Written and Created by John R. Hernandez, Jr. 10/02/2011 (c)
Someone recently asked a question on social network about cyber-sexing over the internet. Here is my take on this subject. There seems to be some form of conventional wisdom that sort of redefines or crosses the lines from where flirting and boundary perception exists. In my opinion cyber-sexing is another form of role playing or flirting that presides within a realm where the normal and or customary rules and regulations that exist in traditional face to face encounters are absent. No, I think it's healthy! In fact if you think about it; there is no chance of catching AIDS over a monitor and really who are they cheating with? A piece of hardware and just think he or she is only exercising their muscles. It's a win-win situation! And think of this, if someone thinks they have a need to go noodling on the internet it's a sure-fire sign that the relationship may be (something missing or out of place) in need of repair. Either way, catching it when it's at that stage is a far better cry than having to hire a detective to check up on your spouse? Okay, here is where I tell you that, no it is not healthy to seek out self-gratification over the internet and what you may need is to find space and re-think your relationship and what brought you together in the first place. Relationships in mid-career tend to bottom out at times. Because, when we look outside the bubble (box) we begin to pile up all the reasons about the outside world we may or have been missing. Human relationships take time to cultivate and vary by personalities and environments. If we can but a for moment make some connection to God in this subject we may be enlightened in knowing that this human desire to self gratificate oneself; which some choose to call human nature or getting your freak-off is actually something that is both a mental reaction to outward stimulus and a habitual reaction (learned process). That can, is and will eventually become both a mental and a physical aberration. We don’t always look at perversion or self-gratification as a physical need but, as a mental desire that many of us find difficult to overcome. God gave us all the tools and or steps that we need to encounter through the process of procreation. And I might say for the most part this process when it produces itself in a healthy way within a healthy relationship and follows in a Godly fashion can be one of the most rewarding and precious of male-female human relations. When we take God out of the equation as in for example -the Garden of Eden- what we get in return is a man-made new moon or self-appointed feasts of self-worship and idol self-gratification. The word of God or God himself tells us that we are to have no gods before him. Sex outside of the marriage, cybersex, cheating, getting your freak off or whatever you decide to call it is an action that is not in the nature of God’s expectations for and of mankind. Paul the Apostle said the love of money is the root of all evil and one can say that the love of the self, outside of the natural affection between man and woman or familial relationships is an abomination unto the eyes of the Lord-God and Christ His Son. Think of it this way. When man began to lose the importance between Christ’s blood sacrifice and the blood sacrifice of animals this is when God became irrelevant –because- Christ is no longer the center premise of the God story. And many women and children can consider God and Christ to be unimportant or unnecessary. We don’t need another temple, because the word of God and the New Covenant in and of Christ tells us that we are the Temple of God and that Christ has shed his precious and Holy blood over us for the redemption of our souls and the forgiveness of our sins. We do not need another blood sacrifice and we certainly do not ever need another blood sacrifice such as; in the blood of bulls, or rams or he goats. When we forget, set aside, eliminate, remove from our lives and minds what Christ’s sacrifice means to mankind; when this happens the rules or God’s laws are thrown out the window and mankind such as in the Garden of Eden story begins to make his own choices and set his own rules on how he/she will run his or her life. This is why we have a lack of control in relationships, the expelling of men from their natural place within the family, a lack of communication in a Godly way in relationships and why we have the problems, troubles, misunderstandings and disasters in nature and humankind we have today. Remember, now that many of the ordinances of God have already begun to be DISMANTLED; The removal of the pledge of allegiance, the removal of the word of God in many academic institutions, the removal of the Godly wisdom of the fathers for their children and families(almost half of all families are single-parent families), the removal of the protection and sanctification of life so that now we have over 50 million little babies murdered at the hands of money mongering organizations and individuals, man’s effectual nature to woman is now traded for the unnatural and unhealthy effectual attraction to other men as is of woman for woman. Let me end it this way. When you self -ingratiate be careful that you are not fulfilling the will of some evil-ancient habitual sin of self-worship. For we struggle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world. And, there is more that I can say about this subject but I know that there are sensitive ears out there and this is a family oriented realm –where- I like to just throw out bits and pieces of the issues and like to leave it up to the grown-ups out there to find their way through the mulberry patch as it pertains to those around the table.
Clash of Titans; The Rising Influence of the New Chieftains of the Digital Age
Written and Edited by John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2011
Looking at social media from the point of view of a published author who is competing with other authors to sell books.
Chapter 1:
The view from the wall
Like a fly on the wall I take a closer look at the realm of social media with an ear towards flavoring the muses of our present day social trends. Meaning that like many, I am a relative new comer -considering- so many of those I have researched in Facebook -for example- who are to my knowledge polished-and-well known--authors. What I have experienced is that many authors who represent a certain genre; for example, the romance authors. Those whirlwind romance novel types or the turn of the century old-money style English Victorian novel writers or the DIY authors, etc.,... Most of which, who tend to gravitate to cliques sometimes of 10, 20 and more 100 who make their nest in such places as Facebook, Linkedin and many other social networking sites; where you will find them en-masse gravitating or better yet hovering to their own respective guru tribal chiefs. It is through this chieftain mentality that they validate their group’s existence and develop rules or pecking orders which reinforce -yet stricter boundaries and territorial laws- against outsiders and often insiders. These laws like the laws of say a pack of wolfs are in place just like in any social/corporate business group which sees the main factor of its existence as the survival of the tribe or clan. Here within the social enclave of the group lies the periphery, the stage where all the member/actors play out their ritual/dances before the social media spectators and passersby. Replete with the usual/customary tribal rituals meant to either communicate to the clan or tribe or group, messages that are meant to inform or warn its members about trends, probable new candidate tribal members and or current events within and without their sphere of influence. My argument concerning social media such as Facebook and all the others mentioned or unmentioned is for the purposes of exploring the conversation. and not attacking the eventual values of social media in and of itself. It is what I see whe I peer from the wall; that although places like Facebook and others offer vast realms of information on specific groups and their practices within the inner circles of those groups to new- comers on the net, they have yet to sort out the old adages and or old clichés and pecking orders. Tribal attitudes that have stained the reputation of the old guard within the printed book realm and it is within this printed book realm that there are myriads of cliques from every brand of writing style. Just like parachute salesmen and or chicken soup vendors and anyone just walking into the industry will find -pitched- and ready to invite, to warn off and or to destroy the most valiant of souls lurking into the old-guard canvas/paved world of printed matter. And what I am saying is that already no doubt as far back as the first few months of the take-off of eBook publishing; the barriers and lines were beginning to take form in cyberspace. Where, as in the early days of the concrete mortar-paved world of publishing; the clans and factions and warring groups within this new industry have begun to shape the future realms within the re-creation and transformation of traditional book publishing -as we have known it. Just like journalists gravitate to their own specific cliques and parachute salesmen gravitate to their own tribal specific enclaves- so has social media begun to adopt- the attitudes and practices and status quo behavior of the old guard brick and mortar mentality.
Chapter 2:
How open is social media going to be to the untold millions of new and coming indie- authors created by these new phenomena of digital publishing? Imagine that we are going from a few million brick and mortar authors to a catastrophic untold number. Hungry to claim their fair share of sales, audience attention and loyalty amassing and swarming in droves through the whole of the digital social spheres? My answer would be that as with any transformation from the old guard to the new; the old rules and adages have to give some ground to the crashing waves of new ideals and promoters of these new ideas; often where rules have little to no value. Your ideas, however well-meaning –where- the survival or your tribe or clan are now being convoluted and threatened by those of the masses of new authors; who have yet to find their unique spheres of gravitational orbits for which to worship at the lap of the new and rising Digital Age Chieftains!
..meanwhile, back to the unemployed and putting food on the table....
