Tuesday, May 19, 2015


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By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2015


"Only two weeks ago homegrown Jihadis attempted to storm a freedom of speech gathering in the Lone Star State of Texas. Apparently these ISIS members felt like they'd been snubbed so they decided to load up and go hunting. No, that's not what they had in mind, Those were hardcore homegrown terrorists representing the same Jihadis.

That over there in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and other places, are murdering, innocent victims in cold blood. Apparently, President Obama has missed all of this, when he calls it a religion of peace. If it's a religion of peace then for God's sake why aren't we seeing ten's of thousands or even millions of peace loving Muslims fighting alongside us -out on the streets- of America shouting? No More!

What we have seen in the past from this president is a callous disregard to serve and uphold the rights of Americans. As he defends the rights of those who rape, maim, and kill indiscriminately; innocent victims -mainly- Christians and Jews. When we go back to the infancy of his administration, he fought valiantly to protect the nation and the working man from impending disaster.

Due to the reckless financial state this nation was driven into by bankers. For that and other actions taken by this administration the American people can gladly say there is some sense of appreciation of his statesmanship.Yet, for taking the side of our enemies (both ideologically and financially) in foreign lands; speaks volumes. It's one major fall from whatever grace he came into office with.

While, supporting and sheltering the tens of thousands who everyday chant the doctrine of an Anti-American ideology. Bent on -overthrowing our nation from within- as it is written in their holy book and spewed out of the mouths of extremist Islamic hatemongers. He has aligned himself among a group of despots who soon will fall by the wayside of American history's most shameful statesmen.

In the face of thousands of decapitations, murder, rape, and torture. His casual demeanor over Radical Islam's murderous attacks on Americans, by calling it a religion of peace. While, not one Muslim in America has stood up to denounce the vile acts of their own brothers and sisters, or even to renounce their radical fundamentalism? Neither, have they taken to the streets to denounce CAIR a Muslim organization which has embedded itself in American politics.

While, hiding its dark and ugly scheme to usurp our liberties and Democracy. As it works out its plans to destroy the very foundations on which this nation has stood, for over 300 years.
His reckless inaction and casual attitude -at least in my mind- are tantamount to cold blooded indifference, to his sworn duties. To serve the people, protect the land, uphold the rule of Constitutional law, and to defend the Flag of the United States of America.

From all enemies near and far! President Barack Hussein Obama has but, -a short time left in his administration to right the wrongs- he has done to America and the American people. By siding with known terrorists and cohorting with organizations -whose open aim- is to wipe America and Israel from the face of the Earth!" JRH-NDMH 2015 

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." - Benjamin Franklin

Source of graphic: http://www.longislandfirearms.com/forum/topic/77672-most-famous-911-pic-almost-banned-from-memorial/


Posted Image


By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2015


"Only two weeks ago home grown Jihadis attempted to storm a freedom of speech gathering in the Lone Star State of Texas. Apparently these ISIS members felt like they'd been snubbed so they decided to load up and go hunting. No, that's not what they had in mind, Those were hardcore home grown terrorists representing the same Jihadis. That over there in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and other places, are murdering, innocent victims in cold blood. Apparently, President Obama has missed all of this, when he calls it a religion of peace. If it's a religion of peace then for God's sake why aren't we seeing ten's of thousands or even millions of peace loving Muslims fighting alongside us -out on the streets- of America shouting? No More!
What we have seen in the past from this president is a callous disregard to serve and uphold the rights of Americans. As he defends the rights of those who rape, maim, and kill indiscriminately; innocent victims -mainly- Christians and Jews. When we go back to the infancy of his administration, he fought valiantly to protect the nation and the working man from impending disaster. Due to the reckless financial state this nation was driven into by bankers. For that and other actions taken by this administration the American people can gladly say there is some sense of appreciation of his statesmanship.
Yet, for taking the side of our enemies (both ideologically and financially) in foreign lands; speaks volumes. It's one major fall from whatever grace he came into office with. While, supporting and sheltering the tens of thousands who everyday chant the doctrine of an Anti-American ideology. Bent on -overthrowing our nation from within- as it is written in their holy book and spewed out of the mouths of extremist Islamic hatemongers. He has aligned himself among a group of despots who soon will fall by the wayside of American history's most shameful statesmen.
In the face of thousands of decapitations, murder, rape, and torture. His causal demeanor over Radical Islam's murderous attacks on Americans, by calling it a religion of peace. While, not one Muslim in America has stood up to denounce the vile acts of their own brothers and sisters, or even to denounce their radical fundamentalism? Neither, have they taken to the streets to denounce CAIR a Muslim organization which has embedded itself in American politics. While, hiding its dark and ugly scheme to usurp our liberties and Democracy. As it works out its plans to destroy the very foundations on which this nation has stood, for over 300 years.
His reckless inaction and casual attitude -at least in my mind- are tantamount to cold blooded indifference, to his sworn duties. To serve the people, protect the land, uphold the rule of Constitutional law, and to defend the Flag of the United States of America; from all enemies near and far! President Barack Hussein Obama has but, -a short time left in his administration to right the wrongs- he has done to America and the American people. By siding with known terrorists and cohorting with organizations -whose open aim- is to wipe America and Israel from the face of the Earth!" JRH-NDMH 2015 
"God Keep and Bless America on this Memorial Day and Forever!"JRH-NDMH 2015

