why don’t we pick out a few things we like the most and let’s get out of here” And she said, “Okay daddy” and I followed her as she led me back all around and she would take things out of her cart and putting them back on the shelves. When we finaly got to the counter a young woman asked, “Will that be all?” And out of nowhere Katie pulled a sock full of change out of her little pocketbook and swung it on the counter and asked the cashier, “Will this be enough?” It was one of those many moments again when my heart fell back between my stomach somewhere as the lump in my throat grew heavy. One of these days I’ll try and post some of the pictures of Katie and I back When we Were Us.
An Informed Decision Based on the Facts and Not One Skewed by Bias Makes for a Better Argument: A Rebuttal to the President’s Father’s Day Message and My Suggestions
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Our US Constitution Guarantees us the Right to Speak Out Mr. President; you need to get the facts straight before you speak out on a subject you obviously know little about. I think you know about raising your children and it’s obvious we both come from single parent homes. But I look at my father and his gift of life to me as a sacred one. Yes, you know how to be -as you put it- a good father to your children. But, you have no idea why some men cannot be in their father’s lives. That is an issue that must be taken on a case- by- case- basis. Once all the facts are gathered then you can make informed statements-based- on the information before you –about- certain groups or members of certain groups -in this case- fathers. The generalized statement that fathers may be bad because they are absent from their children’s lives is a blank statement to deter attention from the real facts that need your further attention. Who is it that you don’t want to rock their boat? Sometimes in leadership one has to rock someone’s boat to get them to take a close look at their actions and practices and see if they need to be changed based on the facts presented. To insinuate that men that are absent from their children’s lives are “bad men” is an insult to people you have no facts about. If a man is not in his children’s lives it can only be for three reasons. He can’t be, he doesn’t want to be or he is being alienated from his children. But to make rash statements without first knowing the real facts of a situation is to put a further wedge between men -that you have no factual knowledge about- and a society who for far to long has been made to think that non-custodial fathers or absent fathers have dome something wrong. And then you ask men to step up and be good fathers as if a man that is not in his child’s life is a bad man -without knowing- the facts of the case. I don’t know of any man that in his heart does not love his child. But, to make rash statements without facts is to malign people you don’t know anything about. First, investigate the situation before you open you jump to conclusions or to offer solutions. First, get some information on -Parental Alienation- which some parents but, mostly non-custodial fathers -in particular- have had to be subjected to. Because, it’s one of the main reasons –many- fathers cannot be in their children’s lives. Parental alienation doesn’t just have to come from the mother, it can come from any authority figure in that child’s life-that is suppressing- a fathers ability to spend time with that child. Go to-angiemedia.com- and get the facts before you make a statement that will appear as a broad or general judgement on people you don’t know. Go to -parentalrights.org- and get the facts. Millions of men out there deal with issues concerning Visitation, Equal Parenting, Joint Custody and many others with the mothers of their children. Some men are subjected to situations when dealing with their ex’s that exhibit patterns of anti -social behavior and which have been clinicaly associated to symptons of Parental Alienation. Many men every day are trying to get the word out that this nation’s family court system needs to be reformed. It needs a broader look into it’s practices towards non-custodial fathers. Many men out there are suffering day by day the emotional stress of being alienated from their childen, they are helpless. Because, the the majority of the courts ignore their issues. Directly suppressing them from having the kind of relationship they need and want to have with their children. There are many valid organizations out there that are speaking out against -a disease- that is way too prevalent -today- within the realm of father’s and children’s relationships. Some of these organization are championing causes like family court reform and equal parenting. But I believe they need to go a step further and fight for stricter accountability of funds men must pay to the custodial parent in order to get a better picture of where the money is going, and I believe also that a routine drug test(within reason of course) should be impletmemted to all if not most custodial parents -in most if not all- cases. Along with the creation of a syetm to help parenst deal with their visitation and custody matters without the need to deride or ridicule men in family courts! I believe in order to make imformed decisions that pretend to support the best interest of children one needs to get the facts before generalizing men’s characters! Offering a pass to a zoo or a ticket to an amusement parkfalls short of helping to deal with the major problems facing men and women today when it comes to their children. When for far too many the problem has been shown to be -alienation and the oppression- inflicted upon them by a rouge family court system. Men are not bad fathers because they are not spending time with their children; when there are cases out there totally the opposite of what you may have in mind. My concern for -the past 30 years- has been to find someone, who will listen, -someone- with an open intellect and not one whose priorities are skewed -clouded -by biased decisions others have or may have impressed upon that individual. I wanted to find someone that would make the right decisions on the issues both parents are facing without having to make them based on some of the facts or not all of the facts presented. And certainly I did not want to find someone whose ideals and values where colored by the ideals and values of those around him or her. Who, obviously are not acting in the best interest of resolving the issue before them based on the weight of the facts and preponderance of the evidence set presented. To make decisions that affect the lives of millions of children and their fathers –simply- because you want to appease those under you is the opposite of what I was looking for. I wanted someone who was willing to stand up above the crowd and rule justly and righteously and with reason.