Written and Edited by John R. Hernandez, Jr. (c) 2011
Not too long ago I created a petition that in my opinion would open the door and I hope the eyes of today's politicians. A petition that would help get 15 million people back to work. But it fell on deaf ears.You ever wonder how or why it is that what is really strange is how -we can see eye to eye- on this issue but, those around us refuse to step out of their self created, self insulated and self contained world of darkness and apparent ignorance. I will for the sake of 15 million unemployed and more men and women out there who are suffering day and night; the sake of the children and the elderly and those less fortunate amongst us. Try to be upbeat and more optimistic and pray that this petition will not completely fall on deaf ears like the others -I have- proposed. The Lord is my strength and my salvation. I have taken up my cross. Because, out of my weakness I have found my strength. See what comes out of them; see how they speak and what they say closely and you will find the answers. Entitlements as they like to call them to make these acts of kindness and charity seem petty and useless! The shame of it is that when you do have an excellent idea it's hard to sell it -because- there are some in power that want this disastrous economic condition to continue. It's like when the young men and women were sent out to the battle fields riddled with mines. There has been some progress in that area but should it have taken so long, so many lives and so many amputations? Many are actually tuning a profit while others are loosing their lives savings just trying to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. The oil companies are reaping great profits. Instead of the President or someone on Capital Hill forcing them to lower their prices during these dire economic times they are allowed keep raising prices. As you know, a great deal of that segment of the population that has a steady good paying job and sees and hears what is going on refuses to do anything to help their fellow brothers and sisters in need. The Spirit of the Anti-Christ; that Spirit represented by all the greed and selfishness in mankind is still alive and well and possessing many. But, over this Spirit is the Spirit of the False Christ; the one that lives and breathes in the hearts of man. This same Spirit that is the one -which embodies many in high positions of leadership- is the one charged with the responsibility of gathering the masses of those that have fallen away. This is a powerful Spirit whose ultimate aim is to change; to turn things around; to confuse and to confound; to subjugate and to possess. Pretending otherwise, that they must be in control and given the power to run nations –because- they have brainwashed many into believing that those below them are incapable of ruling themselves!!! The attributes of greed and selfishness feed the fires of hatred and disdain especially against the true children of God. Ultimately, the forces of the evil ones will attempt to take control and once again subjugate mankind until they bring this nation down like they have tried to in the past. Only by dismantling the system that we have grown to know and to love can they hope to control the masses. The Bible tells us in Ephesians’ that we struggle not against flesh and blood but against Powers and Principalities and Rulers of the Darkness of this World. The Bible also warns us that those who have eyes to see should use them and those who have ears to listen should use them but, many have fallen asleep; have fallen away, have lost their true love their true faith and have supplanted it with what on the outside appears true and real but on the inside it is an abomination of all un-cleanliness. The unprecedented political landslides of the last year is a warning to those who have fallen asleep that they need to wake up and fight to support those that have and are trying to bring about a better change for this nation and not an empty useless bunch of gestures and false promises that ultimately will bring back to where we were on the eve of what could have been the greatest disaster this nation would have faced since the Great Depression. What is so sad is how many have been helped by what this administration has done but so few will readily stand up and admit to it. We need to have a government that is strict about leading with a firm conviction that selfishness and greed are the true foundations of all corruption. Finally, take a serious look at what Ephesians is telling us; Rulers with Powers over Principalities in High Places! This is the embodiment of corrupt political systems that rule over mankind!
Apathy is America’s greatest enemy
Written and edited by John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2011
75 years of relative peace and prosperity have helped to create a nation that is manically self absorbed on its self and less interested in the threats that are lurking from outside sources and especially from inside its own territories and halls of power. 911 should have been a wakeup call instead it became a global witch-hunt for the search for one man. 15 years since Bin Laden began his global Jihad againstAmericaandIsraelhe was no where to be found. In less than three years under the administration of President Obama, Bin Laden is now reportedly dead and many more of his supporters and staunchest partners in crime have fallen. These news would be good if Americans would ever wake up and read between the lines. Somehow I cannot help but think that this will be its undoing. Apathy isAmerica’s greatest enemy. We didn't crawl in we were forced in by worthless despicable scoundrels. Back in Hitler’s time many in the middle classes and upper classes thought that if they supported the Nazi’s schemes that they would escape the gas chambers and atrocities that followed. Today inAmericawe have a group of people that hate the poor and less fortunate. They find them to be a scourge, a drain on the resources of those who have self appointed themselves as the caretakers of this new century. Like the Nazi's of the 1930's who walked into power at a time whenGermanysuffered from great economic distress and the demoralization of a lost war. They told the people what they wanted to hear and once having attained power they began to develop a systematic model for control ofWestern Europeand eventually the world. Unlike Communism who saw religion merely as a callous on the foot Nazism sees religion as its fiercest enemy to be eradicated forever. If you look back you will find how Hitler used and lied to the Catholic Bishops and those in positions of power within the Christian Hierarchies in order that he could attain control of the German people and most ofWestern Europe. At first the systematic elimination of the poor, the aging, persons of color and others deemed undesirable was thought to have been kept quiet. But soon the news got out and eventually his popularity began to fail as his war machine began to crumble under the heavy pressures of the allied forces. Americans for almost 75 years now have enjoyed the luxuries of an unparalleled freedom. They have fallen asleep by virtue of 75 years of peace and prosperity. But there are elements in this nation and this world working hard and fast to bring this nation to its knees and to recreate the fallen remnants of the Third Reich. Americans have forgotten what the words anarchists and traitors truly mean. Today a segment of those who wield great power over this nation have begun a systematic dismantling of all the great social programs that were built to sustain and support this nations elderly, the poor, the infirmed and less fortunate. Thereby diminishing their strength and power to fight back when and at what time the next step in the master plan takes place. By weakening the financial markets, by throwing the economy into a tailspin and pitting this nation against its long-term allies they hope to bring it to its knees and walk into power.
Written and Edited by John R. Hernandez, Jr.
All source quotes have no editing except where emphasis used
What I love the most about those that leave such kind words on my htt:// webpage is that many are being sincere and most are actually website owners who honestly took a look or two and found my site and information helpful to them enough to admit to me and to all of us in their own words. My blessing and thanks for all of those who have stood up and helped another fellow website owner receive the accolades from his fellow writers and producers as they feel merit’s it. My special and long overdue thanks to still the best on the internet by far over all the pothers!
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Comments; Values and Morals; and whatever else they don’t want us to know! | NEW DAWN MEDIA HORIZONS
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"Proverbs21:13 Whoever shuts his eyes to the cry's of the poor will also cry himself and not be heard."
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From; John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2011
Submitted on 2011/05/16 at12:11 pm
Hi Digital Poet,
Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner I was working on my other issues: Stop by there and check it out and leave a comment if you like! I sincerely appreciate your kind words and encouragement. Hope to hear from you soon and try and stop by and checkout my book “In the Birth of a New Dawn” and let me know what you think of it. I would be honored if you left me a comment there and all my sites in whatever it is God puts in your heart. Tell everyone you can about my sites and my books and don’t forget the coupon codes RK42A. You’re welcomed back here anytime!
Many thanks,
John R. Hernandez, Jr.
Digital P0et
Submitted on 2011/05/16 at1:45 am
Thank you for posting this. I enjoyed reading it very much. Checking up on peoples poetry and writing is something I do often. I try to keep up with today’s trends so I’m more active in the writing community. Thanks again for sharing this.
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 8/2011
This is the Republican comment to Standard and Poor's downgrading of the US credit rating, “Unfortunately, decades of reckless spending cannot be reversed immediately, especially when the Democrats who run Washington remain unwilling to make the tough choices required to put America on solid ground,” >> [This statement by Boehner gives the reader the impression that for decades the Democrats have been the spenders] << Speaker John A. Boehner, an Ohio Republican, said in a statement."
If I remember correctly it was and has been the Republican's voracious appetite for control of energy resources at whatever means along with it's global warmongering and it's questionable relationship with defense contracting and spending; not necessarily because of any overall US policy or interest in pursuing major profits in these areas but as a result of a global energy consortium of conglomerates that wish to take hold and have taken hold of much of this previous decades global oil and gas research and exploration projects-at whatever length. Take for example some of the quotes from HALLIBURTON WATCH.ORG and other internet sites readily available to you once you do the search like I have;
This is just the tip of the iceberg that makes Boehner's smug eyes roll-over and pretend to know nothing about; just the beginning of a pile of intel you can find if you just do the searches. I don't get paid to do the searches and bring these comments only that, there should be a fair and balanced dissemination of intel so that people will stop being brainwashed erroneously by the right wing rhetoric against the Democrats. There are lots of things I don't agree with on the Democratic side and when I am ready I will do my search as you should and expose it for what it is. Furthermore, I am in publishing and media consulting and publicizing my published works such as my new book, "In the Birth of a New Dawn".