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." - Benjamin Franklin

Thursday, May 14, 2015



By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2015


"If I may, I will take one excerpt from the Bible where it says, build your house upon the rock where moth nor mice will ... Matthew 7:25
The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. And we as Social Policy and Planing experts, developers, structural architects, builders, social activists, human rights supporters, investors in global development, medical practitioners, along with all those who want to eradicate poverty and decease and bring forth a new era of reform and development for all. Must understand and recognize our faults and failures. We must learn from the past in order to build the right foundations which will stand the test of human nature and time!" JRH-2015

"We have everything we need to eradicate poverty, hunger, human trafficking and other ill's. Why don't we listen to those with the most experience, the closest to the contamination, and who know better than those behind desks somewhere across the nation or continent?" JRH-2015 NDMH

Below is a comment I made to the World Bank Organization President Jim Kim regarding funding efforts by his group and others. To put together a consortium of individuals aspiring to help fund the lives of some over 100,000 persons living in poverty.
JR Hernandez via Jim Kim "Once again Mr. Kim, a just and compassionate effort on the part of the World Bank, as a result -I'm sure- of your invaluable leadership. When I look at the conditions and lives of those affected by this epidemic and other social ills. That are almost a way of life for those living in these economically disparate regions of the African Continent. One would think it's about time bystanders in the global community understood the gravity, of situations like these!" JRH-2015NDMH

Credits to World Bank Organization via LinkedIn.com


"The World Bank Group is spearheading an anti-poverty campaign in Sierra Leone where over 100,000, recipients living in abject poverty will receive the necessary aid to help lift them up out of this generational decease. But, much still needs to be done and I am sure that the World Bank and its leader Mr. Kim will leave no stone unturned till Poverty and Development issues are clearly met. Not just only in the most needy and vulnerable villages, towns, cities, and remote outposts of the African Continent.

But, elsewhere in the world, where clean running water, paved streets and adequately updated homesites, medical assistance and facilities, as well as thriving economic enterprises -need- to be put into place. Due to the -dire necessity- that exists in some of these places, where people are trying to eek out an existence. And especially where the ravishes of Ebola are still present as in Sierra Leone and other nearby sectors. But, one must never let down his/her guard with respect to Poverty and its connection to the prevalence of deceases.

As well as known common and prevalent health issues like; Tuberculosis, HIV, Venereal deceases, liver deceases, Diabetes, blindness, heart decease, aging related issues, and pediatric abnormalities. As well as- other not so popular deceases that are slowly cropping up and threatening to turn into the next pandemic. Below is the World Bank page headline and related addresses where we all can go and see what is being done by this wonderful organization and its branches." JRH-2015 NDMH

Sierra Leone: 126,000 People to Benefit from Cash Grants through New Social Safety Net Program

May 4, 201http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2015/05/04/sierra-leone-people-benefit-cash-grants-new-social-safety-program?cid=EXT_LinkedinWorldBank_P_EXT

Media Contacts For World Bank
Kafu Kofi Tsikata Tel : (+233) 244 312 540, ktsikata@worldbank.org
For UNICEF Issa A. Davies Tel : (+232) 76601310

"Sierra Leone a country in west Africa with some 6 million people is well over 27,000 square miles while bordering Guinea, Liberia, and the Atlantic Ocean to the south west.
In order to understand why I take the time to do this. To help bring attention to the needs of those most vulnerable in our global community. Just let me assure you right -of the bat- I do not get any funds, for whatever it is I do, to bring to light these issues. Or to profile in my webpages the tireless work of the men and women in the trenches -day and night- all over the world. Fighting to end Poverty, pushing against the wall of ignorance; which thrives on the poor, the infirmed, the less fortunate of us. Many of us at one time or another have been faced with poverty. It is for some of us an indelible part of life. Which, some carry with them hoping to never have to relive and yet, others are still held in its grips.

Poverty like any other man made decease such as; addictions of alcohol, drugs, slavery, sex addictions and prostitution, violence, unemployment, illiteracy, class struggles, race hating, antisemitism, ethnic unrest's, pollution of air, ground, and water. These are the walls of ignorance thrown down by some humans to help keep other men, women, and children in conditions of destitute and abject isolation. Isolated from the rest of society, from those who thrive -day by day- on the self inflicted weakness of others. Brought about by some, in humanity who prefer to make their riches and live their wealthy lives separate and apart. From those they label as the unwanted, the undesirable, those not befitting to walk on the same paved ground, gated community or plush neighborhood as they.

Let me just say, that I too was once one of the them! I too walked unpaved, muddy, slippery planks to get from one side of the street to the other. No -these were not- paved or well lighted neighborhoods; if they could be called that? I too saw the ravishes of development razing off the Earth entire swats of forests. From the front porch of my mom's small homesite which, she bought for two-thousand dollars and just happened to be her lifesaving's, at that time. I too remember walking along those muddy roads -in pitched darkness- with my family and friends. Often watching, catching, and peering out unto the darkness at the stars above like fireflies dancing across the sky in front of us. I too enjoyed running along side small streams after the monsoon-like rains to marvel at the little fish that swam, so freely in them.

I too got to see poverty and decease with my very own eyes when as a child I can remember the many injections I had to undergo. To help fight off the ravishes of the decease I lived with! I know what it's like to grow up coming out of a broken marriage relationship between Mom and Dad, and watching my mother struggle to make ends meet. I know what hunger is like and living out of meager rations from day to day. I know poverty my friends. That too is a decease just as Abortion, is a human decease. We've turned it into a decease because we've allowed jurors in black robes to tell us it's our right, our choice, to do with our lives as we see fit! I have seen close-hand what racism can do to you and what it does to others. What it means having to lack basic necessities. What it means to struggle to find work, to go astray, to make the same errors that are endemic to many of those borne out of poverty and disillusionment.