I wanted someone that would stand -separate and apart- and make decisions based on the facts and not to just tow the line and follow the rest of the crowd he belongs to. A president or general or king must not let those around him sway his decisions. This is the way he will show to the people that he is a -just and fair leader- who is willing to act in the best interest of the people. And not the special interests of a particular court or organization or people whose facts are skewed and biased.
Excerpt from, “The Demonization of Fatherhood and Alienation from Parenting; One Fathers Struggle to Change a Broken System”/b>
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2008
I felt blessed to be able to be there in the early years of Katie’s life; when she first stepped unto her school bus; being able to visit her at kindergarten and see the look in her eyes as she proudly danced around I’ll never forget the joy of sharing her smile, so proud to have her daddy by her side. I remember working three jobs just trying to make ends meet as a visiting part time daddy. Thankful that her mom was not so vindictive after suing me for child support to not alienate me from her. It hurt that my name was not on her school papers or on her birth certificate. That I was just some non-custodial father struggling to turn his life around, shunned by those around me. It tortured me knowing we would never be a real family; you know that type where both parents live together happily ever after. I remember the church chorus singing a lovely hymn and suddenly she just started singing, “Old McDonald had a farm…” The days we would spend at the zoo, by the river, chasing the amusement parks, down the shore or just visiting with her. That first Christmas tree and how she got all wound up around the tree ornaments and that look on her face when I told her she couldn’t see her toys till Christmas day. I remember how she would model for me all the pretty dresses I would get for her; all the surprises she would have for me waiting whenever I would visit; how she would have her pet gerbil do tricks for me and the day at the toy store as I asked the cashier how much was the toys I was about to buy her and how Katie popped out a sock full of change and asked, “Is this enough?”
And that’s my Fathers DAY Message!!
Posted in PROMOTIONS, SALES, Love Prose, Romantic Poetry, Poetry of John R. Hernandez, In the Birth of a New Dawn, The Art of Being a Great Writer by John R Hernandez Jr., Parental Alienation, Growing up fatherless, Father and Child Relations, Nurturing your Children, I love my Children, The Beauty in Your Child, Family Court Reform, Child Support is a Lawsuit, The Stigma of Being a Non-custodial Father, Parental Aleination, A Father Ought to be In his Child's Life, Growing Up Fatherless, Family Court Reform Now, On Writing Prose, Social Injustice, Civil Rights for Unemployed, Fair Wage Laws, Long Term Unemployed, Faith and Values, Judeo Christian Values, Civil Rights for All, Civil Rights For Non Custodial Fathers, Beyond the Dawn by John R Hernandez Jr, Social Change, Suppporting Civil Rights For All Non Custodial Fathers | Tagged United States, Freedom of Speech, John Milton, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Human rights, United Nations, Human Rights and Liberties
Faith and Values; If You Believe, One Single Tear
Posted on June 24, 2011 by johnrhernandez
The Miracle of Golgotha Hill; One Single Tear
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
It was difficult for a poor child to grow up in such conditions, blind in one eye, after being beaten by street peddlers; he’d walked with a limp since birth. The others shunned him, they laughed at him and made jokes; He often could be seen begging by the peddler’s stands. Unable to walk fast or far he drew his sustenance from what was thrown out at the end of the day. This day he’d hurried home to his mom who was a sickly older woman. Whose husband had died trying to keep the Roman vandals from destroying what was left of the altar of God during the fire at the Temple. That night he found his mother dead and being an only son he knew he was now truly alone in the world. He sat by her side, for hours, staring into her eyes; asking why? He’d heard of a man carpenter named Jesus who healed the sick and brought sight to the blind and raised the dead; he wondered if this Jesus could bring his mother back? Could he do what they all say? Would he heal me too? I am sick and