But I have a burning desire to expose human injustice and atrocities against mankind. Something that I had hoped to pursue as I studied atRutgerstrying to get my Journalism Degree and eventual masters. Having to leave it all behind to do what I thought a farther should do when faced with the mother of his child running off 1,000 miles in the opposite direction. I made the conscious choice to chase after her and derail my aspirations. But it never deterred me, my hunger and thirst for social justice has never ands will never be squelched until they put a bullet into my head. Because some of us love our children despite our own best interests and some of us love to fight against social injustices wherever we see them despite the consequences. We may not always be right in someone eyes or succeed but that we bring that fair and balanced approach unlike another is sufficient enough to let the world know that their are two sides to every story and not just one.
Take a look at this;
1). "January 30, 2004: New York Times columnist, Bob Herbert, details how Halliburton evadesU.S.taxes and export bans by establishing foreign subsidiaries. Halliburton’s Wendy Hall admits the company paid only $15 million in taxes in 2002 even though the company earned $339 million in profits from continuing operations and $12.5 billion in total revenue."
But in,
2). "January 2004: Halliburton discloses that a subsidiary paid a $2.4 million bribe to a Nigerian government official's business in exchange for favorable tax treatment." From Halliburton
Then in,
3). "January 25, 2004: CBS Television's 60 Minutes program shows how Halliburton does business with Iran even though U.S. law bans companies from doing business with the country." From
And in,
4). "January 26, 2004:New York City's controller accuses Halliburton of taking blood money from state sponsors of terrorism, such asIranandLibya. Controller William Thompson - who oversees an $80 billion pension fund for city workers - says cops and firefighters are outraged that their retirement portfolios include stock in U.S. firms getting fat off contracts with rogue nations like Iran, which funds the terror groups Hezbollah and Hamas and is suspected of giving sanctuary to Al Qaeda leaders." From Halliburton
There is so much more but if you don't go and do the search you will blindly be lead by what some on capital hill or some scoundrels on conservative radio or Christian broadcasting will lead you to believe!
How the Christian Broadcasting radio waves have been taken over by the right wing hiding behind the cloak of religion and moral values to help espouse their rhetoric and to take control of the masses by bombarding them with reckless disinformation.
Why the US Defense Department and the leaders of our armed forces should have been more focused on the fact that an attack was eminent against those involved with the capture of Bin Laden the murderer?
Why did it take so long to capture Bin Laden and why did it take place in July 2011; just at the crux of the declaration of their accumulated war chests by US political parties was about to be revealed?
Why did the gas prices seem to plummet during (June to July) this time and then slowly inch back up to the disastrous levels they have been in for the past years?
Who or what is really behind the fluctuating gas prices and why?
How much money has been spent on global warmongering by the Republican administrations of the George Bush’s? And what effect has it had on our economy and why is so little being talked about this phenomenon?
Who or what is really behind wanting our economy to fail and eventually crash?
Below is a book that you can purchase to help support my ability to keep bringing you more poetry books and from time to time more of that fair and balanced opinions and facts they don’t want you to know; and in return you get to keep an heirloom of poetry worth thousands more the price for one copy. You can get a copy of this book at Barnes and Noble,, and especially at as always with a nice discount for Mark Coker fans of 50% off at his webpage with code BP52H.
“In the Birth of a New Dawn” By John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2011
Other things I do for which I receive no compensation for!!
Fighting for Social Justice
Besides spending tireless hours on the pc working on my webpage’s, creating petitions, working on promoting my books; when everyone else is sleeping and for editing and writing stories and doing the research and creating poetry and being a social watchdog. I was like you once in the past scared, brainwashed and confused by all the rhetoric. I fought my way out of that and decided to find my own answers to the things that burned inside for which I doubted if I was being told the truth. My book is one way you can support someone just like you. But, in return you get the truth and a nice beautiful book of poetry.
You are not making a donation or contributing to anything. You can buy the book and walk away and or stay and support social justice by purchasing my next book and continue to enjoy and fight for the truth! Never forget the truth is out there.
I just created a petition entitled President, House of Representatives,
Senate, and Corporate America: America Working Nationwide Program, because I
care deeply about this very important issue.
I'm trying to collect 100 signatures, and I could really use your help.
To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click
It'll just take a minute!
Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well.
Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread
the word!
My book "In the Birth of a New Dawn; my compilation of prose in English and Spanish is still on sale at at a 50% off discount by using code BP52H for a limited time only.
"To Grieve no More" can be found inside this book along with a discount at coupon code BP52H
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
The Effects of Addiction/The Great Tribulation and Bits and Pieces of God's Word
Defining Addiction
Written and Edited by John R. Hernandez, Jr.
Without the brain to process the contents of external pathogens which have been ingested or have invaded it -addiction- could not be readily quantified. Therefore, -it- is nothing but, a type of decease that begins in the brain shortly after drug, event, interaction has taken place. Pain, pleasure, euphoria, sadness, paranoia, anxiety, hallucinations and other longterm or temporary effects play an integral part along the process or lenght of drug interaction or event. Although actions such as cigarrete smoking, tobaco chewing, drug ingestion; by needle, or through the nose etc., all eventualy end up affecting the brain with their extended effects that may reach to every branch of the human body. The brain is the central processing center where the nicotine, alcohol, poison, air particulates, etc., are eventually dissected, processed and shipped to whatever specific areas of the body are coincidentaly affected and or intended for. Sexual addiction as a form of decease cannot complete the physical interaction or cycle; which, leads to the final stage of self gratification. Without the eventual mental processes' and interactions necessary in order to activate the central nervous systems ability to facilitate message system signals interrelated with pain and or pleasure. The lonterm effects of drug abuse and or repetetive physical interaction wether of a physical nature or a narcotic nature eventually will manifest themselves such as in Methamphetamine abuse; by disturbing mental and or physical scars. JRH -2011.
New Dawn Media End of Times Timeline as presented by the Word of God and historical records of our present times;
You will reap the whirlwind because you have sowed the wind
The times will come when they will not accept sound doctrine. Then will begin the great falling away and the great wars leading up to The Great
Tribulation,...(for men will become lovers of men and women of women loosing their God given affection for one another).. The
Rapture and The War of Armagedon; The Great Falling Away has already begun around the(1880-until present) followed by a rise in social reformists movement, Communism, Socialism,
Anarchists,World War I, Israel becomes a State, etc.,...
World War II, The Holocaust, Korea, Vietnam, Removal of Pledge Allegience
from schools, Removal of God from Schools, Supreme Court Abortion Decision
allowing for the murder of 60 million babies or more uncounted because of
underground and back door abortions,disrespect for father and mother, the caging of the elderly, rampant acceptance of prostitution, phornography and drug abuse etc.,..
Established Word of God:
For nation shall rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom (Social Unrest)[Eqypt, Lybia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Greece, Italy, Great Britain and so on...] and there shall be famines...
[In 2008 over 213 million people died of starvation. In 2009 267 Million people died of Starvation. In 2010 over 300 Million people died of Starvation. Food prices will rise by 187% (nearly 3 times current prices) before the year 2030...]
..., and pestilence and wars and rumors
of wars...if those days would not be shortened the whole world would be
destroyed; if not because of the return of our Great Lord Jesus Christ
(Matthew 24:7-10) The crater left by the 1993 first Twin Towers Bombing was more than 6 stories deep and if the Cyanide had not been burned up from the heat of the device there would have been greater deaths and widespread contamination.
Matthew 24:3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. "Tell us," they said, "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" No man not even the Son of Man knows this But, the Father who sent him...I tell you this when you see the fig tree sprout fruit, a thief in the night the Son of Man will return....
Luke 21:28 and when these things[spoken of here] come to pass then you will see the Son of Man coming down on the clouds...