And then having to face corruption from the aspect of political and social programs and ask myself, Why? I guess what is important to take away here is that; unchecked development, unsupervised social programs -which are not properly managed- and funded, often from the management point can turn out to be like natural disasters. If I may, I will take one excerpt from the Bible where it says, build your house upon the rock where moth nor mice will ... Matthew 7:25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. And we as Social Policy and Planing expert, developers, structural architects, builders, social activists, human rights supporters, investors in global development, medical practitioners, along with all those who want to eradicate poverty and decease and bring forth a new era of reform and development for all.

We must all understand and recognize our faults and failures. We must learn from the past in order to build the right foundations which will stand the test of human nature and time! You see Sierra Leone is one of the countries in West Africa with a vast amount of natural resources; its mining base is prevalent in diamonds and gold, along with Titanium and Bauxite and other precious metals. It's Christian minority is a reflection of its religious tolerance alongside its majority Muslim populations and yet. The Civil War which ranged close to 10 years took a large toll on the country as whole. Where, Wikipedia reveals, 'over more than a decade [had] devastated the country. It left more than 50,000 people dead, much of the country's infrastructure destroyed, and over two million people displaced as refugees in neighboring countries." JRH-2015 NDMH

Despite exploitation of this natural wealth, 70% of its people live in poverty.[12] Sierra Leone became independent in 1961. Government corruption and mismanagement of the country's natural resources contributed to the Sierra Leone Civil War (1991 to 2002),
Sources on Sierra Leone taken from Wikipedia.com

One of my favorite sites for bible versus is, biblehub.com


By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2015

"Although I did some study on West Africa back at Rutgers University I did not remember much about it at the time I was piecing this paper. So it being over 10 years ago I couldn't recollect about the corruption and mismanagement of resources and people of Sierra Leone until hours later, as I was about to put the final touches on this paper.

If I had to put all the final touches, I would have to write it in several parts since most of my pieces are long and well cited. I'm sure Dr.Popper could attest to to that. So, by that I mean that I knew nothing of political unrest there and government corruption. Even while I was expressing my concerns about corruption and mismanagement.

So it came as a surprise to me to read later on in Wikipedia about the civil war and troubles. My points on corruption came from what I have seen here in the US and come to know throughout the world. But in hindsight if I do a further study of what I studied back at the Edward Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, along side Dr. Burchelle and others, I might be surprised to find that It had been one of the topics I worked on back then." JRH-2015 NDMH


1). Sierra Leone is a predominantly Muslim country,[9][10][11] though with an influential Christian minority. Sierra Leone is regarded as one of the most religiously tolerant nations in the world. Muslims and Christians collaborate and interact with each other peacefully. Religious violence is very rare in the country.

2). Sierra Leone has relied on mining, especially diamonds, for its economic base. It is also among the largest producers of titanium and bauxite, a major producer of gold, and has one of the world's largest deposits of rutile. Sierra Leone is home to the third-largest natural [harbor] in the world.
3).  Despite exploitation of this natural wealth, 70% of its people live in poverty.       [12]

Sierra Leone became independent in 1961. Government corruption and mismanagement of the country's natural resources contributed to the Sierra Leone Civil War (1991 to 2002), which over more than a decade devastated the country. It left more than 50,000 people dead, much of the country's infrastructure destroyed, and over two million people displaced as refugees in [neighboring] countries. Sources on Sierra Leone taken from Wikipedia.com


By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2015

 It came to my attention that some were concerned with the title of this piece so I thought I'd break it down. The' barefoot jungle of truth' is what we see every day when we walk out the door or peer out into the ocean of human mass; moving about their everyday routine. They represent the truth about everything that makes up each interconnected level of society. Or what we perceive as the truth? Without that interconnectedness, that stands between us as an individual part of that process and the process or the society as whole?

We are forced to live in conditions determined by laws, pending legislation without adequate approvals, and enforcement authorities. Whom as a whole, while looking stoically capable and ready to fend off threats from decease, poverty, human trafficking, approaching armies, and a host of other societal conditions. Typically fail! In the most futile of situations -since these are megalithic bureaucracies- which often lack the coordinated arms of law enforcement-empowerment, they were established to posses.

For example, when the Salmonella outbreak of 2004 was at its peak after sickening over 600 people in some 255 states the top official at the USDA while in a face to face hearing before Congress was asked why he did not go any further? Knowing the level of the treat and evidence showing that a national recall and enforcement was needed in this crisis. He ignorantly replied he lacked the law to act. Congress replied, 'ask'?

Can you imagine the number of people that died and the countless number who barely made it through this who did not have to go through what they did if only Congress and the USDA were on the same page? 1). Can you imagine one other excuse was that the USDA only had one standard of testing procedure (used for well over 100 years)?
2). Which applied -only to testing of the whole product- and not the separate portions of the product during processing.

3). Can you imagine that Salmonella though a virulently deadly pathogen was never given the same official title of a known 'Adulterant' as Ecoli and other strains? Not to mention that the food processing facilities as an industry have one of the most powerful lobby, bar none.  And that the plant responsible for the more than 600 illnesses of Salmonella at its peak did nothing about it. Because, they believed the USDA had tested their product and found no conclusive evidence. It's clear the laws needed to be updated to include Salmonella as an 'Adulteran't. And that the -standards needed- to be improved in order to include the testing of -product parts- in  the process of inspections by the USDA.

