"There will be errors but, what can you expect from a guy eating out of a dumpster!" Shila our resident cat.
By JohnRHernandez@NDMC-INTERNATIONAL 2017 (c)
By JohnRHernandez@NDMC-INTERNATIONAL 2017 (c)
By JohnRHernandez@NDMH-USA 2018 (c)
"Who without the drugs they are sneaking into the US through their own citizens acting as Mules BACK-PACKING THE DRUGS IN. It wouldn't be a lucrative multi-billion dollar business, if a large segment of America's population would not be so addicted; and maybe American cities wouldn't look like third world trash bins?"JRH/NDMC COMMENTING ON ILLICIT DRUGS
"There was a time in American media when foul words were bleeped-out by the networks. But not in today's Open Minded,
"As America is embroiled in one the biggest PEDOPHILE SCANDALS along with an uprising by yet another Democratic rendition of Stone Wall redacted version; Nancy Pelosi says five weeks into Trumps Ad that he has not revealed a jobs bill. Speizer says that jobs are not always best created by leg/bills but by bringing companies back and together on board by offering tax cuts and other Ad measures. Coming together with heads of corporate America and other leaders is an ongoing process which has clearly been done by all the -press conferences- he has had with countless business leaders.
If the establishment media refuses to cover these improvements and corporate releases it is on them as they are now considered to be focusing more on fake news than reporting on real news coming out of the AD. Right now we are seeing also a figure of over $3 trillion dollars in investments. Infrastructure, material stocks, and many other sectors -are also- climbing rapidly.
Catalina Mag spokeswoman says she cannot give Trump any credit which she supports further by saying that it's Demos who lead in infrastructure repairs; since according to her Obama led in that area. Pelosi says Trump is stone-walling on these issues. It seems in the area of fake news Demos are still clinging like piranhas to the fake false narrative of Russia Hacking the 2016 election.
If America, the rest of the sane media, and any others had any doubts about the 2016 elections? One need to go no further than to take a closer look at Hillary Clinton's Democratic Organization which was caught on tape revealing how its chosen leaders/managers and associates/contractors urging/paying illegals to vote for Hillary. Their use of paid individuals to go to Trump rally's to incite riots.
The use of dead people voting records. The words of videos that revealed Democratic operatives manipulation have led me to place them here in their own words as reported by the Conservative Review>>>
"The second video in Project Veritas’ Rigging the Election” series was released Tuesday, and, in the words of Project Veritas Action President James O’Keefe, it’s “so damning, we’ll have corporate media forced to cover this. Even if they’re dragged kicking and screaming.”
In this video, a Democratic operative explains how they commit mass voter fraud. Busted! Undercover video shows democrat operatives admitting they incited violence at Trump rallies
“We manipulated the vote with money and action, not with laws,” Democratic operative Scott Foval explains in the video.
Foval, who was fired from Americans United for Change after O’Keefe exposed him in the first video Monday, explains how Democrats have been manipulating voter turnout for “years.”
“We’ve been bussing people in to deal with you f*****g assholes for fifty years, and we’re not going to stop now, we’re just going to find a different way of doing it."
From there, Project Veritas Action writes in their post, the revelations get worse. Foval then goes on to explain the sinister plot and how they avoid getting caught. The undercover reporter asks why they can’t just “bus in” voters, but get them to use their own personal vehicles. Foval describes how they avoid being detected and free of criminal charges. “Would they charge each individual of voter fraud?
Or are they going to go after the facilitator for conspiracy, which they could prove? It’s one thing if all these people drive up in their personal cars. If there’s a bus involved? That changes the dynamic.”
How do they keep it a secret from the American people and the FEC? Foval explains, “So you use shells. Use shell companies.”
The final straw is Foval and the Democrats don’t think journalists, the media or the law can do anything to stop him, the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign. “The question is, whether when you get caught by a reporter, does that matter? Because does it turn into an investigation or not? In this case, this state, the answer is no, because they don’t have any power to do anything.” <<<here in their own words as reported by the Conservative Review.
Donald Trump has been sounding the alarm on a “rigged” election. It seems his claims aren’t too far off. What is clear from this video is the Democrats are committing voter fraud." So there you have it as reported by Conservative Review because I believe that at some point this year or in the not too distant future -however- you want to frame it. I foresee some future litigation, investigations, some type of Capital Hill serious legal actions.
on exactly how far the DNC was allowed to go and I'd like to see a serious inquiry into where the money came from? that funded all these illegal activities and also would want to see people prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If it doesn't happen and the Demos feet are not held to the fire on this by Congress, some committee on the Hill, or Conservative media then we will know we've been sold out again just like giving Hillary another free pass like she has been getting for well over 30 years!
