In My Opinion Unions Should Invest In All Unemployed Americans; After All Isn't That What The Word "LABOR" Stands For?
By John R Hernandez, Jr. 6/2011 ©
Why don't the Unions take that _Ten Billion_ they are planning to invest in retrofitting some commercial buildings and use it to help get people back to work? Not just the Union workers but those who have lost their jobs in semi and unskilled non-union positions!!!!!!! How much of that Ten Billion Union Dues money is going to help break the strangle hold of poverty on this nation? How much of that Ten Billion is gonna go for job training of high school drop outs? How much of that Ten Billion is gonna go to help get the non-union American Worker back on his feet and help to put food on his familie's table or help pay for his health care or pay the rent? I support the Unions but I don't support the arrogant use of Union Due's Money to help the few while there are millions of unemployed Americans out there that need help. Why don't they take some of that money and use it to make sure that all US Companies are utilizing the best practices to help hire all umemployed Americans and not utilizing Federal Job Creation Credits to hire only members of groups that are labeled "Povetry Affected Individuals". In my opinion the Long Term Unemployed are Poverty Affected Individuals -therefore- Unions and the Federal Government should be making sure that the Workforce Innitiaves Programs includes all American workers -within their guidelines- and rules and not just a few. Read more about this by going to the petition page below -and signing this petition- to help get all long term unemployed Americans back to work now! Why should Daddy and or Mommy have to go home again and again and tell their child, "No honey the plant down the road said they are not doing any hiring today"?
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You Can't Say You Are a President Until You’ve Been There!!
The Dark Side of America
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 (c)
Though I support and admire all the great work that Our President and the Democratic Party has done to help get this economy back on track; along with some reluctant Republicans. I am proud that this President and those in his party stood up against much opposition when it came to bailing out the 15 million unemployed. However, I am waiting for Obama to start visiting the Ghettos; where the poor must live –among- the perdition of this world. Where the elderly must get through life in fear and abandonment. Where children must play in dirty -filthy- streets and drug infested broken-down playgrounds. It’s not enough to visit the clean classrooms, stump for mid year Senatorial campaign war chests and walk among the freshly painted Alcoa plants; or even smile at the cameras from the podium after offering custodial and non-custodial parents and oh yes –especially- (though he didn’t mention their plight) alienated fathers out there, a zoo pass. No he still needs to go a little further down the road; to where there is no public transportation (see my petition at to help the rural poor get free and expanded transportation) that will help take the poor to find a better life, a better job. It's time he visited those in the Back Alleys of this World we live in; where the prostitutes, and the drunks and crack addicts hide in the darkness of their shame. It's about time he visited the unemployment lines; from the Alaskan highlands to the hills of Illinois, from the shores of the Pacific Coasts to the streets of South Central, LA. And still he needs to go a little further down the road along the border towns of Arizona to what’s left of Louisiana; unto the dry Highland Plains and along the Trail of Tears that leads to the unemployment lines of the poorest rural East Coast towns. From the boarded-up and abandoned homes of Florida to the sweet hinter lands of Georgia and on through Alabama, Tennessee and up through the Carolina's and straight through unto DC and Maryland and Jersey, New York and the furthest corners of our northern cities...,.
It's time the forgotten and hopeless, those who lost their life's savings, their families and homes as a result of corrupt financial predators and the recession saw his face up and close. It's time he got to see the laid off and abandoned, the elderly, the incapacitated and infirmed, the poor children playing in the ghetto streets, and those imprisoned by addiction and mental aberrations. It’s time they all got to see the face and eyes of their President!
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Follow-Up to My Previous Editorial Comments on the Financial Turmoil’s Greece is Facing
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
In the wake of a bad market blitz over the unpopular conditions surrounding the euro and the near default of Greece and other European financial infrastructures. Euro union ministers -ARE FRANTICLY TRYING TO AVERT THE WORST- especially with a mid -July window to see if Greece's financial conditions can be upgraded. With the possibility of a new infusion of capital this time to the tune of $170 mil. It’s clear that some Europeans have been hit hard by the serious financial situation in Greece and CNN International reports say that it’s downgrading to "brink of default’ by Standard and Poor’s rating and large exposure to Greek debt -- including French Leviathans BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole and Societe Generale --," Spelling what could be the worst of times with the possibility of heavier loses -if Greece's debt is re-structured. Greek workers have taken to the streets -in masse- lately to express their disaffection with Parliament and its inability to advert further disasters by not putting pressure on the private sectors to help create more jobs and.
It's been about 18 months since Greece's last bail out -of 148 mil- and now it's in need of yet another infusion of cash to help its struggling economy avert a national disaster. World financial sectors are hoping for the best case scenario and not the worst. Reports by CNN say that Greece is trying to avert the worst case scenario by selling off parts of its assets such as airport, banks, railroads and other national enterprises in hope of raising the billions it needs to stay afloat -at least- into the foreseeable future. Industry holdings, Ireland is still reeling from its troubled economy and the markets analysts are holding their breath. My suggestion is to immediately cut the interest rates by half by creating a moratorium on one half of them for at least a 5 year period.
This would help to remove the shackles from around the neck of this country's financial sectors and help build confidence to the nations workers that something positive is being done. The money it would save could be used to pay off back wages. Which as I have reported earlier has been a major problem for over ten years and a menace to confidence building. Further austerity and confidence building measures can be enacted with a sober and coo look at measuring the positive global outlook of trade off’s for debt obligations. Renting, leasing and gifting –temporary- control or access to land holdings and assets for a certain amount of time with a 50 /50 or 60 / 40 split in profits. Lets face it default can only mean that regulators and debtors and lenders are going to have a field day trying to bring the nation back once it collapses. Everything that can be done now is a sure fire positive step in return for the hindsight outlook which surely will be disastrous not only for Greece and lenders but for the European Union and many other global financial capital investors and players.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Special Fathers Day Edition; Comments-Social Activism & A Peek Into "Beyond the Dawn"
Looking Back at June 2011
Included are a List of Posts; Comments on Faith and Values, Fathers and Chidren, my forth coming book titled "The Day After", My Efforts on Behalf of Social Activism, Current Events and New Poetry from John R. Hernandez, Jr. Coming Book Titled "Beyond the Dawn"
“The Day After”
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2011
After the thunder and lighting subsided and the rains -seized falling- there was light and the heavens opened up and Angels in the millions and millions hovered above and stood before a white heavenly cloud and -all at once- clapped their hands and the cloud disappeared. And what appeared to be a City of Gold that shined like diamonds sat upon their shoulders; and there were guards of the Most High that carried swords of fire with smoke bellowing from them. Who'd returned to meet the rest, who'd bowed down as we all did for His face was like the fire of a hundred suns. But it didn’t burn me -it was cool to the touch- or so I thought I'd touched His face. And children by the millions kneeled praising Him and all the elders before his throne stood praising Him and all those who'd gone before us -stood by us- and greeted us and welcomed us. It was dark when I awoke -in the early morning hours- the day after the Great Tribulation when the armies of the Most High destroyed the armies of the evil one -in one great battle. And now I could see the sun rising up again, they had pushed back darkness into the great abyss; this is where they went those seekers of knowledge, who sought after the furthest of the heavens. Believing themselves to be like the Most High they called themselves the "Knowers" those who peer into the smallest of places trying to find God -trying to make Him talk- to get Him to stand before them. To get Him to listen to them, to obey their demands, to make Him appear -as frail as all of them- and the fires descended from the heavens and their eyes were shut closed. From the mighty fires that swooped down upon them like the days of Pentecost. They could be seen speaking in tongues and crying before the Great Presence of The Lord of Hosts and all his Guardian Angels. That cried out with a loud voice and who made the mountains tremble and the earth shake and the oceans spill their great waters unto the lands of the Pacific and of the Atlantic and swell in many places. And I stood in awe of all of this...trembling and shaking and speechless praising the Almighty with -all my heart- and all my soul and all my strength.....
John R. Hernandez, Jr.
Below are links to great causes we need to support
A Fathers Day Message
By John R. Hernandez. Jr. © 6/11
Oh, I am sorry, did I forget to wish all fathers out there -who have a healthy relationship with their children- a grand and memorable Fathers Day Celebration. And to all of you non-custodial -alienated- fathers out there; my heart and prayers are with you till the grave! A child should never be alienated from either parent –because- of the custodial parent's (Antisocial Personality Disorder) a psychosomatic aberration that causes a person to be unwilling to find common ground or respect for the God given and Universal Rights of the non-custodial parent. No doubt there are plenty of men out there who don’t deserve a woman’s willingness to meet half way; since all forms of mediation have been useless –beyond- what the law would deem a reasonable doubt. However, this does not excuse either or both parents from attempting to find the means for which they can help to provide some sort of a two parent presence in both their child’s lives. Having said this, I realize that there are circumstances beyond the control of both parents that demand outside intervention –again- if both parents and the state are really acting within the goodwill-framework of the best interest of the child. They can and should look at the best interest of the child. But that is of course in the smallest of minorities from what I’ve seen. Does this sound like you?