This is one of the most technologically advanced nation on Earth. Ye,t it happened here, just as 9/11 happened, but for the ignorance and the greedy interests of some who feel; why change things if they have been well for over a century? Meanwhile, much of the public have been consuming products that our own government -and many out there know are infected- with these pathogens. Because there is a strain limit which is allowed  to exist within these products.

Fast forward to another part of my discussion , Ebola. The African continent has known famine, wars, ethnic unrest, and other ills. But the one thing that stands out with regard to Ebola is somewhat similar to what stood out to me and others. Which is why did the government of Guinea and others not take under consideration the cry's of those on the ground closest to the outbreak?. Who repeatedly made it clear to everyone that the testing procedures and containment apparatus brought into place would not be able to control the aftermath of this outbreak.

Doctors Without Borders was on the ground working with the affected, they were overwhelmed, they contacted higher ups in governments, all over the world. But, they were practically shut down. Told that it would be handled and that they need to stop using wording in their alerts which did not coincide with Guinea's minister of health and others reports of the situation on the ground. Sadly, though, even the head of the United Nations in  charge of dealing with this outbreak reacted almost with apparent ease as she spoke before the cameras in complete surety that there was no reason at that time to declare an international crisis.

One governmental group at the very top of the food chain of decision making declares calm in the face of all the evidence to the contrary. This is what we are faced with today and even with 9/11 when the facts were starring many in the face prior to the attacks on the World Trade Centers and other sites. We were later told that what was need was to combine all  intelligence agencies in order to get a handle on the same information they all were gathering on Bin Laden and all other members of the same terrorist cell. Which, eventually were practically allowed to come into the US and deliver one of the most horrific of human atrocities against the American people ever. 

And it always boils down to that, doesn't it? Us and them! The decision makers versus the affected, versus those who know better or should know best. Who either have their hands tied or are too ignorant to do anything about it -because- they are simply just following the same ages old mindset of information, procedures, and laws. Which should and could of been updated, upgraded, and or changed prior to the onset of a disaster. We have everything we need to eradicate poverty, hunger, human trafficking and other ill's. Why don't we listen to those with the most experience, the closest to the contamination, and know better than those behind desks somewhere across the nation or continent?

Wednesday, May 6, 2015



“... in that 20-24 week range .. . probably 20% are for genetic reasons. And the other 80% are purely elective [not health related].”(American Medical News, July 11, 1995) via, http://www.azrtl.org/factsheets/Statistics%20-%20usa_stats.pdf    

Prior to abortion becoming legal supporters called it a woman's right. After abortion became legal they started calling it a woman's choice!

By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2015

"This is one of those great ideas that makes you want to stand up and take action. To help save as many of these helpless victims as possible. But, the real tearjerker here is, the heartfelt compassionate-compulsion of so many in the global community. Who fail to see the record numbers of abortions, and that not just only by those who see it as a personal convenience or choice.

Some people are so statistically minded, that they don't actually have the time anymore, to listen to someone on the news, or a friend, tell them that the child's head is ripped out after the body has been sucked out. While, the plight of woman dying at child birth is a tragedy, and often some moms choose to deliver their child at the risk of loosing their own lives. Then there's the other tragedy that so many women need prenatal care and often cannot get it, or are undernourished and often cannot get the much needed nutrients for her or her child.

Or that so many women can find themselves in these conditions -at a time where science and technology have erupted- into a fountain of ideas, creativity, and advancements? Yet, still, while China aborts approximately 1,500 babies per hour, America still aborts about 3,500 per day. Call them statistics!"JRH-2015 NDMH  Once Rowe vs. Wade became law, abortion advocates stopped calling it a right but, a choice!

The highest numbers of percentages in a study statistically show that from 21% to 16% of women choosing an abortion say; I am not ready, I cannot afford a baby, and it's going to change my life!  http://www.azrtl.org/factsheets/Statistics%20-%20usa_stats.pdf

Sarah Torre from the Daily Signal penned quiet an interesting piece revealing that, 'The nation’s largest abortion provider maintained its infamous title, performing 333,964 abortions—a record for the organization that received 45 percent of its revenues from taxpayer-funded government sources during the 2011–2012 fiscal year. According to analysis by the Susan B. Anthony List, Planned Parenthood has performed almost 1 million abortions in the past three years alone.' She went on to say that women still suffer from lack of prenatal care, and that Planned Parenthood exceeded revenues totaling $87 million with assets well over $1.2 billion.
While at the same time garnering a 45% share of our American tax dollars!
Read her column at the Daily Signal for further points. SOURCE:

For some really great graphics and information on abortion this site has what you need.

"In conclusion, white unmarried Christian college-age women are the most likely  demographic to have an abortion in the United States. In addition, 48% of women who have abortions have had a previous abortion.% of Abortions Procured By Religion Source: Jones RK, Darroch JE and Henshaw SK,Patterns in the socioeconomic characteristics of women obtaining abortions in 2000–2001,Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health,2002, 34(5):226–235Arizona Right to Life, Inc. is a non-sectarian, non-partisan, non-profit, organization committed to articulating and protecting the right to life of all human beings, born and unborn. If you would like more information or want to contribute to our mission visit our website:www.azrtl.org " SOURCE: http://www.azrtl.org/factsheets/Statistics%20-%20usa_stats.pdf
The unborn baby photo above and the subheading idea are both from :http://clinicquotes.com/abortion-visual-aids-graphs-and-charts/

Friday, April 17, 2015



By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2015

"They found a way to certify their actions.They got together and planned out exactly what they were going to do, to legalize their plans, for a final solution. To murder and try to erase from the face of the Earth, all Jews!" JRH-2015 NDMH

"Some of us who have contemplated the tragedy of the Holocaust, have often tried to come to grips with the reality of such an event in our day and age. While for some, tragedies such as these contained into compartmentalized segments of historical abstracts; often lead us into some limited points of reference. Ideal to the chronological frame of events presented to us by curators of facts, distributors, and dissemination of the information given or provided. Those of us with the intestinal fortitude to ponder deeper, to question further, to push the envelope wider. In order to peer into those dark moments in history.

