By John R Hernandez, Jr. 6/2011 ©
Why don't the Unions take that _Ten Billion_ they are planning to invest in retrofitting some commercial buildings and use it to help get people back to work? Not just the Union workers but those who have lost their jobs in semi and unskilled non-union positions!!!!!!! How much of that Ten Billion Union Dues money is going to help break the strangle hold of poverty on this nation? How much of that Ten Billion is gonna go for job training of high school drop outs? How much of that Ten Billion is gonna go to help get the non-union American Worker back on his feet and help to put food on his familie's table or help pay for his health care or pay the rent? I support the Unions but I don't support the arrogant use of Union Due's Money to help the few while there are millions of unemployed Americans out there that need help. Why don't they take some of that money and use it to make sure that all US Companies are utilizing the best practices to help hire all umemployed Americans and not utilizing Federal Job Creation Credits to hire only members of groups that are labeled "Povetry Affected Individuals". In my opinion the Long Term Unemployed are Poverty Affected Individuals -therefore- Unions and the Federal Government should be making sure that the Workforce Innitiaves Programs includes all American workers -within their guidelines- and rules and not just a few. Read more about this by going to the petition page below -and signing this petition- to help get all long term unemployed Americans back to work now! Why should Daddy and or Mommy have to go home again and again and tell their child, "No honey the plant down the road said they are not doing any hiring today"?
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You Can't Say You Are a President Until You’ve Been There!!
The Dark Side of America
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 (c)
Though I support and admire all the great work that Our President and the Democratic Party has done to help get this economy back on track; along with some reluctant Republicans. I am proud that this President and those in his party stood up against much opposition when it came to bailing out the 15 million unemployed. However, I am waiting for Obama to start visiting the Ghettos; where the poor must live –among- the perdition of this world. Where the elderly must get through life in fear and abandonment. Where children must play in dirty -filthy- streets and drug infested broken-down playgrounds. It’s not enough to visit the clean classrooms, stump for mid year Senatorial campaign war chests and walk among the freshly painted Alcoa plants; or even smile at the cameras from the podium after offering custodial and non-custodial parents and oh yes –especially- (though he didn’t mention their plight) alienated fathers out there, a zoo pass. No he still needs to go a little further down the road; to where there is no public transportation (see my petition at to help the rural poor get free and expanded transportation) that will help take the poor to find a better life, a better job. It's time he visited those in the Back Alleys of this World we live in; where the prostitutes, and the drunks and crack addicts hide in the darkness of their shame. It's about time he visited the unemployment lines; from the Alaskan highlands to the hills of Illinois, from the shores of the Pacific Coasts to the streets of South Central, LA. And still he needs to go a little further down the road along the border towns of Arizona to what’s left of Louisiana; unto the dry Highland Plains and along the Trail of Tears that leads to the unemployment lines of the poorest rural East Coast towns. From the boarded-up and abandoned homes of Florida to the sweet hinter lands of Georgia and on through Alabama, Tennessee and up through the Carolina's and straight through unto DC and Maryland and Jersey, New York and the furthest corners of our northern cities...,.
It's time the forgotten and hopeless, those who lost their life's savings, their families and homes as a result of corrupt financial predators and the recession saw his face up and close. It's time he got to see the laid off and abandoned, the elderly, the incapacitated and infirmed, the poor children playing in the ghetto streets, and those imprisoned by addiction and mental aberrations. It’s time they all got to see the face and eyes of their President!
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Follow-Up to My Previous Editorial Comments on the Financial Turmoil’s Greece is Facing
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
In the wake of a bad market blitz over the unpopular conditions surrounding the euro and the near default of Greece and other European financial infrastructures. Euro union ministers -ARE FRANTICLY TRYING TO AVERT THE WORST- especially with a mid -July window to see if Greece's financial conditions can be upgraded. With the possibility of a new infusion of capital this time to the tune of $170 mil. It’s clear that some Europeans have been hit hard by the serious financial situation in Greece and CNN International reports say that it’s downgrading to "brink of default’ by Standard and Poor’s rating and large exposure to Greek debt -- including French Leviathans BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole and Societe Generale --," Spelling what could be the worst of times with the possibility of heavier loses -if Greece's debt is re-structured. Greek workers have taken to the streets -in masse- lately to express their disaffection with Parliament and its inability to advert further disasters by not putting pressure on the private sectors to help create more jobs and.
It's been about 18 months since Greece's last bail out -of 148 mil- and now it's in need of yet another infusion of cash to help its struggling economy avert a national disaster. World financial sectors are hoping for the best case scenario and not the worst. Reports by CNN say that Greece is trying to avert the worst case scenario by selling off parts of its assets such as airport, banks, railroads and other national enterprises in hope of raising the billions it needs to stay afloat -at least- into the foreseeable future. Industry holdings, Ireland is still reeling from its troubled economy and the markets analysts are holding their breath. My suggestion is to immediately cut the interest rates by half by creating a moratorium on one half of them for at least a 5 year period.
This would help to remove the shackles from around the neck of this country's financial sectors and help build confidence to the nations workers that something positive is being done. The money it would save could be used to pay off back wages. Which as I have reported earlier has been a major problem for over ten years and a menace to confidence building. Further austerity and confidence building measures can be enacted with a sober and coo look at measuring the positive global outlook of trade off’s for debt obligations. Renting, leasing and gifting –temporary- control or access to land holdings and assets for a certain amount of time with a 50 /50 or 60 / 40 split in profits. Lets face it default can only mean that regulators and debtors and lenders are going to have a field day trying to bring the nation back once it collapses. Everything that can be done now is a sure fire positive step in return for the hindsight outlook which surely will be disastrous not only for Greece and lenders but for the European Union and many other global financial capital investors and players.
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