Not like what Hillary has gotten, a pat in the butt and a handshake like the handshake Chaffetz gave her on inauguration day! And then we hear that Trump has decided to not bother with the long drawn out legal process to prosecute. But I was under the impression that Trump was gun-ho about prosecuting violators? Considering during the election he did suggest bringing in an special counsel just for Hillary. Be nice if it was Trey?
On another topic. Immigration Gizelle Fernandez say'd on O'Reilly Factor that, Mexican citizens are offended by Trump wanting to build a wall along the border. But, aren't the drugs coming into the US from Mexico. She responded by saying that the guns are also going South. But, that scandal of guns happened during Obama's Gun Fiasco and not during the new Trump Ad.
And I might ad if guns are going south they are not going into the hands of law abiding Mexican citizens more-so than into the happily waiting hands of the same Mexican citizens running these drug cartels. Who without the drugs they are sneaking into the US through their own citizens acting as Mules BACK-PACKING THE DRUGS IN. It wouldn't be a lucrative multi-billion dollar business, if a large segment of Americas population would not be so addicted; or maybe American cities wouldn't look like third world trash bins?
So now the DNC decides let's elect a Latino to head the next barrage of sleazy shenanigans leading the March sales at the urine bag warehouses, pussycat hats, St. Patty's day shot fest happy hours, and the tear jerking Cinco de Mayo hullabaloo over ICE locking up illegals at soccer games. To smear law abiding American's attempts at curtailing illegal drugs and aliens from crashing through US borders.
Not withstanding the fact that just before his departure Obama also commuted thousands of criminal sentences none of which were ever listed so we may never know who they were, what crimes they had committed, and or what nationalities they represented. Not that the Liberal fake media gives a dang since America is riddled with inner cities looking like third world Cabals.
But, their Open Society-Open Border schemes replete with Sanctuary City status; like beacons pointing north of the border. Appear like landing pads for all the jumbo jets filled with Obama's religion of peace members. Excited to get their free citizenship cards, prayer cloths, and cowboy boots. Flooding American children's school rooms with Sharia indoctrination, a skyrocketing increase in rapes, and further riots and looting in the streets!
And as if America's school children hadn't had enough of all this finger pointing from sore losers, don't expect to hear any remorse from Maxine Waters use of the 'Scumbag' words aimed at President Donald Trump and others or any repudiation from -surprisingly- newly elected Latino DNC chief. Words which seemingly resemble language commonly spewed out of Presidential Candidate 'Benghazi' Hillary Clinton's mouth.
So, is it any wonder why the Washington Woman's March organizer Linda Sarsour a Palestinian HAMAS connection was fully comfortable with the propelling of urine bags, and use of foul language. "While three of the four national co-chairs of the Women’s March are professional activists and organizers—Sarsour is the executive director of the Arab-American Association of New York, Perez is the head of The Gathering for Justice, and Mallory is an experienced gun-control advocate and civil rights activist..."
Comments from Salsour's interview appear to show a dark penchant to express her radical Palestinian anti-system/American views when we read of her interview that; "Once an aspiring English teacher, she joined the Arab American Association in its infancy, succeeding founder Basemah Atweh, her mentor, as executive director with Atweh’s death in 2005. “I grew out of the shadow of 9/11,” Sarsour said. “What I’ve seen out of bad always comes good, is that solidarity and unity, particularly amongst communities of color who feel like they’re all impacted by the same system.”http://www.wmagazine.com/story/womens-march-on-washington-activists-organizers
Am I confused here when I question exactly what 'SYSTEM' is she talking about? Salsour also added,"“I don’t really have time to do it, but you know what? I’m so angry at the things that are around me that I’m going to take that anger and translate it into some productive work, which is what I’m doing now for this march,” http://www.wmagazine.com/story/womens-march-on-washington-activists-organizers
The things that are around her? Let's see eight years of Open Borders, Homeland Security accidentally makes 8 thousand individuals set for deportation back to the Middle East now suddenly become US citizens; with a flick of computer's switch. No comments on all the terrorist attacks by members of her religion or any sentimental connection to people of color as victims murdered by Muslims?
So is it any wonder when a businessman like Donald Trump would go out to meet with the American people to tell them it's time to take America back? And when Trump wins because America decided to fire FOULMOUTHED-Benghazi-Hillary and her Cabal of vote rigging and Huma Aberdin email tampering gang members. All they have left to do is sling urine filled bags and have politicians like Maxine Waters scream out foul mouthed insults like, "I just think the American people need to know what is going on. This is a bunch of scumbags. That's what they are. They're all organized ..." www.zerohedge.com
But if George Soros decides to pump in billions to help rig the 2016 US election by Democrats and then they lose the election. What the American people are polluted with are fake hacking attacks by Russia and foulmouthed words from protesters and a Top Democratic leader! If the Leftist American media now fully come out of the closet thrown all caution to the wind and has decided to print exactly as thy have for years now?