Which can often seem a lifetime -in but a few minutes- to us. While, to those who have experienced the atrocities and barbaric tragedies -if they are able- to shed some light on our search. Can often leave us broken, speechless, and abhorred.This is the story of the Nazi Genocide of over 3 million Jews during the course of the Second World War. One of the most unconscionable and  horrific of historic events known to man, When we find out -and we should know- that this event in history was not some ad-hoc last minute decision by a few.

To rest to some conclusion to the solution of what would be done with some 3 million Jews. As we unfold the tragedy of this most horrific of human events we will see that this one particular piece of history was a concerted, planned, and carried out. Long drawn and intentionally meant to bring about, the utter destruction of the Jewish Race! Our children carry our legacies, they represent our future; while millions died during the Nazi scourge, and that piece of history must never be allowed to be negated. Especially not by ruthless, godless tyrants. Or those who for the luxury of convenience may share in some sense of pleasurable closure.

In believing that they are justified in their actions as a result of the decisions made by a group of jurists. It always seems to take the edge off, the guilt out of, and blame away; when our  most heinous of actions are legally vindicated and certified by others.Today, in the Continent of Africa millions of children suffer kidnappings, violent deaths, rape, and torture.Throughout the world the future and lives of many children face equal jeopardy. The lifeblood of any nation or humanity for that matter, flows within each and every child. But, when we choose to shed that blood as a result of some certifiable legal decision; the end result becomes a form of legalized genocide.

The certifiable legalized decision by some to exterminate Jews is a historical fact. Which it is our duty to commemorate as a tragic act of the inhumane and insane acts by some. But, we should also never diminish the fact that it truly was a declaration by some to carry out this most heinous of human acts. As the global slave trade of children continues in many countries unabated. Children are raped, blamed for it, and later killed by their families or the perpetrators. Judges turn their face and often give 'not guilty' awards to rapists; as a customary practice in some nations. But, in America its Genocide of over 60 Million Babies defies any conscionable explanation!" JRH-20155 NDMH


Fleming, Gerald. Hitler and the Final Solution. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.

Elie Weisel- Speaking to students after a trip...
"In other words: It may very well be that you are powerless to change the course of history on a decision-making level but it is incumbent upon you to improve the psychological condition of those who suffer.  Find a way, any way, to give voice to your outrage at the young racists in Germany, to your abhorrence of bigotry on our own streets, to your solidarity with the prisoners in former Yugoslavia and to your determination to combat hunger in Somalia."SOURCE: https://www.facinghistory.org/sites/default/files/publications/Holocaust_Human_Behavior.pdf

After reading Elie Wiesel‘s books, Ali Carter told the author: 
"I don’t know what it is about hate and violence that people like so much. Whenever there is a fight at my school hundreds of kids run to see someone get beat up. I’ve seen kids climb in trees to get a better view. No one tries to break it up until a teacher or security guard comes around. Who knows what makes people like violence. Maybe it’s television, maybe it’s the violence in the streets, maybe it’s human nature.  Professor Wiesel, in light of the violence we see around us, do you think that something like the Holocaust could happen in today’s society? 43 From past experience we have learned that whenever people speak up on behalf of their more unfortunate fellow human beings, their protest does have an effect... But even if our efforts left the tormentors indifferent, they would still be fruitful, for they bring comfort and consolation to their victims.  Choosing to Participate 565, How do you think Wiesel would answer her question? How would you answer it? Give reasons in support of your answers."  SOURCE: https://www.facinghistory.org/sites/default/files/publications/Holocaust_Human_Behavior.pdf

"Elie Wiesel is a Holocaust survivor who has long focused on problems wherever they occur in the world. In 1986, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In presenting the award, Egil Aarvik, the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, said of Wiesel:  His mission is not to gain the world’s sympathy for the victims or the survivors. His aim is to awaken our conscience. Our indifference to evil makes us  partners in the  crime. That is the reason for his attack on indifference and his insistence on measures aimed at preventing a new holocaust. We know that the unimaginable has happened. What are we doing now to prevent its happening again?  Through his books Elie Weisel has given us not only an eyewitness account of what's happened. but also an analysis of the evil powers which lay behind the events. His main concern is the question of what measures we can take to prevent a recurrence of these events" SOURCE: https://www.facinghistory.org/sites/default/files/publications/Holocaust_Human_Behavior.pdf

The Road Not Taken
Robert Frost 

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, 
And sorry I could not travel both 
And be one traveler, long I stood 
And looked down one as far as I could 
To where it bent in the undergrowth; 
Then took the other, as just as fair, 
And having perhaps the better claim, 
Because it was grassy and wanted wear; 
Though as for that the passing there 
Had worn them really about the same, 
And both that morning equally lay 
In leaves no step had trodden black. 
Oh, I kept the first for another day! 
Yet know how ways leads on to way, 
I doubted if I should ever come back. 
I shall be telling this with a sigh 
Somewhere ages and ages hence: 
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – 
I took the one less traveled by, 
And that has made all the difference.
-Robert Frost 

SOURCE: https://www.facinghistory.org/sites/default/files/publications/Holocaust_Human_Behavior.pdf

Wednesday, April 15, 2015



By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2015

"In these days we reflect on one of the previous century's terrible genocide of a people who because of their lifestyle, their language, their solemn faith, and racial makeup. Became the victims, the fuel, and Hellish reason of a Satanic Movement which tried to erase them from the face of Earth. As it had tried to do so dating back throughout the history of mankind itself, but always falling short of its dark and twisted intentions. In these days men, women, and children will mourn and carry a most heavy yoke in their hearts. One in which at times may ask why, and at others, solemnly in silence often offer up prayers to the God that has never forgotten nor forsaken them.

