By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014
“The problem is that ignorant people (present company excluded) cannot seem to grasp that the Corporate Economy's domestic value stands well over into the trillions of dollars. That this Corporate Economy is tax abated, has its own citizenship status as in legislation passed through ALEX/CU with the help of the KOCH Brothers and their Republican cohorts. That as such, Corporate America enjoys the vast majority of its profits -while- paying relatively little to no taxes. Thereby helping to maintain the epidemic and distorted conditions -inflicted upon the great majority- subsisting on bare bone wages; increasingly supplied by way of temporary agencies. And for your information the great majority of those profits are transferred -elsewhere- all over the world; since this Corporate Economy is a Global Franchise!" JRH-2014 NDMH
"Americans for the most part have always been considered too stupid and ignorant to know what is going on around them. There are always two sides to every coin but the sad plight of the immigrant seems to always take center stage. When after all Americans have everything why should their troubles be newsworthy? Take for example all the attention Global Warming is getting lately. As the guys responsible for polluting the ground and water are just about to get the necessary votes they need to pass further fracking of sensitive underground shell; in order to extract the gas they need to fatten their pockets some more. There are some that say that immigrants make the lowest wages and receive the worst of treatment by employers.
While I sympathize with individuals who must come here to try and make a better life for themselves and their loved ones. I fail to recognize any real factual evidence in the statement that immigrants receive worse treatment than US citizens. First of all a good deal of the American working population has been for too long now systematically forced to take the lowest wages in comparison to those of most developed countries and these same Americans have had to work under the worst of conditions. Just do a search on the number of class action lawsuit settlements in the past years. Many if not most concerning wages and or including unfair treatment of workers. So you can't have immigration reform while at the same you are throwing the American worker once again under the bus.
American wages are low because Corporate America wants it that way and they are who need to be challenged and taken to task openly before honest compassionate lawmakers, and the American people. It's not so much how badly immigrants are treated with regard to their wages or that in and of itself that helps to keep wages low for Americans. But that for well over forty years and more Corporate America and the legislature has refused to adequately and properly address the insidious impoverishment of the American people.Someone long ago said that immigrants take the jobs that Americans don't want. Nothing could be further from the truth when as we speak grassroots organizations, individuals and other groups including many politicians and the President. Have been fighting tooth and nail for the raising of the minimum wages (which would be around $21.00 per hour if set on 1968 standards) for all Americans working and living in poverty. Americans who are working in the same jobs that some say they won't take.
And these Americans are sick and tired of being ridiculed and shoved under the bus often times doing the jobs of two or three people. For tightwad employers who are too cheap and too greedy to help change this (ALEX/CU, Corporate America, KOCH Brothers and Republican legislated) system of poverty and indentured servitude.Very well said Mr. Trumka, concerning the rights of those who came here illegally, and now you want to offer them the same rights as United States citizens. But, if all we are going to do is act upon what we say we are going to do or want to do. And we fail to address the need to bring Mexico and other neighbors in the Southern Hemisphere who are responsible for the continued invasion of immigrants from their countries. Then all we are doing are placing stopgap measures regarding the issue of the children of immigrants. And we are failing to look forward at the next wave of the tens of millions waiting to cross the border, unannounced.
Any comprehensive immigration bill needs to take into consideration, the other nations; which are part and partially responsible for this epidemic of illegal immigrants. Yet immigrants aren't that underpayed as some would like you to believe. There are different levels of workers. From the lowest payed to the highest payed migrant workers, to the higher payed skilled and semi skilled workers; who average well above what many American workers bring in on any given day. All and all I can say that to paint immigrants as battered and beaten, mainly underpaid and discriminated is not just an affront but for the most part a lie!
But if we can't address the rights and the fair measures necessary to meet at a common ground regarding a fair and just wage for all Americans. Then who are we fooling when we say we are just helping out five million illegal immigrants? When we all know that this number is subject to increase exponentially at a moments glance when all the math is done in about six months to a year. Americans have also been in need of a Compressive Minimum Wage Reform Bill for far too long. Particularly those in the middle classes, but including the poor and those earning below minimum wages; such as restaurant workers.If all we are going to do is pay lip service to how great 'labor' is doing -while- downplaying the plight of the millions of American workers earning poverty wages?