More to say about this in future installments.....However, if you wish to study the issue of "Parental Alienation" I would refer you to one off my favorite sites,
For follow-up on issues concerning family court reform and equal parenting news I would refer you to another of my favorite sites,
On a spiritual level I would refer you to the story of Gomer and Hosea.
Promises to Keep
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Every year I am reminded of so many things especially around the holidays but never does my gut cringe, my fists swell or my heart ache as when Mothers and Fathers day celebrations roll along. I think of my dad and the promise I made to God that I would never let what had happened to me and to us as a family –happen- to my children. But sometimes, one needs more than just words, because, to some they just won’t do. Often time’s the promises that we make are broken by us. But, when they are broken by others we love and trust it can cut like a knife. Our children are our greatest treasure and they deserve every ounce of all our love. But sometimes life isn’t that simple and forces beyond our control can destroy even the best laid plans. My mom and dad had their falling out -so much so that- dad went his way and mom, well, mom was like one of those old fashion girls, she kept her distance but, hung on for the sake of the family. She tried her best to put up with his drinking and gallivanting. My dad tried to be a good father; he built beautiful hoes for her she would later describe to me as, “jut like a doll house”. But, he was from the -old school- too, but, a much different one than mom. He believed the stern arm of discipline to squelch disobedience even though he himself felt he was like so many fathers in those days -exempt from the laws he handed down- to us. Their break- up eventually grew broader -so much so- that he eventually flew to New York and left it all behind; except for the other woman he had made a new home with. Mom being the stubborn kind packed all of us into that airplane and flew us to New York -never letting him forget- that he had a family and responsibilities to deal with. His stubbornness’ and hers went on and the bickering and arguing eventually seized. So much that after cutting a deal with him he was allowed to come and spend time with us; the younger ones my sister and I. I remember when he would visit and how badly I would want to taste one of those special burgers he would buy for me down at the local bowling alley or some restaurant where he’d stop to get a drink. I could see he was proud and bold in his own quiet and firm way; for those moments he got to spend with his children. I am sure he wondered back in time at the days when him and mom tried to live as equals under one roof. Their break up and the damage that it had on my soul and mind almost broke me into pieces -when I was very young. I felt the struggle within and without as I sat in front of the television set trying to hide the convulsions -I would regularly go through. You have to put yourself back into the mind of a child to remember these things because many of us block things out and forget it all. But, I chose to remember the pain and to never forget it –because- I never wanted it to happen to my children. Some thing’s in life are worth the cost of sacrifice and others we pay dearly for in the process of getting our point thru or accomplishing our goals and the fulfilling the promises we make to ourselves. Despite our imperfections our children deserve the best we can afford to offer them. The taste of that hamburger and the look on dad's face meant the world to me, but I knew of their indifferences and moods and so I held a lot inside. Let me tell you that never a day went by that I didn’t feel left out of something and or out of place or that I just didn’t belong. I am not going to try and brainwash you into believing or transforming your believes into mine. I believe what I believe, because, ever since my childhood I felt different; I felt a calling tugging at me. Those were experiences and messages that have helped to transform my life and my walk in Christ. I look at a person and try not to judge but, if I was on some jury I would look at all the testimony and the factual proof, their words, and the repetitive recidivism of their actions and them make my informed decisions. I would never just get someone to cop a plea to something I could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt. My faith has taught me that. However today, our present day Family Court System has decided to be the judge and jury over men-in particular- with their narrow minded biased opinions and court orders. They have proven to all that they are not fit to sit in trial and to judge those it knows nothing about; simply on the whims of others who have brainwashed them into believing that theirs is the right course to take in matters concerning child support and fatherhood. Today there are many organizations out there fighting to change the status-quo and bring back the fathers into their rightful place. You see when mom and dad had their problems there wasn’t any biased Family court Judge there to alienate him, to subjugate him to a life of indentured servitude and disregard his rights. Yes, there were arguments and yes there were court appearances eventually -after mom felt no recourse- but, there never was a judge in the land that would ever stand between a man and his children. And yes many mistakes were made back then that alienated women and made them feel helpless and abandoned. But, how did all of that ever translate into what we have today? To where many men are treated like clowns by the system, by their families and sadly by their own children. A society where, almost 90% of women get automatic custody, even if they are not able or willing to share that responsibility with the fathers of their children? No, they’d rather take him to court and sue him over child support and sit back and collect -often a big fat checks- that most of them -will have spent- on themselves and give little back to the children. If I am wrong then why are there so many children sad, alone, abandoned, on medication, committing suicide, abusing drugs, prostituting themselves, in gangs, in foster care or with their grandparents, crying themselves to sleep, bruised and abused and going hungry every day right under the noses of the welfare agents and family court judges? Often as in some cases if not many, children are bludgeoned to death or put up for foster care or farmed out to some relative, far away. But to many, its all about that check and that child becomes another dollar in their pockets and not a person anymore. These are the issues seldom talked about today. Because our society wants us to know –but, before we know it they must white wash things a little, and skip a lot of the other stuff it finds unpalatable for our ears and eyes to absorb. I was listening today at another religious program and the topic was -feminism- and the effect it has had on women. Not one word about fathers or men except for when a guest commented how the feminists helped some men's sports programs out of schools. It seems that they were lumping together issues while at the same time trying very hard not to uncover things they had been taught to leave buried, such as the growing and debilitating Parental Alienation. Almost like those laying buried in one of my stories I posted on my website titled “Arrow Head Trail.” I never ever blamed my mother for her and dad’s troubles. I blamed the two of them. There was enough blame to go around -no one is perfect. Today, another Fathers day celebration will take place somewhere in America or some place in this world and a father’s place will be taken by another man -because the wall of parental alienation- is so powerful that it prohibits entrance to the unwanted real parent. One of the human emotions I learned in life was to know what it feels like to understand true shame. How people out there can feel no shame when they hurt a child or keep a father out of that child’s life is beyond comprehension? In my opinion it should be a crime; one that only God can understand in his infinite heart. Because, as a man, I can understand shamelessness but, it is difficult at times for me to see through all the apathy and hypocrisy of the shameless. Today during these Fathers Day celebrations throughout this land and this world -the stench of hypocrisy- from the homes and altars of this nation will rise high once again as it has at least for me over the past 30 years. No “baby” Daddy has never forgotten you; he's always loved you -more- than you may ever know!
The Greek Crisis is Far From Over
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11©
I just spoke to a dear friend from Greece who said if things get any worst they will have to make some dire decisions about their future. These are people who going back to the ninety’s where struggling under massive governmental restrictions on public sector employees -along with- out of control financial instabilities. I can remember being told how difficult it was for them to get their regular paychecks on time for months on in due to the mess they where in. Today as we can see -in the media- things appear to have gotten worst for many. Although they have been able to avert the worst case scenario -some- if not many- may have been expecting. What I can't figure out for the life of me is how any technologically advanced and industrially advanced nation/country with the best economists and financial think tanks can allow itself to falter into the muck and mire of default and probable collapse? My one recommendation would be to obligate these nations -including ours- to take part in an indefinite Financial Management Series of meetings with a Money Life Coach to learn how to handle their financial house! It could very well avert a life threatening situation don't you think?
Unions Getting a Bad Rap From the Right
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11©
After decades of disassociation and discontent as well as an air of mistrust towards unionization by many employees -of which- I was part of attempting to organize back in the day. It is clear now that racial divide being pioneered by our friends on the right will plunge-in the reality of the dire need to unioze once again.
Donating Food to Soup Kitchens; a No Brainer
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 © http;//
There's a petition circulating on that asks businesses; restaurants/giant food chains/ to donate food they would otherwise throw away on a daily basis. Donating these perishables to soup pantries and soup kitchens would make a dent on everyday starvation for many. There are sanitary shelf life issues as well as legal issues to be ironed out; however, many businesses and food merchants have for years given leftover food to churches and soup kitchens. But, the major large food chains have seemed to be shy of participating in- masse, because of the legal ramifications. I've eaten bread and other food items that have been somewhat passed their expiration dates and I am still here. It's the crucible of fear over what is healthy and what can create a liability.
My Network Comments on Systematic Exclusions of the Long Term Unemployed
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Good jobs must come with the guarantee of long term job security and a certain degree of benefits which brings me to my main point here. Government should be stepping up to the plate to insure that employers do not overlook ready and willing job candidates when looking to fill their capital resource needs; instead of favoring candidates that are or have been on public assistance -in order to get the federal tax credits- from the Workforce Initiatives Program. Congress "God willing" should also step up to the plate and insure that laws are put into place to protect the long term unemployed who are being -systematically overlooked- by employers in favor of recipients of public assistance. What the government -should do in effect- is to include into the Workforce Initiatives Program laws that will include the long term unemployed -so that- employers will have to include them into their hiring schemes.