Genocide is not always an easy subject to begin any sermon, especially when we speak of a people whose history has been one of sorrow, great loss, and persecution. If you haven't heard of the Pogroms of the late 1800's where Jewish people were the center of a frenzy of hatred and seemingly often uncontrollable oppressive attacks. And this was a way of life for hundreds of years where Jews were relegated to living apart and segregated into their own cities. Which thankfully, often brought them some refuge. Because, the powers that be allowed them to make their own decisions and live amongst themselves in semi-calm conditions.

But, never without a price.  And even yet, when we look at the horrible genocides on the African Continent, where millions have been slaughtered. Because, of religious strife and social and cultural indifference. Not unlike those that have taken place in the European Continent. Historically, throughout the world  genocides, holocausts, mass murders, all have shown humanity how frail and weak we can be. When it seems the gates are thrown open and the  power of Hell itself is unleashed against us without, it seems, blemish in its perfect storm nightmarish rendition.

Yet, in the eyes of Almighty God. We all are his children despite our shortcomings, despite  our failings, despite our imputed racial and ethnic makeup. In the eyes of God we belong. He does  not turn us away, His Son gave his life so that all may have real Life and that abundantly. God's Son Jesus/ Yeshua Ha-Mashiach told us, 'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Narrow is the way that leads to Eternal Life but, broad is the way that leads to perdition. There are countless roads, yet, one single narrow way which is always open, filled with blessings, and leads us to that One and only Gate.

Restless, free wheeling rebels don't have the time to articulate having to circumvent one seemingly drab single road. After a while, to them it gets boring and they have to take a detour. Repose themselves, sit down and relax a while, enjoy the native beauty of the country side.  Have you ever met someone who at first glance seems calm, down to earth, often even wise? Then as time progresses they seem to lose focus, they get restless, indifferent, and then they go off half cocked. Leaving you to you to wonder, what brought that on? These are the two dichotomies, on the one hand there is that spirit of confusion, restlessness, and seemingly unworkable pain.

But, there is one sliver of hope, one ray of light, where the inability to understand tragedies, catastrophes, and monumental culture shocks. Completely turns us around, gives us the strength to take that breath of life we've been longing for, take that next step powerlessly, yet trustingly, outside of our broken will. Jesus said I came not to judge the world but, to bring life and that abundantly. He came that the blind may see beyond the pain, the loss, the oppression of this world. He came so that the lame may walk in the light of His guiding Spirit, and that the hungry may have the miracle of His Word and Body.

In them each and every day, as a solid foundation for life.  Today, when we look back, maybe, we can all share in one underlying miracle. From all of those horrible Genocides, Holocausts, and mass killings of innocent people.  For no other reason than that, somewhere in the dark and depraved hearts of those who masterminded and led others to carry out those heinous, seemingly inconceivable, and on the other hand incomprehensible acts of uncontrollable demonic bloodlust. God's -perfect- will  may be felt, known, and perhaps understood. Even when, under that dark cloud of Calvary, a voice could still be heard crying out, 'It is finished'!" JRH-2015 NDMH

 John 3:16 For God so loved the world...!

Genocide is not always an easy subject to begin any sermon, especially when we speak of a people whose history has been one of sorrow, great loss, and persecution. If you haven't heard of the Pogroms of the late 1800's where Jewish people were the center of a frenzy of hatred and seemingly often uncontrollable oppressive attacks.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015



By John R Hernandez!@NDMH-2015
"You ever wonder why Republicans, the Party of the Rich, are always crying about taxes?" JRH-2015 NDMH

"These are the irrefutable facts about Republicans. And this is what Republicans don't want you to know. Being the party that supports the rich, because the rich supports them financially. While, the billionaire KOCH Brothers work on suppressing your votes. Their corrupt and illegal legislative arm known as ALEC works to provide illicit unconstitutional bills that pander to their corrupt agendas. That's the thing that so many Americans don't seem to understand.

Some, because they have been fed the Koolaid that says that taxation is repressive. When the ones crying repressive are the top 0.1 percent millionaire cheapskates. Who twist their minds while, their cronies over at ALEC and Citizens United further usurp American's constitutional rights. To those much needed tax- revenues, destroying whatever sanctity is left of the constitution, and creating illicit legislation via ALEC in order to pass laws that diminish and deny basic rights to all Americans.

