From the Desk
By John R Hernandez @ New Dawn Media Communications-International
"You need to get it through your head that you are up against the neo-Nazi un-justice Democrats led by the Young Turks leader who manipulated their run. Now if you want to tell me he is no longer in control. I don't have to believe whatever the Left says because that party is no longer a party but a mob run amok.
I never liked him and I was right. I saw his video with his plans of what he wants for America and he is crazy! Antifa has to be taken and thrown in jail and all their faces have placed on all media available. So we can see who they are and what there deal is. Let them go in front of a judge and tell him or her what the deal is. Because to me they're are nothing but terrorists.
The LEFT who support; sidewalk crappers, shanty town vagrants, sidewalk needle injections of illicit dope. The proliferation of rat infested entire city blocks now spreading into mass contamination. Where Typhoid, Tuberculosis and many other deceases are prevalent.
Besides, supporting the refuge of multi criminal recidivists many who are ILLEGALS such as those who make it to the national media. Who have murdered young American girls and who live lives free from judicial attention. Because they keep cutting them lose back into the same streets.
Pelosi, Harris, and all the other supporters of REFUGEE CITIES IN CALIFORNIA who are running for office don't want to talk about that -when they're up on the stage- stomping for election to the highest political position in this nation.
So far they have allowed those cities, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego and many others to become refuge for the refuse they are fighting to continue to let in to this nation.
How in God's green Earth could any of those politicians in California and or Beto in Texas or any other LEFTIST in any city of this nation think that they can continue to be in those jobs?
When after many of them after 20 or 30 years in office have brought to those cities nothing but rat infestation, collapse of real estate prices. Dilapidation, drug addiction by further handing out needles to drug addicts. SOON THEY WILL BE HANDING OUT BEER, RUM, AND EVEN MARIJUANA BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE IT WILL HELP THEIR SICKNESS!
The ex-bartender ruined a deal with Amazon to move in to Queens, NY because she fought against it thereby denying more jobs and money for the city. How stupid is that? Children today are afraid to go to school because she has told them the world will end in 11 years!
Because of their demented laws the mentally disadvantage are let back on the streets, murderers are let back out on the streets, and cities are in ruins but. They keep running for office trying to sell ridiculous promises that will only further ruin this nation.
Like Obama they all came in to office with their sweet talking and false promises. Haiti was left bankrupted when she and slick Willie left town after the 8.5 Earthquake that devastated that country.
Now they can get away from going to jail so they cut lose criminals so they can continue to destroy the lives of Americans. They think that if they continue to do nothing the weak Americans will vote them back in. Believing their lies about Trump and others and they can continue to drive this nation into the ground.
Weak minded Americans already have voted in people who have no business being in politics. People who have no trouble or shame standing in front of cameras in crowds no less as blasphemous as thy are and call a sitting president a mthfkr!!!This no longer a party but a mob that has no morals or principles and centrality no respect for the rule of law or the decent law abiding citizens of this nation! They want to throw our borders wide open to let anyone regardless of who they are. Once they throw the borders open they will throw police and many other law enforcement agencies out of power.
No more ICE, no more police to protest us and our neighbors or the laws of this land because many of those laws will be finished no more. This is not a lawful party but a lawless one who allow the handing out of needles for drug addicts to sht and ps all over our sidewalks.
That is not how a lawful party runs a city of state. You will soon see them passing in laws to do some things to APPEASE YOU but if they get in power those laws will disappear.
So when you hear CUOMO IN NEW YORK passing in new laws that sound good it's only to appease your itching ears!! Don't be fools he knows he doesn't have more time before him and the rest of the lawless NEW YORK FAKE PARTY is thrown out.
He JUST SIGNED IN A NEW LAW BACK THIS SUMMER TO ALLOW abortion until the child sees the light of day!!! I tell you all who are reading this this is not as real party but a regime of Marxists Socialists who will ruin this nation and destroy our way of life.
No more bibles they will burn them and you will be powerless to stop it. Hitler did it, Stalin did it and so many others have done and are doing it to day. a thousand churches burned down since September 11th 2001!!!
Who would of ever believed that our entire national media establishment has been corrupted to the core, our entire social media establishments have been corrupted to the core. The Republican party, nor any Conservative party or organization is not paying me to do what I have done form over 10 years now.
No Soros paying me off, no party paying me off!! I'm worried about this nation, about our faith, and our way of life. I see many wrong things in this nation especially in both parties that can be fixed yes even in the party on the right but mostly on the left.How does nay party give needles to drug addicts to keep them addicted? The problems of America can only be fixed by true patriots who really care about this nation, the children, the faith, and especially the future.
The party on the Left has many allies especially the radical terrorist Islamists who have taken over those countries and those people read the history and you will learn about it.
After the Shah was thrown out what has happened in Iran? It has became a Religious Autocratic military order of clerics who rule over the people, with an iron fist. Women are tied to poles and murdered in pain sight of children etc,,.
IN so-called Palestine the children are instructed in murdering their neighbors. They have been offered statehood but have denied it because their rulers back in Iran have said no. because they want them to stay that way.It benefits IRAN'S CAUSE TO KEEP THEM IMPOVERISHED AND DESPERATE FOR WAR. Radical Islam has created a man manifesto much like Hitler or Marx on how they will takeover the US, Canada and elsewhere in this hemisphere.