Then they would have every reason and right to label us hypocrites for pretending to be concerned about one group or another -while- totally dismissing those in the bottom rungs of society. Because you cannot force tens of millions of Americans to live in abject impoverishment while setting up barriers -whereby- they can never rise above that level of poverty. Yet at the same time creating different rules for others to go from the bottom directly to the top, unimpeded.As Americans are concerned, at how quickly this issue on immigration reform has taken center stage. While their needs and grievances particularly with regard to the -adequate raising of the minimum wage to a fair and livable level- has for the better part of 20 years; once again taken a back seat. I fail to see the rationality or logic behind it.
The conditions by which the American people are forced to live under; regarding wages for those at the ever-widening bottom rung of society are unfair and unjust.Americans who have had to live through the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression and still Conservatives in Congress turn their noses up and refuse to address this issue of raising wages. Why? Because as everybody knows they are the party of the rich and therefore they kowtow to the wishes of the rich. Who are plainly too cheap to want to help the very same people they employ and see every day. The American people would like their leadership on Capitol Hill and elsewhere in Corporate America to rise to the occasion. With the same vigor and energy they are putting forward to address the issue of immigration reform; to equally meet the challenges of a fair and just Twenty-First Century wage, long overdue!" JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014“Today once again -after forty something years- of getting thrown under the bus of abject neglect, slave wages, and oppressive legislation. Americans are being asked once again to believe that everything that could be done has been done. To ease the pain of abject impoverishment, the savage raping of our social infrastructure, and wanton abuse and disrespect of the American people!" JRH-2014 NDMH
"There was a time when unions fought for the rights of all workers to attain a fair wage with fair benefits and so on...! Today unions fight for the collective, for those it is capable of signing up to fill the ranks of the dues paying members. Who in turn fatten the pockets of the few at the top. I can give you the many stories of my experiences with unions as a dues paying member. But, I would be considered a hypocrite by their standards.
So, I will just give you one short story. A union officer once came to me and said this woman has to get home; she is going to need twenty dollars have you got it? I said sure here do what you have to. Believing that I might get repaid by the union and of course happy to have been able to help her; especially during the holidays. Well, I never got repaid and the rest is a story of failure and demise for the union and my job.
Things have never really changed. The failures, the broken promises, and the continued sadly impoverished living conditions of so many millions of Americans on this but yet another Thanksgiving celebration as they and their loved ones sadly bow their heads. But if this was the end of this story one would walk away and say how awful it is that one should suffer, and be done with it. But it's not the end of the story because the struggle for unionism has its casualties, its collateral damages.
Like why is it that in 1968 the minimum wage was $1.68 per hour and today 46 years later it has gone up -only- to $7.25 per hour (that's almost $5.50 cents more in 40 long years) for many Americans! I realize how much unions have done in the past and in recent years which every working American including myself has so much to be thankful for. But, as I have said over over; let's do a better job at guaranteeing Americans a fair and just Twenty First Century wage. Not just for the few at the top or higher tiers.
But, for those at the bottom rungs who are hanging on for dear life each and every day. With no recourse and seemingly no way out of the cycle of impoverishment and ignorance subjected upon them. By those in government, those who are elected to represent them, and those around them who can -but won't- do more! Let's do more to stem the growing tide of cronyism and corruption so that perhaps one day -those such as the many that did not bother to vote- (the highest no vote crowd in 42 years). Might raise their heads up high and say -no more oppression- and intimidation and voter suppression! " JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014"So when will the global community; and that includes the Pope, US Secretary of State John Kerry, the UN Security Council, President Obama and so many others admit that just by their sheer ignorance of the truth behind these and so many attacks? They are lending some form of hideous legitimacy to murderers. Radical Jihadists have taken over Muslim society at the point of a sword. In order to make them implicit within their diabolical plans to wage war against those who won't pay them tribute money, won't convert, and or support there terrorists acts. In whatever shape or form made possible. We most certainly should support and protect peace loving peoples from all walks of life and faith.