Republicans are manning an armada of an election warchest. Not to restore, to enhance, or to create a better way of life for the bottom 99% of Americans. That is a pipe dream. But, worst is the agenda hidden behind the smiles and promises which will undoubtedly return the White House to a Republican. The first rule of order will be to abolish the Tax Code and replace it with a Flat Tax. A diabolical straight out of hell agenda. Created by the top 0.1% of all richest people in America. In order to protect each and every penny they own." JRH-2015 NDMH

"The result is an economic inequality double-whammy in which two of the most pro-rich elements of the tax code are further weakened, costing the federal government $269 billion over the next 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Half of all capital gains flow to the richest 0.1 percent of Americans, and they are taxed at just 20 percent, well below the 39.6 percent rate for ordinary income. But the estate tax is even more regressive, applying to just 0.2 percent of estates a year, at an average effective rate of less than 17 percent, since millions of dollars of the inheritance are exempted from the formal 40 percent rate. Federal inheritance taxes used to be broader. In the 1970s, according to the JCT, about 6 percent of all estates were subject to the estate tax. During the Great Depression, the rate on the estate tax was 70 percent. But the Republican campaign against it went into overdrive in the 1990s and hasn't let up, even in the Obama era. Conservatives routinely make a moral argument against what they call "the death tax," saying it is unfair to tax a family just because one if its members has died..." SOURCE: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/14/republicans-push-269-bill_n_7061458.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000063

Sunday, April 12, 2015


By John R Hernandez@NDMH-20115

"The Presidential podium is not like a petri dish. One can espouse his idealist notions in stark contrary to the rudimentary and fundamentally cohesive foundations of a just and moral society!" JRH-22015 NDMH
"I think that what is happening between Obama and Netanyahu is that I detect a bit of egotism in Obama's demeanor -when it comes to- people of unlike-minded ideals. Obama it seems wants to be in control, to be the one with the big ideas, even after and when his ideals run contrary to others. And that is a big no-no! Not withstanding the facts that Obama had extensive teachings in Marxist and Socialist ideologies. In contrast to those say of an Netanyahu whose morals and ideals are propagated from an biblical worldview; though his core beliefs embrace tolerance of all peoples. Hence, his staunch support for Democratic values. He I would think, appears to come closer to the ideals proposed by an Emerson." JRH-2015 NDMH
It would also seem that Obama hasn't completely read up on Emerson. Here is what Emerson said on government,
"In dealing with the State, we ought to remember that its institutions are not aboriginal, though they existed before we were born: that they are not superior to the citizen: that every one of them was once the act of a single man: every law and usage was a man's expedient to meet a particular case: that they all are imitable, all alterable; we may make as good; we may make better. Society is an illusion to the young citizen. It lies before him in rigid repose, with certain names, men, and institutions, rooted like oak-trees to the centre, round which all arrange themselves the best they can. But the old statesman knows that society is fluid; there are no such roots and centres; but any particle may suddenly become the centre of the movement, and compel the system to gyrate round it, as every man of strong will, like Pisistratus, or Cromwell, does for a time, and every man of truth, like Plato, or Paul, does forever. But politics rest on necessary foundations, and cannot be treated with levity. Republics abound in young civilians, who believe that the laws make the city, that grave modifications of the policy and modes of living, and employments of the population, that commerce, education, and religion, may be voted in or out; and that any measure, though it were absurd, may be imposed on a people, if only you can get sufficient voices to make it a law." SOURCE;http://panarchy.org/emerson/politics.1844.html
In this fine piece of philosophical treatise, where Emerson expounds between the delineating lines of the young citizen and the older statesman. Pointing out that certain structures make up the moral weight 'necessary to the foundation and principles of any society. Though, which within a society are needed to otherwise balance between youthful indiscretions and those self driven by 'grave modifications' of the policy and modes of living. This is why what Emerson felt is that though government is instituted by man, that man is the ultimate governor of it and not the other way around. But, there are some people like -once again- Obama, Kerry, and yes even the pope.
Who think that their's is the ultimate authority, argument, word, and decision. But, nothing could be further from the truth. There are other people such as for example Netanyahu who feel that ten-thousand rockets shot at Israel -in little less than a year- would suffice for it to legitimate some form of retaliation. That recorded civilized history trumps the lies and irrational fascist ideals of a few extremists. Who would like nothing less that to see Israel being dragged through the disgustingly biased spittoon and grossly insensitive international court, on trumped up charges. Just to make the point that leftists and extremists can manipulate and coerce a terrorized and horrified global community. Into reacting in their favor! When logic tells us that sober moral values supersede the egotist backwards-driven notorious anarchist philosophy of Communist ideologues!" JRH-2015 NDMH/AHAED\CRFN
"Unfortunately, Emerson never met the Koch Brothers or their legislative arm ALEC. Who think that money greases the wheels of legislation, as long as their narrow view of what the world should be, is in control!"JRH-2015 NDMH
Short Summary of "Politics" by Ralph Waldo Emerson
by Charu B