alone now and so hungry and my father and mom are gone. And I’d brought her these things so she could eat and get strong. Why God Jehovah have you done this to me, he cried? Suddenly, the Roman soldiers horses could be heard rushing through the square above the hill called Golgotha, the crowds were restless, and screams and the sounds of whipping could be heard inside his little hut of straw, where the little beggar boy sat besides his mothers bed. He heard someone call out to him from a distance a voice he thought he knew, calling to him saying, “If you believe that Jesus is my Son with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind then you will be saved.” Silence returned for a moment as he trembled in fear. But, there again the noise in the streets grew stronger as the procession hurried by. The cries from the streets grew louder and the crowd grew in numbers. He could hear the horses hoofs and the crackling of whips, then he laid his head by his mothers side and feel asleep. It was the middle of the afternoon and he awoke, he nudged his mother and placed her things beside her side, he pulled her covers tighter as he kissed her cheeks. He remembered having a dream and being called from a distance and he knew he had to find out why. Outside it was dark and the sun was not shining down unto the streets as he made his way up to Golgotha Hill. As he approached he saw a crowd of soldiers laying on the ground holding their faces, and some women crying and praising God. And as he looked up he saw a wooden cross before him and a man hung there, his head bowed down, nails piercing his hands and feet and blood oozing down. He saw the scars the soldiers inflicted upon him and he remembered the dream and the face of that man he thought he’d known who hung there suspended between earth and heaven. It was Jesus and he slowly began to open his eyes, and he looked at the little crippled boy standing there with tears in his eyes and just as he took his last breath he looked at the little boy and smiled at him and a tear pierced his eye lids. And the little boy stretched out his hands and Christ’s tears touched his hands and the little boy fell to his feet and the women weeping came to him and picked him up and he stood up straight and he wanted to cry from the joy of disbelief and the miracle of saving faith. He wanted to climb that cross and bring Jesus down. Because, somehow he knew that, that man up on that cross had answered his prayers. He’d answered his hopes and dreams all at once, with one single tear. And just as he started to climb that cross, he heard a voice from the distance saying, My child, you get down from there, as he slipped and fell backwards, he turned and looked back down the hill. And there through the darkness and the strange fog he saw the image of his mother running up Golgotha Hill, calling out to him.
In Case You Didn't Already Know; Bits and Pieces of What Goes on Over at My Websites!!! God Bless America!!! Happy 4th, 2011!!
by John R Hernandez on Thursday, June 30, 2011 at 6:19pm
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New Dawn Media Communications supports raising the minimum wage to keep pace with inflation and help stimulate this economy. Imagine waiters and waitresses making $2.83 per hour? I worked in a restaurant for many years back in the day and the abuse that these folks go through not only by employers but by customers is appaling
Hello John R.,
Congratulations on creating your 2nd petition: "Include Long Term Unemployed into the Federally Mandated Guidelines of Workforce Initiatives"
You've just taken a powerful step toward making a change!
Below is a short letter/email you can send to everyone you know about what we are doing to bring social change! You have my permission to use it to help get the message out.
We've just created a petition entitled Include Long Term Unemployed into the Federally Mandated Guidelines of Workforce Initiatives, because I care deeply about this very important issue. I'm trying to collect 20,000,000 (Million) signatures and I could really use your help. It sounds impossible, but after all, there are probably that many folks unemployed that if they knew of this petition they may all sign it.
To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here:
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Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!
More Poetry from My Coming Book "Beyond the Dawn" Due out Soon!
"If I Could Believe?"