We must give them the right to worship as they see fit within the tenets of their religions. In peace and respect of others and their faiths without obstruction, However, we must never sit idly by and allow members of other religions or social groups to massacre and decimate the lives of others they deem unworthy of their respect and protection. Radical Islam has waged war on the global community in its entirety and the global community owes it to itself and to its friends, family, and neighbors to speak out against these atrocities. Lately we have seen Buddhist Monks standing up against Radical Jihadists, Greeks standing up against Radical Jihadists and so many others to mention. Standing up against those who would repeat massacres like these on their soil.
Such as those in Jerusalem and other parts of the world. We know by these acts that even in the most remotest of areas we are never truly isolated. From surprise attacks such as those perpetrated by a member of the radical Jihadists in Oklahoma, USA -not too long ago- where beheading was the fashion of choice. But, we know that as more and more people of faith and those who love the rule of law and peace for all begin to stand up; this global tide of antisemitism and hatred of others different than us will begin to be diminished. Because, tolerance of hatred of one people translates into the intolerance and hatred of others.
Our hope is that tolerance of others and acceptance of the truth and not hiding it for our benefit will rule the day and permeate into the very halls of the UN Security Council. As well as into the hearts and minds of those who have turned their face against God fearing and honest peace loving peoples. Yet, even as these events are shaping the thoughts and wills of so many within this global community. We should not let other events diminish the horrific magnitude of the number of millions of lives that could and may be lost. At the flick of a switch, from those waiting behind the scenes for their moment to ignite a nuclear disaster, in the Middle East!" JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014“If being called a cynic can be defined as one who speaks up for the rights denied to those incapable of speaking up for themselves and one who fights for truth and justice for all; then so be it I’m a proud cynic!” JRH-2014 NDMH
"That would be great perhaps you two can talk about McConnell's alleged ties with independent groups, Citizens United, and how much does he know about BIPAC training. Koch Industries, Cintas and hundreds of other American firm's ties pointing directly to the GOP? You can even have a few words about John Hannity's job creation plan that would push newly elected Republicans to give tax credits to businesses who had previously pushed the American people under the bus by running off to other countries and to only fine them a million penalty to come back. But now Hannity is pushing this as a jobs creation bill along with the other brains storm of the gas pipeline coming down from Canada.
You can also talk about Hannity's push for the new Republicans to get a bill to your desk to secure the borders sponsored by the Tea Party because they say ISIS and criminals are creeping in. And while you're at it you can talk about Clark Howard's new idea of job creation, is to give job training to older Americans? If these are bellwethers of the recently elected new Republicans agenda? It looks like the nation is poised to make an about face back to 2008. There is so much more to talk about especially how Hannity the GOP's mascot has proposed that the new Republicans stop at nothing to fund the new border bill --while-- from the other side of his mouth he is also pushing for fiscal austerity. Including the Republicans push for taking Obama Care apart limb by limb and forcing a vote on everything in it.
Sounds like Hannity has a thing about the President's Healthcare Law. But Hannity won't talk about are the intertwined ties the GOP, Koch Industries, ALEX, Citizens United, and other Big Money groups have! Funny how Hannity was dedicating the Republican victories today as a mandate on Obama's failed policies most importantly Obama’s so called lack of real job's creation. Shortly thereafter the same channel that Hannity aired on had several short news reports of the ten's of thousands of jobs created recently. And this is what the problem is; that people like Hannity who are paid mouthpieces if they say something long enough and repeat it long enough people will believe it. That includes the demonizing of President Obama at whatever the cost.
When we must remember that Obama inherited the financial shambles this nation was in when he was elected, he also inherited the bush's WMD'S global war charade, he inherited and helped avoid a meltdown from a republican's inability to act decisiveness this nation's worst massive financial disasters. Finally it's important to note that the anti-Obama campaign of Hannity and many others even and especially those on youtube.com started as early as the following day after he was elected. And the Big Money machinery has not stopped churning since then, For example in Georgia an At-Will state which means an employer can terrorize for as long as he or she pleases and whenever ready can throw you back out unto the streets with nothing no reason whatsoever.