Job's Tour Needs States Participation
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11© http;//
Another point which I have stressed everywhere is, that unless states are willing to jump on board and help to stimulate job growth by doing everything within their power to get businesses to build factories, manufacturing facilities and industries in urban and especially poor rural areas of their states- their will never be a successful jobs tour in this century that will reap the benefits it is hoping to find. America gave away a gross amount of its technology to Japan mainly as well as other nations during it's hay day of the 70's and it has never fully recovered from that blunder. The price it has had to pay began in the 1980's when Ronald Reagan was on a world wind tour to leave behind the greatest piece of Hollywood historical legacy. And it was exactly that "pure acting" when you are faced with the fact that the decade of the 80's brought America the highest number of homelessness seen since the great depression.
Prioritizing Defense Spending Dumbing Down Global Nuclear Arsenals Would benefit Cash Strapped Economies
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
The issue with our spendIng priorites is that Americans by this I mean the working classes and poor minorities have been sold a bill of goods by the defense department. Mainly that we need to keep on outspending our adversaries in order to maintain our
capabilities in pace with the latest technologies. The end result will be that we wil have build ourselves into a paupers grave. This is why I believe in Obama's Strategic Arms Control Program where we begin to deactivate and slow down the nuclear arms arsenal of nations. When we can have these aggreements in place and we begin to curtail production and reclaim nuclear fuels and by-products we can begin to reprioritize spending in to other areas of our economy.
The Quid Pro Quo Between the Family Court System, the State and The Federal Government Must be stopped Now!!
If Some Women Where to Work Out Their Differences With the Fathers of their Children Instead Of Filing Child Support Lawsuits -Maybe Then- Some of Their Poblems Would Disappear. In my Opinion; It seems easy for so many women to become dependent on a skewed Title V (model) that is Family Court supported, oppressively enforced through a Child Support "Bureaucracy", financed and suppervised through Federally Mandated Tax Payer Money along with the -hard earned confiscated money- from the tens of millions of fathers. Most of which are alienated no-custodial fathers
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Oh I forgot that women today have the authority and power of the United States Family Court System and the Justice Department to back them up. After all the states need the long arm of the law to help keep those Title V funds coming into their pockets. Why else would the state care wether a woman gets a support check or not?
Because, the states get a big fat paycheck for every man they place an order of child on!!!!
That is how the law is worded- quid pro quo-!
Maybe if more mothers would learn to work out their differences with the father's of these children -that they are alienating and placing major financial burdens on- by filing child support lawsuits; a major portion of this problem would be resolved. But -unfortunately few do- because, the lure of a big fat child support check has created generations of dysfunctional-single-parent-homes and children that have been and are being abused, discarded, drug addicted and ending up along the dark and blind alleys of America's skid rows
The Hidden Power of Collective Barganing and What the Other Side Doesn't Want you to Know
Jumping Through the Hoops of a Corrupt Family Court System; Hey it's afather's Day After All
By John R. Hernandez. Jr. 6/11(c)
The trouble with diminishing the strenght of collective bargaining is that union workers will eventualy lose the power to bargain as a whole; hence the best way to detroy the utility of a union (a collective) is to disinfranchise it's ability to protect the rights of all its members. Many politicians and business owners in"At Will" states have vehemently supported laws that disinfranchsie unions by allowing corporations and other businesses to bombard employees with PROGRAMS OF DISINFORMATION, (SCARE TACTICS); whose ultimate aim is to discredit the utility and value that unions provide. While wages in some of these states have tried to keep pace with the cost of living and many have been seen to be slighltly above; the fact remains that these types of employers are not required to protect your job security concerns and or the fact that your going to be laid off or let go at will. Unions on the other hand are there to protect the job security of the entire work force it serves. Without job protection and or benefits which is the case in many of these "AT WILL" states, WHERE you can be let go at any time because THERE IS NO JOB SECURITY. The only exception to the rule are in cases where you are engaged in a contractual agreement, a victim of discrimnation and or a whistleblower. However, unions don’t just only protect job security but they also protect your peace of mind while are at your job; because employers and supervisors would think twice before causing you any disparaging treatment during working hours.
John R. Hernandez 2011
Further Notes on the Need to Amend Workforce Innitiative to Include the Long Term Unemployed
By John R. Hernandez,Jr. 6/1©
This so true!! There are some companies out there that prefer to hire those on public assistance! But what get's my goose is the lenghts that they will go to hire them. I actualy got to see one questionere from one company that repeatedly asked the same question over and over by changing the words around. For example: 1) Have you been a recipient of public assistance within the past twelve months? 2). Have you or anyone in your household ever been on public assistance within the past 18 months? 3) Has anyone in your household dating back to 1997 been on public assistance for a period of 12 months and those 12 months were within the past 3 years? and on and on almost like they are trying to get you to say, "yes". Now I am nor saying that that is what they are trying to get you to do, but it does seem fishy that they would keep askng the same question over and over again and again ad infinitum! What I am trying to say is that it gives the apperaeance that they are particularly interested in recipients of prsesnt or previous assistance and this would seem to make them look suspicious to me!.
In answer to Simone’s comment:
And yes an Expedited Amendment by the Executive Branch or Congress itself would better serve all Americans by providing for the constitutional gurantees of the long term unemployed! By including the long term unemployed within the framework of laws that provide benefits for other Americans this would help to create a level playing field for all. Most companies have plenty of jobs to go around but when they are focused on hiring one group of individuals over others this provides a disservice to job applicants; when asked to come to interview and they answer these questions negativelly they may not hear back from the company other than an email or note that says, "Thank you for your interest in employment with us and though your experience and interest is as competetive as the others the hiring department has decided to pursue another candidate, please look over some of the other jobs we may have available and thank you for your interest in working with....." The fact remains that companies will do everything within their power to circumvent the system to their advantage in order to get the highest and best return for their capital resource investments. Tweaking the sytem to get a higher return of Workforce Innitiative Job Credits is not beyond the realm of human greed when money is at stake!
Lets Make Expanded and Free Transportation for Those in Rural Areas a Law Now
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Here is another link to a petition I am sponsoring to get a law passed to help provide free and expanded transportation for the poor and needy in rural and urban areas. It's been a hot summer out there in many parts of the nation and many local poor residents can be found waiting long hours for public transportation providers who are often late to arrive if their are any in those areas at all. Sending a message to Washington that we are not going to forget the most needy and helpless members of our society during these hot summer months. Having your own car or van is a luxury some Americans can't afford. They can't enjoy the pleasures of an air conditioned auto!! But we can make sure that they are treated with dignity.
Go here and sign up now.
Also don't forget to check out my poetry book titled "In the Birth of a New Dawn" at with 20% discount by using code TK62P and thank you for enjoying and commenting on my posts here and all over the internet, but especially on my New Dawn Media websites!! What I am doing here is what I have been doing -on and off- for the past 20 years; which is to try and keep the public informed on issues that affect our communities. The word of the Lord says, "Nock and it will be opened unto you, seek and you shall find, spilling over and pressed firmly." [my emphasis added]
This is My Take on the Proposed Jobs Tour(PART I)
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Good jobs must come with the guarantee of long term job security and a certain degree of benefits which brings me to my main point here. Government should be stepping up to the plate to insure that employers do not overlook ready and willing job candidates when... looking to fill their capital resource needs; instead of favoring candidates that are or have been on public assistance -in order to get the federal tax credits- from the Workforce Innitiatives Program. Congress "God willing" should also step up to the plate and insure that laws are put into place to protect the long term unemployed who are being -systematically overlooked- by employers in favor of recipients of public assistance. What the government -should do in effect- is to include into the Workforce Innitiatives Program laws that will include the long term unemployed- so that-employers will have to include them into their hiring schemes.
Raise the Minimum Wage for Rural Poor Too!
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Poor quality of educational services, lack of fair wages, lack of adequate jobs, lack of adequate transportation services, meager medical services, poor housing quality and high rents without adequate ventilation in the summer and poor heating in the winters along with no job security to boot! $10.00 an hour for poor rural residents should just about cover it, don't you think?
While your at it, let's help bring industry and improve farm subsidies into rural areas to help the working poor and help rpovide poor farmers the tools they need to better compete with the national monopolies and foreign producer. This would go far in helping them earn a livable wage; so, that many of them won't have to close down.
My Comment on Helping to Reduce Prison Population
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Better yet lets create a federal program to catch children while they are impressionable and easy prey to gangs and others who would subvert them into a life of crime and uselesness?
I Support Raising the Minimum Wage to Help Stimulate the Economy for Rural Poor as Well
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
New Dawn Media Communications supports raising the minimum wage to keep pace with inflation and help stimulate this ecomnomy. Imagine waiters and waitresses making $2.83 per hour? I worked in a restaurant for many years back in the day and the abuse that these folks go through not only by employers but by customers is appaling.