According from the George Soro's -Hillary Clinton play book? It looks like Thanksgiving will come earlier than expected by alt media pundits, net bloggers, and almost everyone else on the Right who aren't fearful of the urine bags and the foul mouthed scumbag words thrown at them. But at the end of the day; what new political satire can America's schoolchildren expect?
From foul mouthed urine bag slinging Democrats in 2020? Or will it be more of the same old fake news, unsubstantiated allegations, and continued character destruction and demonization? Of those opposed to their George Soros and the Benghazi-Hillary Clinton Open Borders, Open Society, and further destruction of America's Constitutional Infrastructure? " JRH-NDMC-INTERNATIONAL 2017 (c)
"Benghazi Hillary's most infamous words clearly not a positive role model for America's school children!" JRH-NDMC
"The following are 13 documented quotes from Hillary Clinton—and some of them are sexually explicit.
“Where is the G-damn f***ing flag? I want the G-damn f***ing flag up every f***ing morning at f***ing sunrise.”
(“Inside The White House” by Ronald Kessler, page 244. Hillary yells at staff of the Arkansas Governor's mansion.)
“You sold out, you mother f***er! You sold out!”
“(Inside: A Public and Private Life” by Joseph Califano, page 213. Hillary screaming at a Democratic lawyer.)
'F**k off! It's enough that I have to see you ****-kickers every day, I'm not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut.'
(“American Evita” by Christopher Anderson, page 90. Hillary yells at State Troopers after one allegedly told her “Good Morning.”)
“You f***ing idiot.”
(“Crossfire: Witness in the Clinton Investigation” by L.D. Brown, page 84. Hillary Clinton curses at a State Trooper.)
“If you want to remain on this detail, get your f***ing ass over here and grab those bags!”
(“The First Partner: Hillary Rodham Clinton” by Joyce Milton, page 259. Hillary shouts at a Secret Service agent.)
“Get f***ed! Get the f**k out of my way!!! Get out of my face!!!”
(“Hillary's Scheme: Inside the Next Clinton's Ruthless Agenda to Take the White House” by Carl Limbacher, page 89. Hillary yelling at Secret Service agents.)
Maxine Waters Calls Trump's Cabinet A Bunch Of "Scumbags" - Vibe
6 days ago - Rep. Maxine Waters has seemingly become the spine the Democrats so desperately need to tackle the GOP and the Trump administration.
Maxine Waters Calls the Trump White House 'Scumbags' - Cortney O ...
6 days ago - Ask Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) what she thinks of the Trump administration and she'll be brutally honest. Chris Hayes did - and he got a ...
Democrat Maxine Waters Calls Trump Administration "A Bunch Of ...
6 days ago - "I just think the American people need to know what is going on. This is a bunch of scumbags. That's what they are. They're all organized .
Hillary Clinton's Security Detail Curses & Foul Mouth | National Review
Oct 22, 2016 - Hillary F. Clinton Curses Those Who Keep Her... ... Hillary F. Clinton Curses Those Who Keep Her Safe. ... Hillary routinely bullied her bodyguards — and with the worst language possible.
SelwynDuke.com: Hillary Clinton's Vulgar Mouth
244 - Hillary to the staff at the Arkansas Governor's mansion on Labor Day, 1991. ... Even with all the bad words, the one I highlighted is, to me, the most serious/dangerous. ... Reply October 09, 2016 at 08:04 PM .... we need, but will short us by at least one fifth of our stores)? Uranium is used in weapons as well as for fuel?
13 Extremely Vulgar Comments That Came Out of the Mouth of Hillary ...
... quite the foul mouth herself. The following are 13 documented quotes from Hillary Clinton—and some of them are sexually explicit. ... Hillary yells at staff of the Arkansas Governor's mansion.) ... Hillary used the epithet about Jewish people.
Hillary Clinton Screaming Obscenities and Throwing Objects in ...
Nov 15, 2016 - by Daniel J. Flynn15 Nov 20160. 15 Nov ... The mystery of Hillary Clinton, milk-carton missing on election night, appears solved. A Tuesday of ... She picked up objects and threw them at attendants and staff. ... She has a foul mouth and a good throwing arm.” .... Privacy Policy · Terms of Use · Breitbart Jobs ...
By JohnRHernandez@NDMC-INTERNATIONAL 2017 (c)
By JohnRHernandez@NDMH-USA 2018 (c)