But Republican Big Money was once again able to run their intimidating adds in order to help maintain that states At-Will practices. Even though one would have to be insane to want to continue Working under this disgraceful form of government and labor fraud. Knowing that not voting or voting for more of the same is a recipe for further oppression loss of the right to push for wage enhancement and reforming the status quo. Secondly as a result of this, At-Will states have one thing in common they are havens for temporary agencies. Who cater to many of the companies who just love the At-Will environment based on intimidation and oppressive business practices which prides itself on the freedom to hire and fire at will.
That's why I call these states Fire-At- Will states! I've known many cases where as a result of this law companies can keep employees working for the temporary agencies for many years at a time without any thought of making them permanent employees. So is this what Hannity is wanting to bring more of back to the states from abroad? Perhaps President Obama and McConnell can talk about this job's creation bill at length?" JRH-20134 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014In my mind the 2014 Midterm Elections will always be remembered as the quintessential proof of how modern day thuggery can buy its way back into office. Simply by demonizing its opponents so much that a good margin of the electorate will completely cash out any idea they ever had of walking in to that voting booth and doing exactly what they thought was the right thing to do in the first place. This election was about the rich keeping a good deal of America poor and helpless. Its like the drug dealer who keeps the addict supplied with just enough heroin or whatever the drug of this choice may be that the cycle of addiction, depression, and enslavement continues unabated.
I asked this questions to people of all ages male and female. Why do think people would vote back the same oppressive leadership time and again over the obvious choice who could lead them out of that life of poverty and depression? One answer was,'People are lazy and don't want to vote', Another answer this time from a guy making well over $50,000 per year,' I don't know I don't vote'. So it appears that many of those who stood a chance to to change the status qua and help raise the minimum wage actually helped to keep it where it is. Many of those who voted fell for the traps that were laid before them.
They were told once again of the despicable choices the present administration has made in support of gay rights and how important it is to maintain whatever rights are left regarding religious freedoms, mainly brought about once again the liberal push to remove the bible from the classroom, the pledge of allegiance, and the baby in the manger scenes once found in front of public schools and other places. KOCH Brothers funding, CU funding, BIPAC training, ALEC misrepresentation of facts helped to solidify the demonization and anti-liberal platform,
These groups went as far as to create further paranoia by spreading rumors of how soon all your guns would be taken away by Big Brother Obama. All the hatred, all the stereotype, all the negative hype was aimed at the Obama administration past and present words and actions. I gotta admit Obama shot himself in the foot on some occasions but the good things well those were swept under the rug. Take job creation for example not much of job growth was said in the days prior to this election yet on the day after election even GOP stations all were airing how many jobs were actually created.
And whatever happened to the millions of people Obama bailed out as a result of Democrats pushing for and getting one extension after another fr unemployment benefits in the midst of the worst recessions in American history. If you don't think the billions spent by Republican benefactors has had and will continue to have an affect on how America votes then take a look at the coming trailer of the nee movie 'America; imagine a world without her'.
These people are so dark and sinister that they went as far as to compare Ronald Reagan with George Washington. How pathetic and insulting to the memory of George Washington? This where their money is going and this is how far and believe me they are going to go further until they get that control back that the American people took from just moments before before they took this nation down. Is America a lazy nation or has it been dumbed down with drugs, the fear of loosing its guns, its bibles, its freedom? Or has the institution of Politics been taken over by bad people who want control of our minds, lives, our well being, our bank accounts. and pocket books
These people went as far as comparing Ronald Reagan With George Washington. Reagan the same guy in whose tenure as president homelessness and neglect of the mentally challenged grew to epidemic proportions. Imagine a nation who would turn its back on the most defenseless and vulnerable. Thee closing of mental hospitals and eviction of its residents willing live in the history books in the era of Reaganomics as an epic phenomena. To compare that man with George Washington is an insult to the memory and life of our first president!