The Inheritance of Poverty
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Most of us go around never really understanding the meaning of why some are poor and others are rich. It's like two different worlds out there and the poor are given just enough to get by and keep their mouths shut. You see, despite where I may be in life I could never forget where I came from. Unlike, some out there who think that wrapping their lives around fortune and fame is gonna keep them from getting mud on their feet. There are more trillions spent on keeping the poor; helpless, defenseless, and hopeless; than there is spent on all the social programs ever established. If you want to increase poverty just take away the programs that help to keep a roof over their heads and food in their bellies. The reason Christ turned the tables on the money changers in the synagogues was not because of where they were but because of the high interest they were charging the poor from all their financial scams.
Tags: poverty as controlled constraint, the ethnography of poverty, the gethoization of the underclasses, drugs as the opiate of the lower classes.
Romance Poetry
Stay tuned for an important news bulletin;
My book, "In the Birth of a New Dawn" is now available at and I am offering a 20% discount (off retail price) by using code TK62P at checkout! Enjoy reading it and let me know which pieces you absolutely liked and don't forget to visit my other sites at wordpress and and leave your contributions and comments. Also, be on the lookout for my next book titled, "Beyond the Dawn" proposed release in June 2011.
You can also pick up a copy at Barnes&Noble, and via the apps.
Please link to and sign this petition, 15 million unemployed workers will appreciate it!
My Message to the Milions of Americans on the UNEMPLOYMENT Lines
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 (c)
I know so many people out there are hurting and they have about given up or have given up. Some of us are still hanging on and we have to be strong for all the rest out there who need us to be strong. We are their voices, we are their strength, we are -to many of them- their last hope. Because they have been led to feel that there is no way out of this darkness and pain. That things will never be the same, the way it was and the way it is now for them. We have to be strong, if you've never prayed or gotten on your knees it's time! 15 Million Americans are out there somewhere tonight looking for hope. This petition may not open all the doors or answer all the questions, but it is one powerful step all of you are taking for your fellow brother and sister or aunt or uncle or father or mother. You must know by now my posts can be long at times and then they can be short. But, you just can't say enough about how much we all love our nation, our families, and our neighbors-yes- even when we wish they were on an extended vacation to Neptune. When we look at the headlines and see the issues in Greece, Japan, and so many other places that have suffered great financial or natural disasters you must admit that we have been slightly blessed. But we still have a long way to go, we still have to do our duty, because if we fail, who will be left to lift us up, to help carry us the rest of the way? We are the first line of defense when it comes to communicating our desires to those above us who are waiting for our marching orders. This petition and all the rest that deal with social change, with social activism, with helping the unemployed and the poor. That deal with our ressucitating our economic infrastructure, protecting our children, renewing our school systems, reforming our family court systems(which for far too long have been in need of a valuable amount of reform). With reshaping the battlefield of ideas and letting this nation know and those on Capital Hill, that we demand to see real change! We demand that corporations include all the unemployed in their hiring agendas or they will answer to us for the tricky underhanded actions they take against the most vulnerable. That we will map out a strategy to get each and every member of Congress and Senate and every board member of every corporation that was bailed out within the last several years, and demand their participation on Capital Hill; to show to the world and to this nation how it is that all of them are gonna figure out a way to bring the jobs back -that they have allowed to slip away. That they will roll their sleeves up and figure out ways to help put most if not all of the 15 million unemployed back to work; with a fair and decent living wage, with fair and adequate benefits, and with the promise of long term job security. This is not something we are asking for; it is something we are demanding –because- the money that they took when they were being bailed out regardless of wether they paid it all or most back; was given to them out of tax payer funds that this government gets from all this nations citizens. And now it is time for those on Capital Hill and those in Corporate America to get with the program and answer the calling of the American people. And as far as the "Far Right" is concerned we got a message for them, too. Stop the back biting, bickering and finger pointing, because there are trillions of reasons why the American people are sick and tired of their empty promises. It's time those on the right got a wake up call and smelled the coffee burning. We are not gonna fall for your "Contract with America" empty gestures; or your how this time you got a better contract for this nation. We are tired of your contracts! It's time all you on the "Right" stood up admitted your wrong and joined the rest of the American people in turning this calamity around that no doubt -you too- have helped to get us all into. And it starts with getting together with your counterparts on the "Left" and Corporate America and sitting down and acting as mature men and women and do the right thing for which this nation has elected and is paying you to do. You all think that because you are public servants you are sacrificing something for the American people; well I hate to burst your bubble but last time I looked all of you are getting a paycheck! Your paychecks are signed by the US Treasury, but, the funds you get come from the American people and don't you ever forget that. Oh and by the way this is still One Nation Under God! In case you’re wondering where we get our authority.
"If I Could Believe?"
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 (c)
If I could believe in that look in your eyes ,once again, like I've done so many times before. Like when you walked in and out that door; like when you said, "I am Sorry I Hurt You baby". Like when you swore you'd never do it again just as I gave back in. Like when you touched me and held me close or when you'd call in the middle of the night crying your heart out. Pretending you meant every word you'd swore to me. If only I could believe?
Below is a short letter/email you can send to everyone you know about what we are doing to bring social change! You have my permission to use it to help get the message out.
We've just created a petition entitled Include Long Term Unemployed into the Federally Mandated Guidelines of Workforce Initiatives, because I care deeply about this very important issue. I'm trying to collect 20,000,000 (Million) signatures and I could really use your help. It sounds impossible, but after all, there are probably that many folks unemployed that if they knew of this petition they may all sign it.
To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here:
It'll just take a minute!
Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!
Please link to and sign this petition, Millions of poor rural residents will appreciate it!!
Looking Back at June 2011
Included are a List of Posts; Comments on Faith and Values, Fathers and Chidren, my forth coming book titled "The Day After", My Efforts on Behalf of Social Activism, Current Events and New Poetry from John R. Hernandez, Jr. Coming Book Titled "Beyond the Dawn"
“The Day After”
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2011
After the thunder and lighting subsided and the rains -seized falling- there was light and the heavens opened up and Angels in the millions and millions hovered above and stood before a white heavenly cloud and -all at once- clapped their hands and the cloud disappeared. And what appeared to be a City of Gold that shined like diamonds sat upon their shoulders; and there were guards of the Most High that carried swords of fire with smoke bellowing from them. Who'd returned to meet the rest, who'd bowed down as we all did for His face was like the fire of a hundred suns. But it didn’t burn me -it was cool to the touch- or so I thought I'd touched His face. And children by the millions kneeled praising Him and all the elders before his throne stood praising Him and all those who'd gone before us -stood by us- and greeted us and welcomed us. It was dark when I awoke -in the early morning hours- the day after the Great Tribulation when the armies of the Most High destroyed the armies of the evil one -in one great battle. And now I could see the sun rising up again, they had pushed back darkness into the great abyss; this is where they went those seekers of knowledge, who sought after the furthest of the heavens. Believing themselves to be like the Most High they called themselves the "Knowers" those who peer into the smallest of places trying to find God -trying to make Him talk- to get Him to stand before them. To get Him to listen to them, to obey their demands, to make Him appear -as frail as all of them- and the fires descended from the heavens and their eyes were shut closed. From the mighty fires that swooped down upon them like the days of Pentecost. They could be seen speaking in tongues and crying before the Great Presence of The Lord of Hosts and all his Guardian Angels. That cried out with a loud voice and who made the mountains tremble and the earth shake and the oceans spill their great waters unto the lands of the Pacific and of the Atlantic and swell in many places. And I stood in awe of all of this...trembling and shaking and speechless praising the Almighty with -all my heart- and all my soul and all my strength.....
John R. Hernandez, Jr.
Below are links to great causes we need to support
A Fathers Day Message
By John R. Hernandez. Jr. © 6/11
Oh, I am sorry, did I forget to wish all fathers out there -who have a healthy relationship with their children- a grand and memorable Fathers Day Celebration. And to all of you non-custodial -alienated- fathers out there; my heart and prayers are with you till the grave! A child should never be alienated from either parent –because- of the custodial parent's (Antisocial Personality Disorder) a psychosomatic aberration that causes a person to be unwilling to find common ground or respect for the God given and Universal Rights of the non-custodial parent. No doubt there are plenty of men out there who don’t deserve a woman’s willingness to meet half way; since all forms of mediation have been useless –beyond- what the law would deem a reasonable doubt. However, this does not excuse either or both parents from attempting to find the means for which they can help to provide some sort of a two parent presence in both their child’s lives. Having said this, I realize that there are circumstances beyond the control of both parents that demand outside intervention –again- if both parents and the state are really acting within the goodwill-framework of the best interest of the child. They can and should look at the best interest of the child. But that is of course in the smallest of minorities from what I’ve seen. Does this sound like you?