...When this Mystery of Iniquity takes place and the Holy Spirit is taken make way for the Son of Man to come and take his children away with the Great Rapture, before the Great Tribulation takes place...
Matthew 24: 15 When you see standing in the holy place the abomination that
causes desolation,... watch and be ready like a watchman on the
tower...Ezekiel 35:4.5.6
Immediately after the tribulations of those days shall the sun be darkened and then the trumpet shall sound and the Son of God will appear and come down upon the clouds and the armies of Heaven beside him to take his chosen from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (Matthew 24:29-31)
Luke 17:30-36 .....30 “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed.....31 On that day no one who is on the housetop, with possessions inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. 32 Remember Lot’s wife! 33 Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it. 34 I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. 35 Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.” [36]..
You have a responsibility to watch and be alert and pray for your family and those around you because God has called you out to be a watchman/woman and this timeline will be your most important of all..... Our enemies have
daclared war against evry American man women and Jew.
Jeremiah51:27 Blow the trumpets against the nations prepare...
60 or more nations with Alqeada bases of support for terrorists,
100,000 terrorists waiting to strike since,
Go you into all the world and preach the word unto every child and creature!
Tell them that the day will come when there will be
...a great gathering composed of Angels and Saints witnessing Jesus Christ's destruction of Satan and the Anti-Christ and it will take seven months to bury the dead and to destroy their weapons...
and a great gathering of all the nations will come against her Babylon the Great.... Jeremiah50:9
I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins.
I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty
and will humble the pride of the ruthless.
A beautiful Christian song
by Marcela Gandara
"Un Viaje Largo" A Long Journey.
I will try to get her video to post to my wall so you can at least hear it though some of you may not understand it. It isn't so hard to do. She is talking about coming to realize why she is here and how the light of Jesus(God) has finaly come to her and opened her eyes and she says it has been a long journey but finally she has arrived(to the truth of the word).Have you?
Un Viaje Largo...
A sido largo el viaje pero al fin llegue,
La luz llego a mis ojos aunque lo dude,
Fueron muchos valles de inseguridad,
Los que cruze,
Fueron muchos dias de tanto dudar, pero
Al fin llegue, llegue a entender...
Que para esta hora he llegado,
Para este tiempo naci,
En sus propositos eternos yo me vi,
Para esta hora he llegado,
Aunque me ha costado creer,
Entre sus planes para hoy me encontre.
Y nunca imagine que dentro de su amor,
Y dentro de sus planes me encotrara yo,
Fueron muchas veces que la timidez,
Me lo impidio,
Fuero muchos dias de tanto dudar,
Pero al fin llegue, y a entender...
Que para esta hora he llegado,
A este tiempo naci,
En sus propositos eternos yo me vi,
Para esta hora he llegado,
Aunque me ha costado creer,
Entre sus planes para hoy me encontre.
Que para esta hora he llegado,
A este tiempo naci,
En sus propositos eternos yo me vi,
Para esta hora he llegado,
Aunque me ha costado creer,
Entre sus planes para hoy me encontre.
Ah sido largo el viaje pero al fin llegue.
By Marcela Gandara
Thank you Marcela your voice is so beautiful as your song.
JRH NewDawnMedia 2011
For 1500 hundred years the people of Israel came up to the mountains of Jerusalem and worshipped there three times a year before the Lord. During his Festivals and never did their enemies ever come upon them to war against them; in the times that they observed the word of God and his warning to uphold his Festivals(Holy Days)!
If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves..and call out to me and observe my words...then I will hear their prayers from up high and will come to them and be their God again......
Will you call upon him Today?
God says I will bring them back to the land I have given and no one will ever move them from their home ever again!
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man
"Pretend I do Not See Him There"
By John R. Hernandez,Jr.
Why does Jesus stand so far from me? I see him there afar in the shadows he stares and wonders back at me. He waits for me to come complete to him, he postures back afar and walks away once again because I have not given my life completely to him. Because, I have chosen to stand on the fence, to sit idly by, to ignore his calling, to pretend I do not see him there.Is it because of how terrible life has been to me? Is it because the things I want and need I can't seem to find? Is it because all the things I reach for seem to slip away and sorrow and solitude close in on me? Is it because he is slowly opening my eyes and I can see all the ugliness, the hatred, the envy and malice around me and inside? Is it because I keep pretending he just isn't there untill I get what I want? When all he ever wanted is for me to want him back.
Could this be you?
Written and Edited by John R. Hernandez, Jr.
Without the brain to process the contents of external pathogens which have been ingested or have invaded it -addiction- could not be readily quantified. Therefore, -it- is nothing but, a type of decease that begins in the brain shortly after drug, event, interaction has taken place. Pain, pleasure, euphoria, sadness, paranoia, anxiety, hallucinations and other longterm or temporary effects play an integral part along the process or lenght of drug interaction or event. Although actions such as cigarrete smoking, tobaco chewing, drug ingestion; by needle, or through the nose etc., all eventualy end up affecting the brain with their extended effects that may reach to every branch of the human body. The brain is the central processing center where the nicotine, alcohol, poison, air particulates, etc., are eventually dissected, processed and shipped to whatever specific areas of the body are coincidentaly affected and or intended for. Sexual addiction as a form of decease cannot complete the physical interaction or cycle; which, leads to the final stage of self gratification. Without the eventual mental processes' and interactions necessary in order to activate the central nervous systems ability to facilitate message system signals interrelated with pain and or pleasure. The lonterm effects of drug abuse and or repetetive physical interaction wether of a physical nature or a narcotic nature eventually will manifest themselves such as in Methamphetamine abuse; by disturbing mental and or physical scars. JRH -2011.
New Dawn Media End of Times Timeline as presented by the Word of God and historical records of our present times;
You will reap the whirlwind because you have sowed the wind
The times will come when they will not accept sound doctrine. Then will begin the great falling away and the great wars leading up to The Great
Tribulation,...(for men will become lovers of men and women of women loosing their God given affection for one another).. The
Rapture and The War of Armagedon; The Great Falling Away has already begun around the(1880-until present) followed by a rise in social reformists movement, Communism, Socialism,
Anarchists,World War I, Israel becomes a State, etc.,...
World War II, The Holocaust, Korea, Vietnam, Removal of Pledge Allegience
from schools, Removal of God from Schools, Supreme Court Abortion Decision
allowing for the murder of 60 million babies or more uncounted because of
underground and back door abortions,disrespect for father and mother, the caging of the elderly, rampant acceptance of prostitution, phornography and drug abuse etc.,..
Established Word of God:
For nation shall rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom (Social Unrest)[Eqypt, Lybia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Greece, Italy, Great Britain and so on...] and there shall be famines...
[In 2008 over 213 million people died of starvation. In 2009 267 Million people died of Starvation. In 2010 over 300 Million people died of Starvation. Food prices will rise by 187% (nearly 3 times current prices) before the year 2030...]
..., and pestilence and wars and rumors
of wars...if those days would not be shortened the whole world would be
destroyed; if not because of the return of our Great Lord Jesus Christ
(Matthew 24:7-10) The crater left by the 1993 first Twin Towers Bombing was more than 6 stories deep and if the Cyanide had not been burned up from the heat of the device there would have been greater deaths and widespread contamination.
Matthew 24:3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. "Tell us," they said, "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" No man not even the Son of Man knows this But, the Father who sent him...I tell you this when you see the fig tree sprout fruit, a thief in the night the Son of Man will return....
Luke 21:28 and when these things[spoken of here] come to pass then you will see the Son of Man coming down on the clouds...
...When this Mystery of Iniquity takes place and the Holy Spirit is taken make way for the Son of Man to come and take his children away with the Great Rapture, before the Great Tribulation takes place...
Matthew 24: 15 When you see standing in the holy place the abomination that
causes desolation,... watch and be ready like a watchman on the
tower...Ezekiel 35:4.5.6
Immediately after the tribulations of those days shall the sun be darkened and then the trumpet shall sound and the Son of God will appear and come down upon the clouds and the armies of Heaven beside him to take his chosen from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (Matthew 24:29-31)
Luke 17:30-36 .....30 “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed.....31 On that day no one who is on the housetop, with possessions inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. 32 Remember Lot’s wife! 33 Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it. 34 I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. 35 Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.” [36]..