But the movie is already out there no doubt viewed and enjoyed by many for its love of digital morphine and its misrepresentation of facts. But the question now is why are they doing this? What is their aim? Is it just to demonize liberalism? Obama? Or could it be to bring about the destruction of the very pillars of Democracy. Its obvious that by their sheer impulsive and manic arrogance there are forces so sinister and profoundly ominous. That if America truly could wake up for one moment from its gullible malaise it would find itself quite amazed.
For starters take a look at the voter suppression story found on salon.com,'The question for Republicans is how they will respond to an increasingly diverse population and one that doesn’t support their agenda. One option, and the one that gave them the Senate this year, is massive voter suppression. They will have many more opportunities for such suppression: Before the election, Republican controlled 59 of the 98 state legislative chambers; they now control 67.That means they'll be able to pass more ALEC-sponsored legislation to reduce reproductive rights, bust unions and cut education and health insurance. It also means that Democrats will find it difficult to win back these chambers in time for the 2020 redistricting. (Redistricting is part — though not all — of the reason for Republican stranglehold over the House.) Republicans will also have leeway to pass even more restrictive voting laws — rolling back same-day registration and early voting, passing voter ID laws and tightening restrictions on convicted felons. All of these laws are proven to shift the electorate toward conservative policies by reducing turnout among people of color, young people and low-income people. Unsurprisingly, the ones already on the books have worked, and the 2014 midterm had lower turnout than any election since 1942 (before the Voting Rights Act).' END OF SALON QUOTE. Further info may be had by visiting their site. Also please note that sentences in italics and in bold are my emphasis.
SOURCE: http://www.salon.com/2014/11/09/the_gops_infernal_election_strategy_why_suppressing_the_vote_could_keep_republicans_in_power/
"They purposely kept voters away from the voting booths! It gave them enough room to mobilize and inject their venom, their demonizing venom further into the minds of the AMERICAN people to the point to where they handed them what they wanted! And in ending let me just that if Americans truly were concerned about their freedoms they would have gone to the voting booths in drives ready to push through Democratic ideals to help put through the eventual raising of the minimum wage including reinforcing further human and social rights stripped within that 50 years of this anti-social anti-middle class agenda that has had a strangle on Americans." To be continued. JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014
"Seventy five years ago allied forces extinguished the flaming fires of Nazi Germany bent on exterminating every living Jew and all other people of color including every one they saw unfit to exist within the framework of an Aryan society. In 1948 the Jewish peoples fought and won the right of a homeland with the title of statehood. Holding no grudges against those who had persecuted and took the lives and destroyed millions of Jewish families; they later went on to embrace Germans and many others equally as brothers and sisters. Today the state of Israel can boast a proud, wealthy, and vigorous economy unrivaled globally. The innovations and entrepreneurial spirit of the Israeli people; its technology, science, medicine, agriculture, and many other achievements are shared and coveted worldwide.
Such a young state with so much promise and so many achievements in such little a time is unheard of and yet it has been through many wars and it still continues to defend itself; while seeking a peaceful settlement. As its enemies continue to antagonize, to incite unrest often with lethal and deadly ends. World leaders continue to denounce its actions while others filled with an unconscionable hatred yet threaten its annihilation. Still though some disregard the miraculous reasons why Israel is a state so rich and so blessed with knowledge and yet still with an unflinching devotion to help others and to live in peace with them.
And for whatever reasons though some may not recognize the importance or the divine appointment given to it and to its people; who as we speak are still being gathered from the ends of the Earth. That divine power that has anointed these persecuted yet victorious people shall never be moved from its rightful place in that land given to them some many millenniums ago! Because the entire story of their dispersal and their gathering together along with their victorious triumph is already written. And no one including those who today threatened annihilation will ever succeed to move them ever again!" JRH-2014 NDMH
By JRH-2014 NDMH"I love the chutzpah of Greeks for standing upon against terrorists. Who hide behind women, children, and the closed doors of sanctuaries inciting violence and annihilation against peace loving peoples. It's time Radical Islam understood that the wars they have raised against people of other races, religions, and who simply think differently than they do; will no longer be tolerated!" JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez!@NDMH-2014"Unfortunately, Kerry of Jewish ancestry, has proven beyond a reasonable doubt the utter extent of his failure at statesmanship. And furthermore, he should be ashamed of himself for using his appointed position as a bully pulpit; aimed at ingratiating himself and chastising the state of Israel. Simply for the crime of defending itself from the unconscionable acts of bloodthirsty terrorists. The only other human whose hubris can extend to the heights of a Kerry next to the Commie clown in Cuba would have to be the pope himself.