More to say about this in future installments.....However, if you wish to study the issue of "Parental Alienation" I would refer you to one off my favorite sites,
For follow-up on issues concerning family court reform and equal parenting news I would refer you to another of my favorite sites,
On a spiritual level I would refer you to the story of Gomer and Hosea.
Promises to Keep
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Every year I am reminded of so many things especially around the holidays but never does my gut cringe, my fists swell or my heart ache as when Mothers and Fathers day celebrations roll along. I think of my dad and the promise I made to God that I would never let what had happened to me and to us as a family –happen- to my children. But sometimes, one needs more than just words, because, to some they just won’t do. Often time’s the promises that we make are broken by us. But, when they are broken by others we love and trust it can cut like a knife. Our children are our greatest treasure and they deserve every ounce of all our love. But sometimes life isn’t that simple and forces beyond our control can destroy even the best laid plans. My mom and dad had their falling out -so much so that- dad went his way and mom, well, mom was like one of those old fashion girls, she kept her distance but, hung on for the sake of the family. She tried her best to put up with his drinking and gallivanting. My dad tried to be a good father; he built beautiful hoes for her she would later describe to me as, “jut like a doll house”. But, he was from the -old school- too, but, a much different one than mom. He believed the stern arm of discipline to squelch disobedience even though he himself felt he was like so many fathers in those days -exempt from the laws he handed down- to us. Their break- up eventually grew broader -so much so- that he eventually flew to New York and left it all behind; except for the other woman he had made a new home with. Mom being the stubborn kind packed all of us into that airplane and flew us to New York -never letting him forget- that he had a family and responsibilities to deal with. His stubbornness’ and hers went on and the bickering and arguing eventually seized. So much that after cutting a deal with him he was allowed to come and spend time with us; the younger ones my sister and I. I remember when he would visit and how badly I would want to taste one of those special burgers he would buy for me down at the local bowling alley or some restaurant where he’d stop to get a drink. I could see he was proud and bold in his own quiet and firm way; for those moments he got to spend with his children. I am sure he wondered back in time at the days when him and mom tried to live as equals under one roof. Their break up and the damage that it had on my soul and mind almost broke me into pieces -when I was very young. I felt the struggle within and without as I sat in front of the television set trying to hide the convulsions -I would regularly go through. You have to put yourself back into the mind of a child to remember these things because many of us block things out and forget it all. But, I chose to remember the pain and to never forget it –because- I never wanted it to happen to my children. Some thing’s in life are worth the cost of sacrifice and others we pay dearly for in the process of getting our point thru or accomplishing our goals and the fulfilling the promises we make to ourselves. Despite our imperfections our children deserve the best we can afford to offer them. The taste of that hamburger and the look on dad's face meant the world to me, but I knew of their indifferences and moods and so I held a lot inside. Let me tell you that never a day went by that I didn’t feel left out of something and or out of place or that I just didn’t belong. I am not going to try and brainwash you into believing or transforming your believes into mine. I believe what I believe, because, ever since my childhood I felt different; I felt a calling tugging at me. Those were experiences and messages that have helped to transform my life and my walk in Christ. I look at a person and try not to judge but, if I was on some jury I would look at all the testimony and the factual proof, their words, and the repetitive recidivism of their actions and them make my informed decisions. I would never just get someone to cop a plea to something I could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt. My faith has taught me that. However today, our present day Family Court System has decided to be the judge and jury over men-in particular- with their narrow minded biased opinions and court orders. They have proven to all that they are not fit to sit in trial and to judge those it knows nothing about; simply on the whims of others who have brainwashed them into believing that theirs is the right course to take in matters concerning child support and fatherhood. Today there are many organizations out there fighting to change the status-quo and bring back the fathers into their rightful place. You see when mom and dad had their problems there wasn’t any biased Family court Judge there to alienate him, to subjugate him to a life of indentured servitude and disregard his rights. Yes, there were arguments and yes there were court appearances eventually -after mom felt no recourse- but, there never was a judge in the land that would ever stand between a man and his children. And yes many mistakes were made back then that alienated women and made them feel helpless and abandoned. But, how did all of that ever translate into what we have today? To where many men are treated like clowns by the system, by their families and sadly by their own children. A society where, almost 90% of women get automatic custody, even if they are not able or willing to share that responsibility with the fathers of their children? No, they’d rather take him to court and sue him over child support and sit back and collect -often a big fat checks- that most of them -will have spent- on themselves and give little back to the children. If I am wrong then why are there so many children sad, alone, abandoned, on medication, committing suicide, abusing drugs, prostituting themselves, in gangs, in foster care or with their grandparents, crying themselves to sleep, bruised and abused and going hungry every day right under the noses of the welfare agents and family court judges? Often as in some cases if not many, children are bludgeoned to death or put up for foster care or farmed out to some relative, far away. But to many, its all about that check and that child becomes another dollar in their pockets and not a person anymore. These are the issues seldom talked about today. Because our society wants us to know –but, before we know it they must white wash things a little, and skip a lot of the other stuff it finds unpalatable for our ears and eyes to absorb. I was listening today at another religious program and the topic was -feminism- and the effect it has had on women. Not one word about fathers or men except for when a guest commented how the feminists helped some men's sports programs out of schools. It seems that they were lumping together issues while at the same time trying very hard not to uncover things they had been taught to leave buried, such as the growing and debilitating Parental Alienation. Almost like those laying buried in one of my stories I posted on my website titled “Arrow Head Trail.” I never ever blamed my mother for her and dad’s troubles. I blamed the two of them. There was enough blame to go around -no one is perfect. Today, another Fathers day celebration will take place somewhere in America or some place in this world and a father’s place will be taken by another man -because the wall of parental alienation- is so powerful that it prohibits entrance to the unwanted real parent. One of the human emotions I learned in life was to know what it feels like to understand true shame. How people out there can feel no shame when they hurt a child or keep a father out of that child’s life is beyond comprehension? In my opinion it should be a crime; one that only God can understand in his infinite heart. Because, as a man, I can understand shamelessness but, it is difficult at times for me to see through all the apathy and hypocrisy of the shameless. Today during these Fathers Day celebrations throughout this land and this world -the stench of hypocrisy- from the homes and altars of this nation will rise high once again as it has at least for me over the past 30 years. No “baby” Daddy has never forgotten you; he's always loved you -more- than you may ever know!
The Greek Crisis is Far From Over
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11©
I just spoke to a dear friend from Greece who said if things get any worst they will have to make some dire decisions about their future. These are people who going back to the ninety’s where struggling under massive governmental restrictions on public sector employees -along with- out of control financial instabilities. I can remember being told how difficult it was for them to get their regular paychecks on time for months on in due to the mess they where in. Today as we can see -in the media- things appear to have gotten worst for many. Although they have been able to avert the worst case scenario -some- if not many- may have been expecting. What I can't figure out for the life of me is how any technologically advanced and industrially advanced nation/country with the best economists and financial think tanks can allow itself to falter into the muck and mire of default and probable collapse? My one recommendation would be to obligate these nations -including ours- to take part in an indefinite Financial Management Series of meetings with a Money Life Coach to learn how to handle their financial house! It could very well avert a life threatening situation don't you think?
Unions Getting a Bad Rap From the Right
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11©
After decades of disassociation and discontent as well as an air of mistrust towards unionization by many employees -of which- I was part of attempting to organize back in the day. It is clear now that racial divide being pioneered by our friends on the right will plunge-in the reality of the dire need to unioze once again.
Donating Food to Soup Kitchens; a No Brainer
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 © http;//
There's a petition circulating on that asks businesses; restaurants/giant food chains/ to donate food they would otherwise throw away on a daily basis. Donating these perishables to soup pantries and soup kitchens would make a dent on everyday starvation for many. There are sanitary shelf life issues as well as legal issues to be ironed out; however, many businesses and food merchants have for years given leftover food to churches and soup kitchens. But, the major large food chains have seemed to be shy of participating in- masse, because of the legal ramifications. I've eaten bread and other food items that have been somewhat passed their expiration dates and I am still here. It's the crucible of fear over what is healthy and what can create a liability.
My Network Comments on Systematic Exclusions of the Long Term Unemployed
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Good jobs must come with the guarantee of long term job security and a certain degree of benefits which brings me to my main point here. Government should be stepping up to the plate to insure that employers do not overlook ready and willing job candidates when looking to fill their capital resource needs; instead of favoring candidates that are or have been on public assistance -in order to get the federal tax credits- from the Workforce Initiatives Program. Congress "God willing" should also step up to the plate and insure that laws are put into place to protect the long term unemployed who are being -systematically overlooked- by employers in favor of recipients of public assistance. What the government -should do in effect- is to include into the Workforce Initiatives Program laws that will include the long term unemployed -so that- employers will have to include them into their hiring schemes.