:Emerson has tried to suggest in his essay “Politics” that the State is not superior to the citizens and that politics and government are created in the interest of its people and property. Democracy came into being for the cause of protecting individual rights. This form of government was a cultivation of the minds of the population that permitted it. The law is only a memorandum .Our laws and statues keep changing and are the most convenient way of solving a problem. As a democratic government is of the people, for the people and by the people; thus the citizens must agree to it that we all want to be benefited in a form of government we choose to have. Indeed, the “moral identity of men” forms the roots of the government.
Emerson focused on the two ideas: ‘democracy’ and ‘individualism’ through his essay.Emerson believes that if the government is a lesser identity, the individual‘s character and integrity form the strongest principal in the society. He believed that civilization is only initiating and it could spread far and wide if the moral forces and creative intelligence played their desired role in its upsurge.Employment, trust, love and reverence are basic rights enjoyed by people in a democratic state. Love is a foundation of the state and it accompanied by wisdom can help the human character grow. If this happens, an ideal government that advocates individual growth and protect individual’s rights could emerge. Government can be abolished only if every individual becomes self-reliant and independent; then only can the idea of true democracy materialize.
Emerson has given high reverence to the human mind which can act with wisdom to become an asset in getting victory over the business interests and politics. It is right to say –“The Wise Men is the State”The irony is that the character has the least influence in our society. The political and social set up is so barbarous and reckless that the power turns destructive in an attempt to get hold of the chair. If every human was rich natured and associated himself only with serene and generous people, the very pompous and hollow politicians would never exist.Thus, every individual’s integrity and character contributes to a corrupt system called Politics. If men with high moral values, who has sufficient faith in themselves, it would be very much possible to create a state on the principal of right and love.
Emerson has also questioned the property rights in politics. Democracy does not govern these rights, but they are built on owning. But as Emerson lays emphasis on individual uplift, he advocated person rights than property rights. Person rights should be given higher importance as Emerson believed that “property will always follow persons.” Thus the right political system can emerge with individuals taking up the ownership of their conduct as a person of the State and taking over the government or the system that does not value the interests of its citizens and their rights." SOURCE: http://www.shareyouressays.com/…/short-summary-of-politics-…
EMERSON ON THE COLLECTIVE WILL OF PERSONAL -OR SUPERNATURAL- INFLUENCE; could it be that Emerson leaned a bit to the right of religious values?
"The boundaries of personal influence it is impossible to fix, as persons are organs of moral or supernatural force. Under the dominion of an idea, which possesses the minds of multitudes, as civil freedom, or the religious sentiment, the powers of persons are no longer subjects of calculation. A nation of men unanimously bent on freedom, or conquest, can easily confound the arithmetic of statists, and achieve extravagant actions, out of all proportion to their means; as, the Greeks, the Saracens, the Swiss, the Americans, and the French have done."
SOURCE; http://panarchy.org/emerson/politics.1844.html
"Emerson has also questioned the property rights in politics. Democracy does not govern these rights, but they are built on owning. But as Emerson lays emphasis on individual uplift, he advocated person rights than property rights. Person rights should be given higher importance as Emerson believed that “property will always follow persons.” Thus the right political system can emerge with individuals taking up the ownership of their conduct as a person of the State and taking over the government or the system that does not value the interests of its citizens and their rights." SOURCE: http://www.shareyouressays.com/…/short-summary-of-politics-…

During a press conference in Panama, President Obama took aim at Israeli criticism of his deal with Iran over their nuclear program.
and Facebook.com

Saturday, April 11, 2015




By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2015

"What the modern church is missing is very simple. Underneath all its pomp and man made glory it has created a compartmentalized system of faith. Based on a commingling of holidays and a ready made selection of worship times. All revolving around work, sports, play, leisure, and of course symbolic faith. How mankind is able to juggle all those secular activities while at the same time keeping a straight face, is beyond me. Being a Christian takes a lot more than some part time investment.

Christ has given us all so many words of true wisdom that if we all took them to heart it would make us much wiser, and a better person. When he stood by that woman and told the crowd, 'If you've never sinned then go ahead and throw that first stone'. He was reminding us the reason why he came and why he was determined to go through it till the end. Christ loves each and everyone of us, despite our shortcomings. But, He is not some part time buddy we get to share some moments with.
In my opinion, the sooner we get that through our head the better. We were given a set of instructions to help us along but, even that didn't do the job, it seemed. Yet, the loving compassion of our Heavenly Father gave us more than we could ever expect. He knows that a set of tablets inscribed with rules would fall short of what He would expect from an imperfect mankind. At every step of the way He has opened His heart and embraced us, even when we don't feel we deserve Him.
If you were able to take a walk from your city streets all the way out into the middle of nowhere? With only the stars above you and some one room cottage; tens of miles away from then nearest human being. How would you approach God and faith each and every day? Would you have to sit down and think about it? Would you create some form of compartmentalized system of worship, play, leisure, and sport. Would you consider that True faith?
Without selecting scriptures I have blended three important truths from the Word of God. 1) All have sinned and have fallen short of the Grace of God. 2) One cannot serve two master; otherwise he will love the one and hate the other. 3) For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son that who so ever believes in Him would not perish, but have eternal life!" JRH-2015 NDMH



Citing Doctrinal Error, Presbyterian Megachurch Leaves Denomination

Members of one of the largest congregations in the Presbyterian Church (USA) have voted to leave the denomination, despite facing an $8.89 million cost for leaving. Menlo Park Presbyterian is based in the San Francisco Bay area and led by well-known author and pastor John Ortberg. It is the ninth-largest PCUSA church, with about 4,000 members, including former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.The motion to leave the PCUSA was approved by 93 percent of the church’s members who voted, with 2,024 ballots in favor of the motion and 158 ballots opposed, according to a letter posted by Ortberg. Menlo Park determined that to keep its property and leave the denomination would cost $8.89 million, based on a summary for dismissal agreement.“ This is a major milestone, and not an ending but a beginning. There’s a lot yet to come of what Dallas Willard called the unique life of spiritual adventure in living with God daily — entering fully into the good news that Jesus has brought, for ourselves, and for us as a church,” Ortberg wrote. A Menlo Park spokeswoman did not return calls for comment.The church voted to join a newer denomination called ECO, A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians, which has attracted 115 other Presbyterian churches since it started in 2012. In its rationale for leaving, Menlo Park cited differences in identity, mission, governance and owning its property." SOURCE:HTTP://WWW.CHARISMANEWS.COM/US/43025-CITING-DOCTRINAL-ERROR-PRESBYTERIAN-MEGACHURCH-LEAVES-DENOMINATION