You have a responsibility to watch and be alert and pray for your family and those around you because God has called you out to be a watchman/woman and this timeline will be your most important of all..... Our enemies have
daclared war against evry American man women and Jew.
Jeremiah51:27 Blow the trumpets against the nations prepare...
60 or more nations with Alqeada bases of support for terrorists,
100,000 terrorists waiting to strike since,
Go you into all the world and preach the word unto every child and creature!
Tell them that the day will come when there will be
...a great gathering composed of Angels and Saints witnessing Jesus Christ's destruction of Satan and the Anti-Christ and it will take seven months to bury the dead and to destroy their weapons...
and a great gathering of all the nations will come against her Babylon the Great.... Jeremiah50:9
I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins.
I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty
and will humble the pride of the ruthless.
A beautiful Christian song
by Marcela Gandara
"Un Viaje Largo" A Long Journey.
I will try to get her video to post to my wall so you can at least hear it though some of you may not understand it. It isn't so hard to do. She is talking about coming to realize why she is here and how the light of Jesus(God) has finaly come to her and opened her eyes and she says it has been a long journey but finally she has arrived(to the truth of the word).Have you?
Un Viaje Largo...
A sido largo el viaje pero al fin llegue,
La luz llego a mis ojos aunque lo dude,
Fueron muchos valles de inseguridad,
Los que cruze,
Fueron muchos dias de tanto dudar, pero
Al fin llegue, llegue a entender...
Que para esta hora he llegado,
Para este tiempo naci,
En sus propositos eternos yo me vi,
Para esta hora he llegado,
Aunque me ha costado creer,
Entre sus planes para hoy me encontre.
Y nunca imagine que dentro de su amor,
Y dentro de sus planes me encotrara yo,
Fueron muchas veces que la timidez,
Me lo impidio,
Fuero muchos dias de tanto dudar,
Pero al fin llegue, y a entender...
Que para esta hora he llegado,
A este tiempo naci,
En sus propositos eternos yo me vi,
Para esta hora he llegado,
Aunque me ha costado creer,
Entre sus planes para hoy me encontre.
Que para esta hora he llegado,
A este tiempo naci,
En sus propositos eternos yo me vi,
Para esta hora he llegado,
Aunque me ha costado creer,
Entre sus planes para hoy me encontre.
Ah sido largo el viaje pero al fin llegue.
By Marcela Gandara
Thank you Marcela your voice is so beautiful as your song.
JRH NewDawnMedia 2011
For 1500 hundred years the people of Israel came up to the mountains of Jerusalem and worshipped there three times a year before the Lord. During his Festivals and never did their enemies ever come upon them to war against them; in the times that they observed the word of God and his warning to uphold his Festivals(Holy Days)!
If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves..and call out to me and observe my words...then I will hear their prayers from up high and will come to them and be their God again......
Will you call upon him Today?
God says I will bring them back to the land I have given and no one will ever move them from their home ever again!
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man
"Pretend I do Not See Him There"
By John R. Hernandez,Jr.
Why does Jesus stand so far from me? I see him there afar in the shadows he stares and wonders back at me. He waits for me to come complete to him, he postures back afar and walks away once again because I have not given my life completely to him. Because, I have chosen to stand on the fence, to sit idly by, to ignore his calling, to pretend I do not see him there.Is it because of how terrible life has been to me? Is it because the things I want and need I can't seem to find? Is it because all the things I reach for seem to slip away and sorrow and solitude close in on me? Is it because he is slowly opening my eyes and I can see all the ugliness, the hatred, the envy and malice around me and inside? Is it because I keep pretending he just isn't there untill I get what I want? When all he ever wanted is for me to want him back.
Could this be you?
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
15 Million Unemployed Americans Will Not Get To Enjoy Labor Day 2011
Apathy and Indifference- the poison- that is strangling the hope promised to the less fortunate in society by every president since the Great Depression
Written and edited by John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2011
Newspapers, Radios, Televisions and Computers; the pillars of the Technological Era have consolidated the fangs and rhetoric of political machineries; thereby, helping to create and amass a multibillion dollar industry. Hollywood, Corporate America and the Wall Street insurance peddlers; who prey on the failures and calamities of Americans. Felt the strength of this new consolidated American Political Industry when it stepped in to bail out the giant industrial monoliths of American might. None of which could have been accomplished without the unsubscribed help of the American Tax Payer. It’s become more about how much money you can influence your counterparts to manipulate your way or how much of the funding pie you can control and to where it goes. Usually, to special interests in their own backyards.
And when it comes to slicing off a piece of the American Tax Payer Pie towards helping the less fortunate; Republicans bulk and sneer at the poor as if they don’t deserve the crumbs allotted to them.How different life would be if I was president? Well for starters I would make sure that all men have equal access to their children from birth and let the courts prove their unworthiness to have those rights. I would make sure that politics and religious organizations are not allowed to take control of the airwaves to espouse political rhetoric that favors any particular party. I would make sure that religious entities follow a rigorous initiation –where- they not be allowed to produce or to write about or speak -over the air- about anything that is not of a religious nature. If you want to be a religious entity then that is what you should be espousing biblical truths and not any political rhetoric paid for by tax payer money.
If however you so choose to not accept tax payer funding then you can talk about whatever you like so long as it's not on the tax payers dime! I would make sure video game manufacturers provide an equal share of educational and Soft Reaction materials for children; because, I feel that way too much is being made that panders to a violent nature. I would make sure social network entities scrutinize who they employ to oversee users; because, way -too many- social networks hire people that have some chip on their shoulders or are just not fit to provide an unbiased service to users. Many network sites hire the wrong people who only end up harassing users instead of sitting back and helping the flow of information to run smoothly.
I would make sure that the poor get the free transportation and other services they deserve. I would make sure that companies that sell cigarettes and or liquor and even drug manufacturers pay a greater share for drug rehab, cancer treatment and other services that cost tax payers billions yearly. I would make sure that all of the aging populations have all the services they deserve on time; and I would help families who desire to keep their elderly at home during the aging process. I would make sure, that boards of education and other administration officials and education providers are held responsible for our children’s education while on school property and that they be reviewed on a semi-yearly basis to make sure that they are doing their best to educate our children.
I would fine, incarcerate and or expel any government entity that is not acting on behalf of the best interest of our children, the working poor, the elderly, the disadvantaged and, the incapacitated, those on public assistance and any other, member of the less fortunate amongst us. As human beings we have to recognize that it is our duty to help the less fortunate. Republicans would like us to believe that we have no responsibility to help others and that they should stand up on their own two feet and get no government help. Most Republicans on The Hill have had their benefits handed down to them from generation to generation. Unlike people out on the streets who have to fight everyday for a crumb of the American Pie.
They on The Hill are ignorant by personal decision to the facts that affect the less fortunate and disadvantaged. Maybe what we need is a litmus test for all future candidates who aspire to become a part of the political machinery; that they get training in multicultural and social sensitive history? The Republicans treat Americans like they are dumb-stupid-children who know no better. Republicans hide behind moral values, Jesus Christ and Religion whenever they espouse their rhetoric; but, wasn't it Jesus Christ and God himself who has admonished us to help our fellow man and is it not true that government programs are funded from tax payer moneys and much of that is for the charitable work directed to us by God himself. Why do Republicans hate the poor so much?
These are our mandate. Do unto to others as you would like them to do unto you. If you don’t want to sign a petition that will help the poor and disadvantaged then don’t be surprised when you get the same treatment. In my administration ignorance will not be a copout. You can describe your society as a democracy or as a freely elected democratic republic or whatever you heart desires. What has happened to America- is that- way too many laws- have been passed to allow people to become lazier and lazier as the years go by. I don’t think we have -too much freedom- but, that we have way too much abuse over the priorities we so choose to adopt while in the process of enjoying our freedoms. Americans in my opinion have become way too lazy, obstinate and difficult. Because, of the abuse of our freedoms. We have become a mob mentaly society. Politics has become another sitcom. Politicians have become experts at manipulating the media with taxpayer money to demonize and or to disgrace the reputation of their competitors -when behind closed doors- they sit and laugh after the elections.