Job's Tour Needs States Participation
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11© http;//
Another point which I have stressed everywhere is, that unless states are willing to jump on board and help to stimulate job growth by doing everything within their power to get businesses to build factories, manufacturing facilities and industries in urban and especially poor rural areas of their states- their will never be a successful jobs tour in this century that will reap the benefits it is hoping to find. America gave away a gross amount of its technology to Japan mainly as well as other nations during it's hay day of the 70's and it has never fully recovered from that blunder. The price it has had to pay began in the 1980's when Ronald Reagan was on a world wind tour to leave behind the greatest piece of Hollywood historical legacy. And it was exactly that "pure acting" when you are faced with the fact that the decade of the 80's brought America the highest number of homelessness seen since the great depression.
Prioritizing Defense Spending Dumbing Down Global Nuclear Arsenals Would benefit Cash Strapped Economies
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
The issue with our spendIng priorites is that Americans by this I mean the working classes and poor minorities have been sold a bill of goods by the defense department. Mainly that we need to keep on outspending our adversaries in order to maintain our
capabilities in pace with the latest technologies. The end result will be that we wil have build ourselves into a paupers grave. This is why I believe in Obama's Strategic Arms Control Program where we begin to deactivate and slow down the nuclear arms arsenal of nations. When we can have these aggreements in place and we begin to curtail production and reclaim nuclear fuels and by-products we can begin to reprioritize spending in to other areas of our economy.
The Quid Pro Quo Between the Family Court System, the State and The Federal Government Must be stopped Now!!
If Some Women Where to Work Out Their Differences With the Fathers of their Children Instead Of Filing Child Support Lawsuits -Maybe Then- Some of Their Poblems Would Disappear. In my Opinion; It seems easy for so many women to become dependent on a skewed Title V (model) that is Family Court supported, oppressively enforced through a Child Support "Bureaucracy", financed and suppervised through Federally Mandated Tax Payer Money along with the -hard earned confiscated money- from the tens of millions of fathers. Most of which are alienated no-custodial fathers
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Oh I forgot that women today have the authority and power of the United States Family Court System and the Justice Department to back them up. After all the states need the long arm of the law to help keep those Title V funds coming into their pockets. Why else would the state care wether a woman gets a support check or not?
Because, the states get a big fat paycheck for every man they place an order of child on!!!!
That is how the law is worded- quid pro quo-!
Maybe if more mothers would learn to work out their differences with the father's of these children -that they are alienating and placing major financial burdens on- by filing child support lawsuits; a major portion of this problem would be resolved. But -unfortunately few do- because, the lure of a big fat child support check has created generations of dysfunctional-single-parent-homes and children that have been and are being abused, discarded, drug addicted and ending up along the dark and blind alleys of America's skid rows
The Hidden Power of Collective Barganing and What the Other Side Doesn't Want you to Know
Jumping Through the Hoops of a Corrupt Family Court System; Hey it's afather's Day After All
By John R. Hernandez. Jr. 6/11(c)
The trouble with diminishing the strenght of collective bargaining is that union workers will eventualy lose the power to bargain as a whole; hence the best way to detroy the utility of a union (a collective) is to disinfranchise it's ability to protect the rights of all its members. Many politicians and business owners in"At Will" states have vehemently supported laws that disinfranchsie unions by allowing corporations and other businesses to bombard employees with PROGRAMS OF DISINFORMATION, (SCARE TACTICS); whose ultimate aim is to discredit the utility and value that unions provide. While wages in some of these states have tried to keep pace with the cost of living and many have been seen to be slighltly above; the fact remains that these types of employers are not required to protect your job security concerns and or the fact that your going to be laid off or let go at will. Unions on the other hand are there to protect the job security of the entire work force it serves. Without job protection and or benefits which is the case in many of these "AT WILL" states, WHERE you can be let go at any time because THERE IS NO JOB SECURITY. The only exception to the rule are in cases where you are engaged in a contractual agreement, a victim of discrimnation and or a whistleblower. However, unions don’t just only protect job security but they also protect your peace of mind while are at your job; because employers and supervisors would think twice before causing you any disparaging treatment during working hours.
John R. Hernandez 2011
Further Notes on the Need to Amend Workforce Innitiative to Include the Long Term Unemployed
By John R. Hernandez,Jr. 6/1©
This so true!! There are some companies out there that prefer to hire those on public assistance! But what get's my goose is the lenghts that they will go to hire them. I actualy got to see one questionere from one company that repeatedly asked the same question over and over by changing the words around. For example: 1) Have you been a recipient of public assistance within the past twelve months? 2). Have you or anyone in your household ever been on public assistance within the past 18 months? 3) Has anyone in your household dating back to 1997 been on public assistance for a period of 12 months and those 12 months were within the past 3 years? and on and on almost like they are trying to get you to say, "yes". Now I am nor saying that that is what they are trying to get you to do, but it does seem fishy that they would keep askng the same question over and over again and again ad infinitum! What I am trying to say is that it gives the apperaeance that they are particularly interested in recipients of prsesnt or previous assistance and this would seem to make them look suspicious to me!.
In answer to Simone’s comment:
And yes an Expedited Amendment by the Executive Branch or Congress itself would better serve all Americans by providing for the constitutional gurantees of the long term unemployed! By including the long term unemployed within the framework of laws that provide benefits for other Americans this would help to create a level playing field for all. Most companies have plenty of jobs to go around but when they are focused on hiring one group of individuals over others this provides a disservice to job applicants; when asked to come to interview and they answer these questions negativelly they may not hear back from the company other than an email or note that says, "Thank you for your interest in employment with us and though your experience and interest is as competetive as the others the hiring department has decided to pursue another candidate, please look over some of the other jobs we may have available and thank you for your interest in working with....." The fact remains that companies will do everything within their power to circumvent the system to their advantage in order to get the highest and best return for their capital resource investments. Tweaking the sytem to get a higher return of Workforce Innitiative Job Credits is not beyond the realm of human greed when money is at stake!
Lets Make Expanded and Free Transportation for Those in Rural Areas a Law Now
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Here is another link to a petition I am sponsoring to get a law passed to help provide free and expanded transportation for the poor and needy in rural and urban areas. It's been a hot summer out there in many parts of the nation and many local poor residents can be found waiting long hours for public transportation providers who are often late to arrive if their are any in those areas at all. Sending a message to Washington that we are not going to forget the most needy and helpless members of our society during these hot summer months. Having your own car or van is a luxury some Americans can't afford. They can't enjoy the pleasures of an air conditioned auto!! But we can make sure that they are treated with dignity.
Go here and sign up now.
Also don't forget to check out my poetry book titled "In the Birth of a New Dawn" at with 20% discount by using code TK62P and thank you for enjoying and commenting on my posts here and all over the internet, but especially on my New Dawn Media websites!! What I am doing here is what I have been doing -on and off- for the past 20 years; which is to try and keep the public informed on issues that affect our communities. The word of the Lord says, "Nock and it will be opened unto you, seek and you shall find, spilling over and pressed firmly." [my emphasis added]
This is My Take on the Proposed Jobs Tour(PART I)
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Good jobs must come with the guarantee of long term job security and a certain degree of benefits which brings me to my main point here. Government should be stepping up to the plate to insure that employers do not overlook ready and willing job candidates when... looking to fill their capital resource needs; instead of favoring candidates that are or have been on public assistance -in order to get the federal tax credits- from the Workforce Innitiatives Program. Congress "God willing" should also step up to the plate and insure that laws are put into place to protect the long term unemployed who are being -systematically overlooked- by employers in favor of recipients of public assistance. What the government -should do in effect- is to include into the Workforce Innitiatives Program laws that will include the long term unemployed- so that-employers will have to include them into their hiring schemes.
Raise the Minimum Wage for Rural Poor Too!
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Poor quality of educational services, lack of fair wages, lack of adequate jobs, lack of adequate transportation services, meager medical services, poor housing quality and high rents without adequate ventilation in the summer and poor heating in the winters along with no job security to boot! $10.00 an hour for poor rural residents should just about cover it, don't you think?
While your at it, let's help bring industry and improve farm subsidies into rural areas to help the working poor and help rpovide poor farmers the tools they need to better compete with the national monopolies and foreign producer. This would go far in helping them earn a livable wage; so, that many of them won't have to close down.
My Comment on Helping to Reduce Prison Population
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Better yet lets create a federal program to catch children while they are impressionable and easy prey to gangs and others who would subvert them into a life of crime and uselesness?
I Support Raising the Minimum Wage to Help Stimulate the Economy for Rural Poor as Well
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
New Dawn Media Communications supports raising the minimum wage to keep pace with inflation and help stimulate this ecomnomy. Imagine waiters and waitresses making $2.83 per hour? I worked in a restaurant for many years back in the day and the abuse that these folks go through not only by employers but by customers is appaling.
