By John R. Hernandez, Jr., 2011
Breathe and let the world back in, don’t ever stop believing you can win. Let your imagination flow no matter how small or insignificant it seems. Just like a puddle of water that turns into a stream that meanders and creeps along, till it reaches the river and cascades down unto the ocean. Then it comes back crashing unto these rocks upon these boulders along this beach where it can breathe again, live gain, and rise once more. Only to be carried afar, back across the meadows and farms and hills and forests once again. Dispersed amongst these mountains and valleys along the roads and gardens, atop this roof, among these steps, beneath this canopy, upon your lips; calling you to listen once again and again…
Beneath It All
By John R. Hernandez, Jr.
The rain it crashes down upon me like a storm of tears, like the sudden burning pain of your absence, like all those moments I am missing; like the words I wanted to say but couldn’t get out back then. Time goes by so quickly when we’re together yet, so slowly when we’re apart, like standing still. It was like a rushing river of memories, we blinked and it was gone; washed away were all our dreams, promises, the good times. It’s so cold now like the sand and the relentless crashing of these waves that sweep across this shore beneath these stars. The river ceases to exist, the rain vanishes, the dawn caresses the waking face of a new sun erasing the footprints; and the tears they lay buried beneath it all.
In Love
By John R. Hernandez, Jr.
How often I’ve yearned for it, spent my time wondering when; searched for you but never saw you, in a million faces you were never there. I’ve longed to look into your eyes to know your mine forever, for a while or for a time. I’ve longed for our first embrace; I’ve wanted you so badly to feel you’re warm and tender body close to mine. I’ve imagined what it would be like, what I would say to you and what we would do. Where we would go, how we would live and how long it would last. I’ve wondered about you as I walk along this aimless road I am on, beneath these cold and lonely moons; beside the crashing waves of torment. I’ve had to settle for the relentless confusion of all this emptiness but, I’ve prayed that you’d be there; out there somewhere, waiting, pursuing me too. Longing, crying out your heart like mine; asking, wanting so badly to fall in love.
They'll Never Know
By John R. Hernandez, Jr.
They tell me to stay away from you, that you’re no good and all you’ll be is trouble for me. They say you’ll break my heart in two and that I don’t deserve you. That you were never any good to anyone and that I should just run away. They say I should forget you, that your an egotist and only care about yourself and no one else. They tell me that you’ve broken many hearts. That you use them and then throw them away and that you’ll do the same to me, that one day you’ll be gone and I’ll be all alone. That you’ll never look back, you never have and they say you’re not worth loving. That you don’t know the true meaning of real love and that I am wasting my time with a tramp with you. They say I should have better but, they don’t know what cold is like; they don’t understand what silence means, they can’t imagine the emptiness. They’ll never feel the pain of loss or the rush of love as it vanishes into tin air. As it flows through your hands and you run to capture it, relive it, to make it mean something once again. Or feel its warmth, to stand beneath the tars and know it’s real; to long for it to hold you close and pray it never lets you go. No, they’ll never know about the longing for one less sleepless night or what it’s like to feel the longing for that warm embrace once again. To yearn for it to hold your hand just one more step of the way, or to feel the rush to live for that moment when it takes one more breath in your arms; no, this they’ll never know about love.
Below is a link to a very important cause we here at New Dawn Media and so many others -hold- near and dear to our hearts. It won't take but a few minutes of your charitable time to go there and sign the petition,
to be a part of a movement, that hopefuly will help to bring free and expanded transportation to poor people in many rural and urban areas of this nation. And perhaps througout the world depending on how huge the momentum is.
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