It’s business as usual. The American political machinery much like the American family court system and just about much of our legal system has been turned into the good old boy network; where money dictates who wins in the end regardless of the infractions of justice perpetrated against innocent citizens. It has been well over 45 days since I put up my petitions to help out the unemployed, the rural poor and others; with my latest petition being the creation for a national program to help get the people and economy rolling again. Between, the three petitions I think I have gotten about 45 signers. Can you imagine the amount of time an effort it has taken me to do all of this and the slap in the face I get when people I know from day to day on Facebook and elsewhere completely ignore these petitions?
This is what I like to call selfishness! Americans have become way too apathetic and lazy. They live from week to week from paycheck to paycheck from Friday night drinking binges and party outings and then the rest of their nights or days at work are spent on social networks; and just having a good old time. Americans feel like they are so insulated even in the face of the fact that another 9/11 is about to roll along and yet even that event seems to have been brushed under the rug of ignorance and apathy. Teenage suicide, prostitution, drug abuse, runaways, teenage school drop out, violence against children and many other aberrations have become so the norm that it has been turned into another three minutes of entertainment such as on and on cell phones.
And as for all of you who help put another Republican in the Georgia at-will statehouse. Think about this; since Nathan Deal has been in office -funding to social programs has been curtailed; to the effect that one of the most important social programs that helped to bring assistance to mothers and fathers in that state has been completely de-funded and all the people and offices in the entire state that administered the Georgia Fatherhood Program have been shut down. These are the programs that I like to call at the street level. What I find to be so grievous is how the lowest level programs aimed at the most vulnerable members of our society are taking the brunt of the Republican Social Program Slashing Onslaught?
My belief is that humans are inquisitive, knowledge seeking and apart from their hunter gatherer prehistoric members. And this is a good thing, that people are interested in ideas and facts and truths; but, what I am concerned with is how apathetic humans have become when it comes to the limit of compassion they address towards their fellow man and woman. And furthermore I do admire the level of intelligence out there, but I am concerned that all this intelligence is being wasted on things that are diagonally opposite of what a compassionate society should be. It’s a phenomenon to me how very few but 45 people have signed a petition to help the less fortunate and in particular that this denial to partake in helping others is happening in 2011.
Have we reached the peak of the abyss where the intersections of the two-class divide has widened so far that humanity is begun to embrace everything that is contrary to reason, to selflessness, charitable consciousness and devoid of true inward love? Because if this is what my petitions are saying; then, I shatter to think what lies ahead in the near future for this society. If I was president, It would all be so-much-different!
In the Birth of a New Dawn;
My Compilation of Prose in English and Spanish
May be found at, Barnes&,,, and may others
I just created a petition entitled Include Long Term Unemployed into the Federally Mandated Guidelines of Workforce Initiatives, because I care deeply about this very important issue.
I'm trying to collect 2000000 signatures, and I could really use your help.
To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here:
It'll just take a minute!
Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!
Below you will find a link to the Georgia Fatherhood Program website and a brief look at what is found on their site from their words.
"The Georgia Fatherhood Program (GFP) is a partnership between the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) and the Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL). This program provides education, training and job placement services for non-custodial and custodial parents that are unemployed and underemployed. The GFP offers a statewide systematic delivery of services that enables participants to contribute to the economic well being of their children and the workforce development of the State. The standard is to provide a comprehensive program of services, which includes assessment, workshop competencies, and skills training concurrent with employment.
Specifically, the Georgia Fatherhood Program targets parents who:
are unemployed;
are underemployed with an income less than $20,000 per year;
have children receiving TANF benefits; or
lack a high school diploma or GED and who
are seeking to increase their earning potential
Cited by the U.S. Department of Education and the National Child Support Enforcement Association as the only statewide program of its kind, the Georgia Fatherhood Program serves as a national model of collaboration for comprehensive training and service delivery to non-custodial and custodial parents.
Georgia Fatherhood Program"
"The information about the Georgia Fatherhood Program posted here I borrowed from their website. I feel this is am important program that needs to be refunded and which ultimately helps not only mothers but fathers in the state Georgia.
John R. Hernandez, Jr. 2011"
Monday, August 22, 2011
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. (c) 2011
Below you will find precious comments from many of my readers. If only they truly knew how much it means to me? There is no amount of money in the world that could take the place of their kind appreciation. I thought that publishing my poetry book would help finance some of the costs of putting these websites together. I realize that not all poetry and social activism go together. But, I dont have the luxury of ignoring what God put inside of me. On the one hand he has given me this incredible talent to create wonderful poetry and on the other hand he has given me this zeal and fire to help the less fortunate among us. I've learned a lot since I created the websites and went live on Facebook. I learned that there is room for someone like me and the content I provide. I've learned that there are people out there that appreciate someone that shoots from the hips, that calls it the way he sees it, and not someone that is kissing the rear end of the pundits and glory mongers up on the Hill. And I especialy found out that people aren't interested in phony journalism or journaslists that pander to the ratings with empty words. I realized that what this nation needs is someone that will tell it like it is and be there to face the morning fallout. So far I have not had had one person give me negative feedback on any thing I have commented on any of my sites, including Facebook. But, what I am most concerned with is not so much why my book is not selling or why their is no rea; participation on my sites. I can understand cheapskates. What I cannot understand is why so many people seem to admit liking the petitions I have posted on Facebook and elsewhere. But, still they will not sign them or get their connections to step up and sign them. These are real great petitions that deal with helping people and helping to get Americans back to work. Why you guys out there are not signing these petitions has totaly made me take a serious look at what or why I am here at all. Doing what I do every day, week in and week out; with no pay, no rewards no invetsments and finaly all I see is complete refusal to support my petitions. Unfortunately, people are more interested in what they can get for free and not in investing in helping a fellow poet and social activist or even in the least to help out their fellow American citizen. One day perhaps you will look back and wonder why you did not support me or maybe even why or how it happened that this nation fell into the toilet. Fortunately for me I am not like that! But you guys will have to live with the choices you are making. Refusing to sign a petition to help your fellow man? If you cannot do this then I guess their is no point for me to be doing what I do. Then again maybe that is what you guys want for me to do, to shut it all down. I thought their was more left to this nation than what I am seeing; I guess I was wrong all along. I thought by keeping it all free it would be the best thing to do and just count on the ads and affiliate links support. You tell me what you want me to do.
John R. Hernandez, Jr. CEO New Dawn Media Global Horizons, 2011.
I would wish that you took a close look at all these remarks that people are leaving. Remember that my topics relate to many social issues including teenage suicide. One the remarks could belong to the child or brother or sister of someone out there. I realize that some people don't mind reading about social issues that affect others someplace else far away. But, when it hits closer to home that is when they find it hard to accept. We cannot help eachother if we are all going in opposite directions. So many of us have deiced to go our own separate way, to disregard the rules that have been handed down to us for centuries and make up our rules as we along. United we stand divided we fail!!!!
keep it up! Thanks
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I consider it a compliment that someone would go through the trouble of stealing my content in order to place it on their website! It would'nt hurt for them to site me. JRH
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Submitted on 2011/08/07 at 11:16 pm
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Think About It:
A Sunday Morning Commentary on the Hottest Topics Facing America Today
With host and founder John R. Hernandez, Jr.