The Inheritance of Poverty
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 ©
Most of us go around never really understanding the meaning of why some are poor and others are rich. It's like two different worlds out there and the poor are given just enough to get by and keep their mouths shut. You see, despite where I may be in life I could never forget where I came from. Unlike, some out there who think that wrapping their lives around fortune and fame is gonna keep them from getting mud on their feet. There are more trillions spent on keeping the poor; helpless, defenseless, and hopeless; than there is spent on all the social programs ever established. If you want to increase poverty just take away the programs that help to keep a roof over their heads and food in their bellies. The reason Christ turned the tables on the money changers in the synagogues was not because of where they were but because of the high interest they were charging the poor from all their financial scams.
Tags: poverty as controlled constraint, the ethnography of poverty, the gethoization of the underclasses, drugs as the opiate of the lower classes.
Romance Poetry
Stay tuned for an important news bulletin;
My book, "In the Birth of a New Dawn" is now available at and I am offering a 20% discount (off retail price) by using code TK62P at checkout! Enjoy reading it and let me know which pieces you absolutely liked and don't forget to visit my other sites at wordpress and and leave your contributions and comments. Also, be on the lookout for my next book titled, "Beyond the Dawn" proposed release in June 2011.
You can also pick up a copy at Barnes&Noble, and via the apps.
Please link to and sign this petition, 15 million unemployed workers will appreciate it!
My Message to the Milions of Americans on the UNEMPLOYMENT Lines
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 (c)
I know so many people out there are hurting and they have about given up or have given up. Some of us are still hanging on and we have to be strong for all the rest out there who need us to be strong. We are their voices, we are their strength, we are -to many of them- their last hope. Because they have been led to feel that there is no way out of this darkness and pain. That things will never be the same, the way it was and the way it is now for them. We have to be strong, if you've never prayed or gotten on your knees it's time! 15 Million Americans are out there somewhere tonight looking for hope. This petition may not open all the doors or answer all the questions, but it is one powerful step all of you are taking for your fellow brother and sister or aunt or uncle or father or mother. You must know by now my posts can be long at times and then they can be short. But, you just can't say enough about how much we all love our nation, our families, and our neighbors-yes- even when we wish they were on an extended vacation to Neptune. When we look at the headlines and see the issues in Greece, Japan, and so many other places that have suffered great financial or natural disasters you must admit that we have been slightly blessed. But we still have a long way to go, we still have to do our duty, because if we fail, who will be left to lift us up, to help carry us the rest of the way? We are the first line of defense when it comes to communicating our desires to those above us who are waiting for our marching orders. This petition and all the rest that deal with social change, with social activism, with helping the unemployed and the poor. That deal with our ressucitating our economic infrastructure, protecting our children, renewing our school systems, reforming our family court systems(which for far too long have been in need of a valuable amount of reform). With reshaping the battlefield of ideas and letting this nation know and those on Capital Hill, that we demand to see real change! We demand that corporations include all the unemployed in their hiring agendas or they will answer to us for the tricky underhanded actions they take against the most vulnerable. That we will map out a strategy to get each and every member of Congress and Senate and every board member of every corporation that was bailed out within the last several years, and demand their participation on Capital Hill; to show to the world and to this nation how it is that all of them are gonna figure out a way to bring the jobs back -that they have allowed to slip away. That they will roll their sleeves up and figure out ways to help put most if not all of the 15 million unemployed back to work; with a fair and decent living wage, with fair and adequate benefits, and with the promise of long term job security. This is not something we are asking for; it is something we are demanding –because- the money that they took when they were being bailed out regardless of wether they paid it all or most back; was given to them out of tax payer funds that this government gets from all this nations citizens. And now it is time for those on Capital Hill and those in Corporate America to get with the program and answer the calling of the American people. And as far as the "Far Right" is concerned we got a message for them, too. Stop the back biting, bickering and finger pointing, because there are trillions of reasons why the American people are sick and tired of their empty promises. It's time those on the right got a wake up call and smelled the coffee burning. We are not gonna fall for your "Contract with America" empty gestures; or your how this time you got a better contract for this nation. We are tired of your contracts! It's time all you on the "Right" stood up admitted your wrong and joined the rest of the American people in turning this calamity around that no doubt -you too- have helped to get us all into. And it starts with getting together with your counterparts on the "Left" and Corporate America and sitting down and acting as mature men and women and do the right thing for which this nation has elected and is paying you to do. You all think that because you are public servants you are sacrificing something for the American people; well I hate to burst your bubble but last time I looked all of you are getting a paycheck! Your paychecks are signed by the US Treasury, but, the funds you get come from the American people and don't you ever forget that. Oh and by the way this is still One Nation Under God! In case you’re wondering where we get our authority.
"If I Could Believe?"
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. 6/11 (c)
If I could believe in that look in your eyes ,once again, like I've done so many times before. Like when you walked in and out that door; like when you said, "I am Sorry I Hurt You baby". Like when you swore you'd never do it again just as I gave back in. Like when you touched me and held me close or when you'd call in the middle of the night crying your heart out. Pretending you meant every word you'd swore to me. If only I could believe?
Below is a short letter/email you can send to everyone you know about what we are doing to bring social change! You have my permission to use it to help get the message out.
We've just created a petition entitled Include Long Term Unemployed into the Federally Mandated Guidelines of Workforce Initiatives, because I care deeply about this very important issue. I'm trying to collect 20,000,000 (Million) signatures and I could really use your help. It sounds impossible, but after all, there are probably that many folks unemployed that if they knew of this petition they may all sign it.
To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here:
It'll just take a minute!
Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!
Please link to and sign this petition, Millions of poor rural residents will appreciate it!!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Causes We Believe In and A Bonus Gift From My New Book "Beyond the Dawn"
I just created a petition entitled Make Free and Expanded Transportation for Local Poor People in Rural Areas a Law, because I care deeply about this very important issue.
I'm trying to collect 100,000 signatures, and I could really use your help.
To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, highlight this url and paste it to your address bar and click on it to go bring up my petition site or just try clicking on it. However your best bet will be to go directly to the site and do an easy petition search on the top right hand corner for our petition. We've experienced an inability to get the following links to work. But if your passionate about things like these that are near and dear to your heart and ours, I am sure you'll be willing to go the distance. What ever it takes to get it done!!
It'll just take a minute!
Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!
"You want to know what drives my life? What makes my heart pump? All the causes that deal with helping the less fortunate. To me there is no greater reward on earth than to feel the rush of having given to those who seldom ever get a fair shake in life."
John R. Hernandez, Jr.
Below is A Free Peek at What You Can Find in My New Book "Beyond the Dawn"
This Is Not
By John R. Hernandez, Jr.
An excerpt from my upcoming book titled "Beyond the Dawn"
This is not a poem or a note about love or the cry of a lover for his princess far away. This is not the full moon looking down upon my eyes and these are not tears longing for your hand to wipe them away. These are not leaves that count the passing moons or the water that runs along the stream of life where words are carried to distant hearts.
No these are not thoughts of footprints on the shore or the stress of a million waves washing them away or the laughter of echoes or the beating of two hearts or the stars that smile in the shadows and speak tales of love.
This is not the stillness of silence reaching for the new breath of hope or the last sliver of darkness reaching to be touched by yet one more gleaming shadow. Nor the lonely woods whispering to the raging river or the distant cry’s of a wolf echoing high above his towering pillar of stone; unveiling the depths of his empty soul or the colors of the rainbow bringing all of life together.
No this is not about those things that make our hearts yearn like the wanting of a new born or the melody of joy that washes away the pain of loss. Like the roaring unfolding of the waves that crash upon the shores of sorrow; where the past lays buried and the soul is lifted no more to bare it’s weight or torment. No it’s not about the open arms of joy reaching to behold the sweet melody of love that clings forever more for hope; as words and distance fade unto the swirling winds, singing before the morning dawn. Or the rippling-trickling raindrops tapping gently and incessantly upon the window pane of life or the lonely fireplace that warms the long yearning passion for one true love.
I am grateful to for allowing us at New Dawn Media Communications to post -this near and dear issue to all our hearts- on their petition drive candidate pages. They have been so supportive and helpful in this endeavor. We realize that this petition drive is a huge step beyond the envelope, but this issue, as well as so many others has needed our attention for far too long now. In the end it’s not what you take with you but what you leave behind.
I just created a petition entitled Make Free and Expanded Transportation for Local Poor People in Rural Areas a Law, because I care deeply about this very important issue.
I'm trying to collect 100,000 signatures, and I could really use your help.
To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, highlight this url and paste it to your address bar and click on it to go bring up my petition site or just try clicking on it. However your best bet will be to go directly to the site and do an easy petition search on the top right hand corner for our petition. We've experienced an inability to get the following links to work. But if your passionate about things like these that are near and dear to your heart and ours, I am sure you'll be willing to go the distance. What ever it takes to get it done!!
It'll just take a minute!
Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!
"You want to know what drives my life? What makes my heart pump? All the causes that deal with helping the less fortunate. To me there is no greater reward on earth than to feel the rush of having given to those who seldom ever get a fair shake in life."