Whose blasphemous words days prior to kneeling before the second most holy of grounds to the Jewish people that being their Holocaust Memorial. Where Pope Francis himself knelt and prayed just days after he shook hands with Abbas another individual with a peculiar degree of rationality and mental legitimacy, as he uttered the statement of Israel being an occupier. As if one could ever come to terms with any comparison with the vast enormity of the government of Great Britain. As it related to its controlling of South African lands.
In some queer correlation that little old Israel -in the process of fending off an invasion by Egypt and other nations including Jordan- found itself needing to hold land to create a defensible curtain between itself and the hordes of raging lunatics bent on overrunning it. To compare indirectly by use of the word 'occupier' what Israel had to do to maintain a buffer zone with itself and its invaders and what Great Britain once did. Is about as much of a blundering statement as it can get. In fact I was surprised that the word 'apartheid' didn't come slithering out his mouth also.
And now Kerry has chosen once again to put the final nail on his legacy as a blundering Don Quixote chasing illusory windmills. Believing them to be real threats to the safety of his ever receding questionable character. Meanwhile just over the horizon an invasion of biblical proportions is taking place. As hordes of ex-patriots from the ex-Saddam Hussein era have carved a route straight into Baghdad paved with the blood of innocent martyrs (a good deal of the beheaded are Yazidi and Christian children).
Whose heads have been left scattered and or hung on poles as a calling card and message to whatever is left of the rational global community. In Syria we have rebel factions sympathetic to the west whom in the past we have wined and dined including providing Toyota trucks whom ISIS confiscated on its way out of Syria pointing south-east to Baghdad. Neither does Kerry appear to be overly curious as to what if anything might Iran be doing nowadays with all those funny gadgets in has acquired from Russia and other places such as North Korea and China? " JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014"Some people get to a point in life where their extreme liberal ideals have gotten so out of focus that moralizing facts becomes morbidly obscured by far fetched child like romantic notions of a tainted chivalry completely in contrast to what is plainly the opposite of their twisted sense of right and wrong. It is not something new to have politicians especially extreme liberals coming out of the closet in favor of causes so directly in opposition to long lived American ideals and traditions. Deeply rooted into the once revered moral values some what patriotic and grounded within a framework built from the founding Fathers historical legacy.
Kerry's seemingly peculiar sense of loyalties appear as curious as John Le Carree's comments on the obscuring of ages old liberal rights, erosion of liberties, and the totally exaggerated notions of security; in the making of A most Wanted Man. I thought and still think this was a great movie from the perspective of how security forces engage one another in the battle for claiming assets, disseminating information, and maintaining the peace and social stability. In societies undoubtedly overrun by elements whose ideals and perspectives are so in contrasts to my individual personal beliefs and lifestyle. Which to a great point seemingly appear to agree with their description of what should be done in a society suffering with cancerous extreme radical Islamic influences; of the brand I would define as in opposition to the moral and social values of western culture.
Kerry's ideals and moral renditions appear to be so obscured that appears he and the author of 'Most Wanted Man' would have no problem conversing on as the author calls the 'raping of liberal rights' over drinks. While starring at the revolving doors in the comfort of the hotel Atlantic in the city of Hamburg. Which Le Carre calls 'very schizophrenic' undoubtedly as he alludes to the security apparatuses. Not unlike other western countries with countless refugee issues and the process of weeding out extremists. while trying to protect the same rights he says are being threatened. As I have said I loved the movie and I applaud Le Caree for his great gift of storytelling or as he calls it a fable.