Left Behind; tear stains in a dumpster
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2011
My offbeat rough sketch of a movie “Dumpster Kids”
Once a week another motel family is evicted and another one moves in; the dumpsters out back become filled with the belongings of those evicted. A child is walking away, his hands filed with books and toys. Dumpster kiddies are children that live out of motels and who are living below the subsistence level; mainly from donations provided by charity, community members and faith based organizations. The teacher says,” they’ll go to jail early, they’ll get pregnant early…” Motels are the batting cage for many of these families most of which come from the streets. Until they get another shot at living in their own apartments or getting the luxury of owning their own homes. Honestly, the batting average is very low for those who end up here. When you look into the faces of these motel kids you can’t help but hurt inside unless you’re not human. These children are the products of economical downturn; layoffs, cutbacks, outsourcing, plant closings, alcohol abuse and drug abuse, death in the family -mostly as the result of gang violence or abuse. The children playing in the classroom are siblings; the little girl chases her brother around the room as the teacher asks him questions about getting attention. The kids laugh and the sister falls on top of her brother as he laughs; and for a moment the room is so filled with love. Outside it turns dark and the fireworks from Disneyland over the horizon lights up the sky while the noise from the pyrotechnics triggers car alarms in the parking lot; the kids look up and enjoy the fireworks and the rainbow of lights in the sky. The ones that are thrown out often end up back on the streets once-again homeless. And often they end up sleeping in the park along with the gang members, the drug dealing, gang banging and the shootings. Today, the soup lines are long, the tables are set in a way where they can easily file down the line and put on their plates whatever they like. The little girl says, “God gives you the things you need not the things you wish for”. The brothers are talking to the interviewer and one brother says that, “though I am moving to a real home soon there’s one thing, I have been to four schools and now another.” What some poor American families and their children are facing are the products of out sourcing, plant closings, job loss, drug and alcohol abuse and governmental neglect. I realize there are children throughout the world that need our help and this is the least God asks of us; to be charitable, to give, to offer help to the less fortunate, But is it possible that with all the wealth this nation has amassed and all it’s riches and the wealth of corporations; homelessness is still a way of life for so many children out there? I, slowly wipe my eyes once again and in closing I can’t help but think of what will become of my petitions and the 15 million I am trying to help? Maybe some of them are leaving remarks on this site because they enjoy my comments?
My Sunday Morning Door Buster; THINK ABOUT IT!
By John Hernandez, Jr. © 2011-08-21
THINK ABOUT IT! Is a monthly enchilada of comments on critical issues
The Chief Patriarch of the Miserly Scrooge Legacy Steps up to the Plate;
The coming new world order is not too far in sight
Could we be heading for a dictatorship? At the rate that we are racking up deficits and unpaid bills along with trillion dollars in massive borrowing. We cannot sustain our economy and or the rate at which we hope to pay off these debts within the framework of the type of government we have. What I mean is that a four year or eight year presidency is beginning to look incapable of containing the massive wealth of debt we have built; and still hold the lid down -long enough- for the following administration to step in and contain further. Without a -three mile island- type scenario within the financial and stock sectors. This is why -unless this is already being played out- for it to happen at some time in the future- the possibility of an extended term of say 12 to 16 year presidency or an eventual dictatorship is not out of the question. Especialy after you see the kind of bums where ellected into office in the past year. And, especially, when you consider that those who hold the cards -meaning the massive wealth- have nothing to loose; either way. Since they will most likely get to pick who the CEO will be of this new form of government. Think about It!
While I applaud the guts and bravado of Mr. Buffett for having stepped up to the Table of Selfless Giving and crying out, "tax me by darn it tax me now". Where have these billionaires been? It's been almost three years since Mr. Obama became President of the United States of America; why has it taken this long to stand up and offer your help? Obama took the helm and began to fight vigorously against the title wave of financial instability that plagued this nation. He single-handedly attacked the Wall Street predators, the much needed bailout of the big three and the financial institutions; who -admittedly succumbed- to the pressures from the administration to drink the bitter poison of shame. Obama for the last three years has been vilified, humiliated, scorned and down right almost libeled and slandered for simply trying to get people back to work and by helping resuscitate the American economy. And now almost three years after this unending assault on the Presidency of these United States by one and all; the patriarch of the miserly billionaires decides its about time they stood up to the Table of Selfless Giving and threw in their pound of flesh. I wonder how many billions in profits he has made along with his cohorts off of the backs of helpless Americans. Don't you think for one minute that when one of them steps up to the table to offer his miserly contribution he already has figured out how to get it back three times over in tax loopholes, credits, kickbacks and offsets?????? When they step up to hand you a dollar they already know how they will get it back three times over. How could we tax the rich and still resolve our economic catastrophe’s when -for one- the rich profit and benefit from our calamities and -for two- they will still make a profit for every dollar they throw into the pot? Think about it -my friend- think about it.
This has been the Sunday morning pre-Church Talk Show brought to you by New Dawn Media Horizons with Host and Founder John R. Hernandez, Jr. Until next time –remember- don’t fall for their tricks before you Think About It!
My Sunday Afternoon Door Buster Special
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2011
The normal part of the world looks at America as its role model; when it is the world’s leader in the killing of the unborn; it has the greatest number of non-custodial fathers; it is slowly becoming the suicide capital of the world; it incarcerates it's unwanted elders as a fad; it is considered to be lacking in compassion; lost in indecision over God; hateful, greedy, selfishly and self centered; hooked on video games, vampire movies, alcohol, drugs and pornography..! That was my Sunday Door Buster....!
This Nation Needs to Get its Priorities in Order; In My Opinion
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2011
An Occasional Inspirational Message by the Founder of New Dawn Media Horizons
If you want to win elections you’ve got to understand what is hurting people the most and how you intend to help this society handle its problems in the face of this nation’s worst economic disaster since the great depression. In my opinion the answer to this nations problems are clear and easy to deal with once the leadership of this nation has decided to gets it’s priorities in order:
1). Bankruptcy lawyers, trustees and the courts need to help their clients create payment plans in harsh economic times instead of walking out on them.
2). Employers must not be allowed to confiscate a laid off employee’s pension savings during harsh economic times; even if they have only been there a little less than three years.
3). People that are paying their way through Land and Home package contracts need just as much help as traditional mortgage holders. Instead they were ignored and their issues were not addressed during all the time the US Congress and others on Capital Hill held their hearings concerning foreclosures and real estate related discussions.
4). Universities need to understand that during harsh economic times denying debtors a payment arrangement (which happened to me) is not the best way to try and help get this nation back on it’s feet.
Social Security, SSI, Medicare, Aid to Families and Dependent Children, Food Stamps, Welfare and many other programs administered individually or in conjunction with faith based institutions must never be dismantled or slashed.
Instead this nation must be made aware that further aid is needed, stronger programs with far better implementations of care and aid to the less fortunate must be put into place. We have but one way out of the cancerous malaise that has affected this nation for far too long and that is through furthering our present infrastructure of programs for the less fortunate and needy and developing stronger programs to reinforce those at the bottom of this nations class structure.
Because of their contribution to our society this nation is alive and on its way back to a complete recovery but not without the miraculous intervention of God Almighty. If we are experiencing this nation’s worst economic decline it is because of our indulgence with war and our apathetic treatment of those we’ve taken for granted for far too long.
If this nations leadership would embark on an economic renewal and recovery mission much like the mission of war that we have been indulging in for the past 18 years we would be able to balance our priorities and get the economy back in gear. But somehow this nations leadership for far too long has been focused on foreign intervention and less focused on social and economic intervention in this nation.
This nation’s leadership has been ignoring the most important priorities. This nation has forgotten the word of God and his priorities. He tells us, “Come to me and never thirst again and never forget to feed and clothe those less fortunate among you”. When are we going to get it through our heads that we will never save the world without God’s approval and guidance and we will never get it done if we are bankrupt and incapable of defending ourselves?
If we are to reap God’s blessings we are to read God’s word and act upon it and not go blindly throughout the world building coalitions with nations who themselves are to blame for the majority of the economic and social instabilities they face. We know this is the truth and we know this is the problem. Yet, we build coalitions with those who support our enemies. And those who pay for the mistakes that this nation’s leadership has and is making are paying it through the sacrifice and blood of thousands of our nation’s innocent children. This nation’s leadership is so hellbent on this new world order, this global consolidation of power in the hands of the few over the will of the many; that it seems nothing we say will make a difference and am afraid not even what God has to say. Remember that all throughout history the facts state that those who turn their face away from God have faired badly.
Jesus says, “Behold, I stand at the door and nock, if anyone has ears to listen let him answer me and bid me entrance wisely and I will stand with him”. This nation is behaving like a true drunkard, staggering up to the bar stool looking for another drink from those who it once believed to be its friends. But who are now or may soon be removing the limitless tab it has been building. If this nation wants to return to the bullpen of the global playing field it has to bolster its economic leverage, realize that further limitless global defense campaign spending and utter disregard of the word of God and his authority, will only bring self destruction. And furthermore taking out your problems on the less fortunate, the disadvantaged and helpless will never win you favor with God.