I have asked myself how is it that the giant social media sites favor the LEFT, those who are opposed to the rule of law do they think they will be in place as they are today when the Left gets in power?
Do they think their executives getting their big paychecks and billions will even be in power? What I see as the reason for their shift to the left is because they have fallen for their ideas believing they will be allowed to remain in power.
But like so m nay times in the past they too will be brought down and made to do as the Left says and truthfully the Left it self wont be in power if they don't watch out because those in the East will get rid of them one they get power!Look at Venezuela the people dying in the streets Maduro blocking the aid the people needed. Why does he think he will remain ion power there will be a coup and who knows maybe someone worst that him will take over. Already Russia and China are making headway into Venezuela.
Trump has warned Cuba to stay clear. It's up to law abiding Americans who believe in the rule of law to vote in law and order. The we can band together and help fight for better laws; better school financial aide, more expanded medical Guarantees,.guaranteed good paying jobs for all Americans, lock up corrupt politicians, give back power of decent and law abiding freedom of speech, no more burning the flag or bibles or denying people of faith to worship God.
No ore needle handouts to keep people sick with addiction, no more illicit drugs coming freely from China or Mexico, no ore open doors for anyone to sneak into this nation unless they have legitimate reasons.We have so-called talk show hosts who pretend they are law abiding, fair and honest, Conservative leaning, Trump supporting but the minute Trump makes a move they turn against him.
That is not fair to say the least.
Trump has done many things for America. But these shock jogs can't wait to put him down they should just curse him out like the rest of the LEFT IS DOING.ANYONE WHO HAS SEEN ANY OF THE CAPITOL HILL MEETINGS AND CANNOT SEE THE OUT OF CONTROL MOB EXPERIENCE UP THERE WITH LITTLE TO NO RESPECT FOR THE RULE OF LAW MUST OF BEEN WATCHING SOME OTHER PROGRAM.
Remember the Kavanaugh nomination investigations it was murder they killed that poor man and his family paraded like illegals in from of the cameras and then questioned forever accused of rape and attack and almost everything else.Then they paraded FORD in who looked d like something there dragged out of some devil cult somewhere and then throw her in to have it out with the judge and after you can se the little shirt lady come by with the payoffs!!!!!
Kamala who made her way up the ladder of the motel chains is now telling Americans her Utopian policies will work for America! None of them including Bud Guzzling Warren who recently celebrated her birthday with her other Leftists.
Inside an abortion mill just as the media paraded an 80 year old abortion practitioner. Almost as old
As ABORTION CREATOR MARGARET SANGER'S MOST DEFECATING DAYS ADVOCATING FOR THE MURDER OF CHILDREN. IT'S SAID HE MAY OF ABORTED SOME 80,000 BABIES.When Beto says 'Hell Yes' he will confiscate your guns etc., I'm waiting for him to call us all mtrfkrs like his pal Rashid does to the Pres! They all hate Israel, like Obama who pretended to be in support of it and then he backslide and delivered on pallets loaded with over 500 millions in both cash and gold and other currencies!!!
When Beto talks like that it reminds me of Venezuela's Maduro who curses America for that country's failings! Last time I looked America was paying off every poor nation on Earth more money that another nation or country in the world has ever paid! But the Left say no America has never green great.Sure it never has if your Hilary Clinton and Bill Clinton flying long around the world making false promises while being paid HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS to then walk off after robbing HAITI after the charity event to help it rebuild from the EARTHQUAKE.
Today Canada's Trudeau said he was wrong for painting his face black, to mock Black people? Like it was a slip of the tongue no big deal let's move on he's a Leftist who cares the voter's got their free drugs, Canada is at peace, people have jobs, everyone is getting along no troubles!!
And to boot today the shock-jocks on the radio are already emulating each other as the saviors of the world as long as we stay in the trance they have build everything will be okay and you again will be entertained with moments of crapping on Trump, and all the other self aggrandizement they shower themselves with and oh don't forget to BUY THEIR BOOKS!!!!
Yes there are some politicians on the right who need replacement but if they are none don't throw the switch for the other side who will only bring misery with their late term abortions, open borders and more refugee city laws.In my opinion save your time for better things you can do and enjoy a real life on instead of being imprisoned in your home or office or wherever and say a prayer that we got the country back but there is still more to go.
Go out and do something beneficial like VOTING FOR THE RIGHT SIDE IN EVERY ELECTION FROM NOW TO 2020 OR AMERICA IS LOST FOREVER! That is if you want Beto to take your safety button?Already many states have flipped to the LEFT and many of their new politicians are as radical as it gets! Just watch -another Hillary clone- Rashid calling Donald J. Trump, Jr. a mtrfkt!!!!!" By John R Hernandez @ New Dawn Media Communications-International -SEPTEMBER 11TH 2019- (c)
I am ecstatic! Gotta admit Blogger deserves a lot of love today after such a great job formatting properly my beautiful post. Thanks you guys and gals after 10 years it's a miracle. Let's stay friends now.
ReplyDeleteThanks, John R. Hernandez,jr. Owner, Publisher, and Founder