Unfortunately the extreme version of the criminal anti American and anti-western culture every day Jihadist Islamic individual embodies a force bent on the total annihilation and destruction of Democracy including the rights that these two gentlemen appear to be somewhat curiously espousing. I wonder as the sword is about to cut the head off of a Christian or Jewish child after being tortured and raped; might he call that action by extremist radical murderers, an extraordinary rendition? JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014"It's pathetic to see the state of rural areas in Georgia and the rest of the US for that matter. There are parts of the state of Georgia for example that appear like they are still living through the Great Depression days! And it's insane to see how little attention or concern the present state administration has shown for the majority of these areas; with a seemingly curious disconcerting bias. I have had the sad privilege to discover this part of Georgia as I have traveled through areas so rural that one can drive for miles at a time on dirt roads, Roads that look the same as they did a half a century ago and more with little to no change or improvement.
Roads that after the rains sweep by; if there is a special agreement with the counties, bulldozers are sent in to smooth over the slippery orange powdery dirt in order to cover over the potholes. So as to let people travel through them in relative comfort. Imagine yourself having to live in any of these underdeveloped areas? And I have found little to no adequate transportation facilities to usher the children of those who live there back and forth to schools. Yes there are school buses but not all school buses will travel down these hazardous potholed dirt roads. And this make it difficult for many parents to have to take the time to figure out ways to get their children to school or in some cases not bother.
People in rural areas have a true grit kind of pride. But, certainly the government should be able to afford them more than just lip service and empty promises. The powers that be should never act in favor of one group over the other. It should be a level playing field where everyone is afforded equal treatment under the law. In my opinion Georgia needs to get in step with the new century, in many areas. It lacks; adequate infrastructure repairs, adequate transportation facilities, adequate jobs for the bulging population growth, and an understanding of the individual needs of all the people. Along with real life solutions -based on equality for all- and not just for the special interest or certain groups! But will the impoverished and disenfranchised show up and change the status quo?" JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH 2014"With all due respect to President Obama, but is anyone listening to his Secretary of Stae these days? Unfortunately, Kerry of Jewish ancestry, has proven beyond a reasonable doubt the utter extent of his failure at statesmanship. And furthermore, he should be ashamed of himself for using his appointed position, as a bully pulpit; aimed at ingratiating himself and chastising the state of Israel. Simply for the crime of defending itself from the unconscionable acts of bloodthirsty terrorists. The only other human whose hubris can extend to the heights of a Kerry next to the Commie clown in Cuba would have to be the pope himself.
Whose blasphemous words days prior to kneeling before the second most holy of grounds to the Jewish people that being their Holocaust Memorial. Where Pope Francis himself knelt and prayed just days after he shook hands with Abbas another individual with a peculiar degree of rationality and mental legitimacy, as he uttered the statement of Israel being an occupier. As if one could ever come to terms with any comparison with the vast enormity of the government of Great Britain.
As it related to its controlling of South African lands. In some queer correlation that little ol Israel -in the process of fending off an invasion by Egypt and other nations including Jordan- found itself needing to hold land to create a defensible curtain between itself and the hordes of raging lunatics bent on overrunning it. To compare indirectly by use of the word 'occupier' what Israel had to do to maintain a buffer zone with itself and its invaders and what Great Britain once did. Is about as much of a blundering statement as it can get.
In fact I was surprised that the word 'apartheid' didn't come slithering out his mouth also. And now Kerry has chosen once again to put the final nail on his legacy as a blundering Don Quijote chasing illusory windmills. Believing them to be real threats to the safety of his ever receeding questionable character. Meanwhile just over the horizon an invasion of biblical proportions is taking place. As hordes of ex-patriots from the ex-Saddam Hussein era have carved a route straight into Baghdad paved with the blood of innocent martyrs (a good deal of the beheaded are Yazidi and Christian children).