John R. Hernandez, Jr.
Below is A Free Peek at What You Can Find in My New Book "Beyond the Dawn"
This Is Not
By John R. Hernandez, Jr.
An excerpt from my upcoming book titled "Beyond the Dawn"
This is not a poem or a note about love or the cry of a lover for his princess far away. This is not the full moon looking down upon my eyes and these are not tears longing for your hand to wipe them away. These are not leaves that count the passing moons or the water that runs along the stream of life where words are carried to distant hearts.
No these are not thoughts of footprints on the shore or the stress of a million waves washing them away or the laughter of echoes or the beating of two hearts or the stars that smile in the shadows and speak tales of love.
This is not the stillness of silence reaching for the new breath of hope or the last sliver of darkness reaching to be touched by yet one more gleaming shadow. Nor the lonely woods whispering to the raging river or the distant cry’s of a wolf echoing high above his towering pillar of stone; unveiling the depths of his empty soul or the colors of the rainbow bringing all of life together.
No this is not about those things that make our hearts yearn like the wanting of a new born or the melody of joy that washes away the pain of loss. Like the roaring unfolding of the waves that crash upon the shores of sorrow; where the past lays buried and the soul is lifted no more to bare it’s weight or torment. No it’s not about the open arms of joy reaching to behold the sweet melody of love that clings forever more for hope; as words and distance fade unto the swirling winds, singing before the morning dawn. Or the rippling-trickling raindrops tapping gently and incessantly upon the window pane of life or the lonely fireplace that warms the long yearning passion for one true love.
I am grateful to for allowing us at New Dawn Media Communications to post -this near and dear issue to all our hearts- on their petition drive candidate pages. They have been so supportive and helpful in this endeavor. We realize that this petition drive is a huge step beyond the envelope, but this issue, as well as so many others has needed our attention for far too long now. In the end it’s not what you take with you but what you leave behind.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The 2009 column titled “Plurality of One” from the and Barnyard College page reads, “Held each February at Columbia University, Black Heritage Month (BHM), which is advised and overseen through the Office of Multicultural Affairs, celebrates the rich culture, history and political contributions of the black Diaspora.” It was then I thought why not go out and find an extraordinary subject to identify with the celebration of Black Heritage Month. Shortly thereafter I ran into Ahmed Kaboreza a four year graduate of Georgia Southern University’s Health Education and Promotion Program.
During the interview Mr. Kaboreza told me he was born and raised in Burkina Faso which lies between Benin and Ghana in West Africa .
“Continued on page 2”
I asked him why he chose this program and he told me he just wanted to help people, “In my country Cholera and Aids are serious deceases for which one can develop prevention awareness programs that can help different populations because, funds are few for further expensive work. Unlike America where the chronic circumstances of these deceases can lead to much further measures, which, are often supported by greater funding. So it’s better to focus on prevention there.” After boarding school and studying economics he decided to turn his attention to issues of public health awareness. With the help of his parents who contributed to his tuition he chose to move to Statesboro in 2005 to study at Georgia Southern where he is now pursuing his Masters in Public Health and Epidemiology. He said he has made many friends here, and as a hobby enjoys playing soccer and his favorite team is Manchester United. The importance of AIDS awareness and prevention programs met a quandary back in the late 1990’s which required further analysis. My research for this story took me as far as South Africa by way of the web pages. An article on AIDS policy found in the African Affairs page, by Nicoli Nattrass, Director of the AIDS and Society Research Unit at the (University of Cape Town). Shows how political policy coupled with continued support for blockading the use of precious medical treatment between 1999 and 2006 hurt hundreds of thousands of South Africans. The article shows how negative political strategy can have devastating effects on society. The denial by President Mbeki and later his Health Minister Tshabalala-Msimang
to heed the scientific and medical communities call for the continued use of ARV’s (antiretroviral drugs) in treatment and prevention programs. Ultimately had a catastrophic effect on the population, as well as Aids policy in South Africa . Mr. Nattrass says that had the ARV’s not been opposed, “…the 171,000 AIDS infections and another 343,000 deaths could have been avoided between 1999 and 2007.” Perhaps the idea of promoting awareness about the circumstances and outcome of contamination are necessary, as well as allowing for the use of drugs that have proven to be beneficial in contrast to offering political lip service which, according to scientific statistics and medical protocol could have helped to lessen the number of cases of infections, human suffering, and deaths in South Africa. Since the late 1990’s many in the medical field have known of the importance of ART’s (Antiretroviral Treatments) but, negative public policy curtailed their use. It has taken steady pressure from the medical community and many court challenges to bring about changes in policy which now has grown steadily due to the continued positive results in testing. In an article titled, “Increasing Access To Antiretroviral Drugs Would Drastically Cut AIDS Deaths In South Africa”
By The Science Daily (Mar. 28, 2008) says that,“…more that 1.2 million deaths could be prevented in South Africa over the next five years by accelerating efforts to provide access to antiretroviral therapy (ART),…”
Researchers have also found that there is a significant downward slope in the number of deaths, “…among other factors, calculations were based on the fact that the one-year survival rate for eligible patients who receive antiretroviral therapy is 94 percent, while only 55 percent of those not treated would be expected to survive one year.” That’s a 40% increase in life expectancy as a result of the use of antiretroviral drugs. Furthermore, the importance of AIDS awareness programs such as those which have been included into the curriculum of study at Georgia Southern University, have been instrumental in helping to bring qualified Health Studies candidates like Mr. Kaboreza here. These much needed programs have also helped to stem the tide of this growing epidemic. Not only here in the US , but in a part of the world where Aids education and treatment, for many years, had been discouraged. In celebration of African American Heritage Month this community along with this paper salutes the excellent work of students like Ahmed Kaboreza, who has dedicated himself to such a worthy cause.
Reference to articles;
Science News,
“Increasing Access To Antiretroviral Drugs Would Drastically Cut AIDS Deaths In South Africa ”
Science Daily (Mar. 28, 2008 )
Outlined quote;
“In my country Cholera and Aids are serious deceases for which one can develop prevention awareness programs that can help different populations…”
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011
NEW DAWN MEDIA HORIZONS: EXPLORING INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF THE SOUTHEAST USA: "Arrow Head Trail By John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 08 When words cannot be uttered we look for signs such as a..."
Sunday, June 5, 2011
From "In the Birth of a New Dawn" eBook Verses
Sunday Morning Poetry
When We Were Us
By John R. Hernandez, Jr.
Tell me why my heart yearns so when I hear your words so deep within? It’s like you never went away, like you’ve been here with me always. Tell me why I don’t feel so cold anymore, even though way deep inside I am dying to feel your warmth once again? To let me know I am still alive in your heart, in your eyes and in your lips. So many times I’ve heard those footsteps and pictured you beside me, here. I’ve heard and felt the comfort of your touch once again, like when we were us
This and well over 60 more pieces of fine romantic poetry can be found in John R. Hernandez book titled, "In the Birth of a New Dawn" at Diesel Books, and also at (20% discount only at use code Tk62p), Barnes &, Kobo.,com,, ebooks; and soon Amazon and Sony ebooks.
Click Below to Enter the eBook Page:
In the Birth of a New Dawn eBook
"I have enjoyed using Ring Central for a few years now without any complaints and I am not being paid by them to tell you that!" I make a commission from all my advertisers whenever you patronize their services. Any funds or help I get -which right now are nill-, will eventualy go to help write and promote my books along with writing classes etc., refurbish this website and provide the charity causes dear to my heart.
John R. Hernandez, Jr.
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When We Were Us
By John R. Hernandez, Jr.
Tell me why my heart yearns so when I hear your words so deep within? It’s like you never went away, like you’ve been here with me always. Tell me why I don’t feel so cold anymore, even though way deep inside I am dying to feel your warmth once again? To let me know I am still alive in your heart, in your eyes and in your lips. So many times I’ve heard those footsteps and pictured you beside me, here. I’ve heard and felt the comfort of your touch once again, like when we were us
This and well over 60 more pieces of fine romantic poetry can be found in John R. Hernandez book titled, "In the Birth of a New Dawn" at Diesel Books, and also at (20% discount only at use code Tk62p), Barnes &, Kobo.,com,, ebooks; and soon Amazon and Sony ebooks.
Click Below to Enter the eBook Page:
In the Birth of a New Dawn eBook
"I have enjoyed using Ring Central for a few years now without any complaints and I am not being paid by them to tell you that!" I make a commission from all my advertisers whenever you patronize their services. Any funds or help I get -which right now are nill-, will eventualy go to help write and promote my books along with writing classes etc., refurbish this website and provide the charity causes dear to my heart.
John R. Hernandez, Jr.
Go to Their Page to Take Advantage of Great Telecommunications Deals!!!
RingCentral Office $25 Off first 3 months
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