John R. Hernandez, Jr.
Vanishing Remnants of a Once Proud Nation: the dismantling of social programs is but the latest attack on the social and cultural fabric of this nation
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2011
There was a time in American culture when just about every family I knew of had its very own family bible and in it you could find the names of every member of that family –sometimes- as far back as a generation or two. I remember as a child and well into adulthood; how I would offer my blessings whenever I approached an elder member of the family and they in turn would bless me. Funny thing about living in a rural area you can run into some familial artifacts when making a run down to the dumpsters. Not too long ago my ex told me not to try and change my kids, because, as far as she was concerned they were individuals. That shocked me that she would try and put a wedge between me and my children. By trying to alienate cultural practices such as the one I just mentioned above from them. My traditional cultural practices have been handed down to me from generation to generation. And it is an insult to me and my family and my predecessors when someone tells me not to practice or hand down these traditions. It’s like I am being told it is useless and no longer acceptable to observe something that we have been doing for hundreds if not thousands of years. Now, I am not trying to get personal but it seems to me that this nation sure has changed -culturally speaking- of course. Seems like the American society I knew when I was growing up still had some vestiges left of family traditions. Traditions that go way back into my generations and maybe even yours if you search a little closer. But, what’s even more of a curiosity to me is how easily overlooked our rapidly disappearing familial traditions and cultural practices -can mean so little- to many of us. The family bible once a staple of almost every generation has gone by the wayside along with the old neighborly gestures of tipping your hat or waving hello to a stranger when passing. Oh yes, here in the so-called Bible Belt church activities and meetings are still vivid and popular in many communities –but- if you ask the average pastor you'd find out that participation has dropped substantially within the last few decades. Another sign of vanishing American cultural traditions. The closer you get to the big cities the further you get from the old familial cultural practices that were the fiber that kept many communities together. Why am I bringing this subject up you may ask? Because I think it's worth mentioning. It also seems to me that more time is spent bickering about the differences between denominational congregations instead of what is common among them. In my opinion, I think the reason for the loss of much of this nation’s once proud cultural heritage appears to be. That, generation after generation, has fallen into the muck and mire of caring less and less about keeping up with the cultural practices; that came along with helping to maintain the values and morals that helped to strengthen the character we inherited from our forefathers. I would love for you to prove me wrong by just writing me and telling me about how you and yours are helping to maintain and pass along your cultural familial practices and traditions.
Behind Closed Doors; the inheritance of being cursed
By John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2011
“I started a petition one month ago today to help get free and expanded transportation for the rural poor, and all but 30 people signed it. Those of us who have the gift of a compassionate heart can only wonder why the rest of America and the world could care less about the aging, about the plight of the poor and or about poverty itself! We live in a society obsessed with aborting what confines them; what deprives them of their so-called individualism, what encroaches upon their perceived rights, what violates their ability to do as they please.” By John R. Hernandez, Jr.
In the Genesis of biblical history the children of Israel were told to kill and destroy everything they came upon when entering Canaan. Did they listen? No. For this reason God set them up to become as despicable as those they were told to destroy. It is important to note this great event in Jewish history if you are to try and understand why people act and behave the way they do in today’s world. To understand the reasons why the people of Canaan were the way they were you have to go back to the story of Noah and his sons and how Ham uncovered his father’s nakedness. But suffice it to say that once Noah was made aware of this account he cursed the offspring of Ham. When one looks further into the offspring of Ham one sees that the land of Canaan was riddled with every kind of devil and false god worship. This explains why God told Joshua not to let the Israelites adopt the Canaanite’s pagan practices, but to destroy everything in sight. They worshipped hundreds of gods and their fornication rivaled that of today's freest spirited among us. When we jump ahead to today’s day and age we find society split along two lines. One side is bent on living out a life of; Hatred, Greed, Envy, and Jealousy –while- succumbing to the most aberrant of human emotions and behaviors. Even in the later years we see our parents as they fade away and waste with age; but some of us are compassionate, caring and loving. While, others simply could care less. The average elderly person that gets put into senior housing is a victim of abuse by their family members; children, brothers and sisters and spouse. The record of the crimes inflicted on the elderly is mind boggling. Most family members don't care or understand the physical and medical frailties that afflict their aging family members. Neglect and abandonment are two of the most prevalent afflictions suffered by the aging populations. I started a petition one month ago today to help get free and expanded transportation for the rural poor and all but 30 people signed it. Those of us who have the gift of a compassionate heart can only wonder why the rest of America and the world could care less about the aging, about the plight of the poor and or about poverty itself! We live in a society obsessed with aborting what confines them; what deprives them of their so-called individualism, what encroaches upon their perceived rights, what violates their ability to do as they please. Imagine we live in a world where hundreds of Nazi Holocaust murderers can live just about anywhere; even thought these people have committed the most horrendous crimes against humanity. The crux of the matter is how humanity has allowed them to slip past their noses. When, God forbid you should offend someone or try and impede them from doing -something- that otherwise would go against all known moral turpitude. If humanity could care less about Nazi murderers living under their noses; what makes you think they are gonna care about the welfare of their own family members? We live in a society that loves to paint this picture perfect portrait of how wonderful and beautiful life really is; when deep down inside behind closed doors there is a miserable dysfunctional relationship between family members. Despite how many times people go to church they can never seem to get it right and this is what brings them back to another day of sermons and hymns; believing that their actions will vindicate their atrocious behaviors against their family, friends, strangers, co-workers and often God himself. When you look back at the mistakes made by the Israelites and God’s punishment for refusing to follow his instructions it is easy to understand why some people refuse to obey God and follow the straight and narrow.
God has made it so easy for mankind to survive and thrive without his constant intervention. –JRH! 2011
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“In your Arms”
By John R. Hernandez, Jr.
Short excerpt from my new book "Beyond the Dawn"
If I could feel your life as you do and taste the
sweet kiss of your lips; if only but for a moment.
As the sun is setting and the last drop of light
gives way to an eternal moment of silence and
your fingers could embrace my gentle
pedals. Then, you would know what I feel as you
hold me in your arms...
"You Loving Me"
Created by John R. Hernandez, Jr. (06) ©
You Loving Me....
Like no one ever has or ever will, touched my lips,
melting softly passionately deeply inside of you
To feel your burning body against mine
drenched in sweat; consuming me, overpowering
me tightly, breathlessly, uncontrollably
This sudden tingling rush embracing the landscape
of our lusts, this canvas of silk and satin stained juices,
wet, dripping
A profile cast by shadows embedded on the walls,
silhouettes of passion’s tainted touch
Scattered glimpses strewn about flashing
painting images, turning pages, pastels of sparkling
Desires conceived while our hearts lie melting
breathless, soaking, showered by the sparks
of an unquenchable lust
Speechless moments craving the touch of one more
yearning sigh, rhythmically woven, as the precipice
of one more dawn explodes within you loving me…
"You Are"
Created by John R. Hernandez, Jr. (06) ©
The breath in me, the path leading me home,
the laughter in my lips, the joy that sets me free. Where I live, where am from, the light to my darkness, where I belong. My reason for hope, the name I love to hear inside me. The eyes, the fire in my soul, who can see within. The reason I live, the magic that flows from your words. The longing I feel, the love I crave, so bold and real. My comfort, the keeper of my heart; my baby,
my girl, my true home. An ocean of pleasures, my eternal friend. An endless moment of passion, the voice inside of me leading me on to where I find my rest. That calming touch, a hope filled kiss; the
bliss I always miss. The warmth in my heart, the pleasure I seek where I’m totally complete. My yearning my comfort, countless tears unleashed; a quiet lonely hope, a cooling breeze. The footsteps
before me, the crashing roar of passion inside; that precious sigh of love in your eyes. A candlelit Moon’s glow, whom I yearn to hold in an ocean of dreams. Waves that unfold, unyielding, embracing us like an eternal storm. Footsteps in the sands of time; pages of our memories rushing past like the days behind us. Like the faces captured on that canvas portraying
the you and I we once were.
John R. Hernandez, Jr. 2011
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