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 (c)
If I could believe in that look in your eyes ,once again, like I've done so many times before. Like when you walked in and out that door; like when you said, "I am Sorry I Hurt You baby". Like when you swore you'd never do it again just as I gave back in. Like when you touched me and held me close or when you'd call in the middle of the night crying your heart out. Pretending you meant every word you'd swore to me. If only I could believe?
My new book can be found at Smashwords.com with a 20% discount . Your contributions and purchases help to support my efforts to continue to bring you not just only the finest poetry but so much more.
Come Let's Make Jobs For All Americans
by John R Hernandez on Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 1:13pm
In My Opinion Unions Should Invest In All Unemployed Americans; After All Isn't That What The Word "LABOR" Stands For?
By John R Hernandez,Jr.
Why don't the Unions take that _Ten Billion_ they are planning to invest in retrofitting some commercial buildings and use it to help get people back to work? Not just the Union workers but those who have lost their jobs in semi and unskilled non-union positions!!!!!!! How much of that Ten Billion Union Dues money is going to help break the strangle hold of poverty on this nation? How much of that Ten Billion is gonna go for job training of high school drop outs? How much of that Ten Billion is gonna go to help get the non-union American Worker back on his feet and help to put food on his familie's table or help pay for his health care or pay the rent? I support the Unions but I don't support the arrogant use of Union Due's Money to help the few while there are millions of unemployed Americans out there that need help. Why don't they take some of that money and use it to make sure that all US Companies are utilizing the best practices to help hire all umemployed Americans and not utilizing Federal Job Creation Credits to hire only members of groups that are labeled "Povetry Affected Individuals". In my opinion the Long Term Unemployed are Poverty Affected Individuals -therefore- Unions and the Federal Government should be making sure that the Workforce Innitiaves Programs includes all American workers -within their guidelines- and rules and not just a few. Read more about this by going to the petition page below -and signing this petition- to help get all long term unemployed Americans back to work now! Why should Daddy and or Mommy have to go home again and again and tell their child, "No honey the plant down the road said they are not doing any hiring today"?
In the Birth of a New Dawn eBook
"In the Birth of a New Dawn" John R. Hernandez, Jr. ready for Download at your favorite eBook Store; Barnes&Noble.com, (Only at Smashwords.com 25% off; Kobo.com, Scrollmotion.com, Diesel.com, Apple.com, Amazon.com,
One of the best romance poetry books to come out this year by far! John R. Hernandez, Jr. has outdone himself once again with his melodic verse and often twisting and winding storylines; vividly recreated into one of the best romance classics to hit the modern heart of literature. Endless romantic verses take you on a journey to the furthest depths of your heart and imagination, where the fantasy of true love and loss merge; eventually like a rose they bloom within a tropical paradise awaiting the love weary traveler. This book is really a true testament to the art of romance literature and a welcome addition to today’s modern romantic poetry. A worthwhile investment to tuck away and dig out when the hunger and thirst of your inner most burning passions arises; it’s never farther than your very own private library. Look for this author and title and pick a copy at Diesel.com ebooks, Barnes & Noble.com Nook store and at Smashwords.com (20% discount code TK62P only at Smashwords.com). John R. Hernandez, Jr. is the founder of Authors Supporting Charity and he promises that one dollar per book of all his net proceeds will go to charity! Maybe a little too far fetched but perhaps not unlikely for the caliber and quality of his materials, for this author to plan to sell 1,000,000,000 books and donate a million dollars to charity. And what better legacy to leave behind than the memory of having been part of this authors charitable endeavors and owning a priceless heirloom as a keepsake.
In the Birth of a New Dawn eBook
In the Birth of a New Dawn by Hernandez, Jr., John R. for Download at your favorite eBook Store; Barnes&Noble.com, Smashwords.com(20% off), Kobo.com, Scrollmotion.com, Diesel.com, Apple.com, Amazon.com,
I just created a petition entitled President, US House of Representatives, US Senate, Corporate America: America Working Nationwide Program, because I care deeply about this very important issue.
I'm trying to collect 10,000 signatures, and I could really use your help.
To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here:
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