Whose heads have been left scattered and or hung on poles as a calling card and message to whatever is left of the rational global community. In Syria we have rebel factions sympathetic to the west. Whom in the past we have wined and dined including providing Toyota trucks which ISIS confiscated on its way out of Syria pointing south-east to Baghdad. Neither, does Kerry appear to be overly curious as to what if anything might Iran be doing nowadays with all those funny gadgets in has acquired from Russia and other places such as North Korea and China? " JRH-2014 NDMH
1). http://www.timesofisrael.com/newfound-jewish-roots-gave-kerry-a-deep-bond-with-israel/
2). "Moscow trained North Korean scientists and helped build the Yongbyon nuclear reactor complex north of Pyongyang, which produced the plutonium used in building the North's atomic bombs. The U.N.'s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, also believes that China and Pakistan have shared nuclear technologies with Pyongyang. Iran has collaborated with Russian and Pakistani scientists in developing Tehran's nuclear program, according to IAEA experts, but not on the scale of North Korea."
SOURCES: http://online.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887324883604578394513664225342
My Opinion on the UN's Refusal to Name or Certify Known Terrorist Organizations
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-20114"By refusing to name or recognize known terrorist organizations, such as HAMAS and others; the UN is forfeiting any true legitimacy it once may of had. As an organization of member nations who may of once had any respect for the rule of law, the right of its member parties to work at cultivating world peace, and to work together towards a world without hatred of others. Because of religion, ethnicity, or opinion. In failing to recognize the destructive means and ends of other members and or organizations or groups who ferment such hatred of others the UN has completely jeopardized its mandate and legitimacy as an organization which seeks to bolster world peace and brotherhood!" JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez"That goes for members of the clergy who kowtow behind their hidden benefactors; equally hiding behind a manipulative religion. Which, on the one hand pretends to revere the words and actions of Christ -while- from the other side of their mouth's they spew out hatred and subjugation -by poverty and ignorance- over those less fortunate. Don't be fooled again! As they rant and rave about the glorious Reagan years; take a close look at the facts. On how tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands -suffered decades of job losses, poverty, and abject homelessness- all leading to the Great Recession that followed. This is not the religion of that Great Commission to go out unto all the world and teach the word of truth!
This year as we look back at what was left to us during the late years of the Bush administration and the Great Recession felt by millions of Americans-many who lost everything including their jobs and homes. Keep in mind this year as you shuttle off to do your civic duty at your local polls. Remember the long strides and momentum we have picked up through our own efforts and the determined combined efforts of this administration. And the Democrats who have fought long and hard to help make many beneficial labor laws a reality. Be especially mindful as you cast your votes at those who would thwart our efforts at helping to bring a minimum wage raise of $10.10 an hour and higher; a reality for millions of hurting Americans! JRH-2014 NDMH
edited and extended version of above post BELOW...
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014"That goes for members of the clergy who kowtow behind their hidden benefactors; equally hiding behind their very own dubious rendition of a style of manipulative religion. Which, on the one hand pretends to revere the words and actions of Christ -while- from the other side of their mouth's they spew out hatred and subjugation -by poverty and ignorance- over those less fortunate. Don't be fooled again! As they rant and rave about the glorious Reagan years; take a close look at the facts. On how tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands -suffered decades of job losses, poverty, and abject homelessness- all leading to the Great Recession that followed.
The Reagan years gave us the largest population of the mentally ill living in the streets America has ever seen. As mental patients were the first wholesale group of persons removed from mental wards to eventually make their way through the new systems. Created for them, only to eventually end up eating out of the gutters. This is not the religion of that Great Commission to go out unto all the world and teach the word of truth! JRH-2014 NDMH
Below is a small excerpt found at; http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x3103173
posted by Hannah Bell
How Reagan Created "The Homeless," & Why Charity Can't Fix It
'In 2008, an estimated 2.3 to 3.5 million people will be homeless for some part of the year - & the numbers have been growing. Americans have grown accustomed to seeing people sleeping in the streets of their big cities: the "homeless" seem to be a fact of nature, like the weather.Yet I remember a time when it wasn't so. Pre-Reagan, in downtown Seattle. Sure, there were poor people downtown - mostly older men. They hung out on the streets around the market, but they didn't sleep there, they didn't even panhandle. They slept in SRO's - single-room occupancy hotels - on 1st & 2nd aves. It was a seedy area, but I was a young girl at the time, & I wasn't afraid to go there. I left the US at the beginning of the Reagan years & returned in 1985; suddenly we had "homelessness". I was young. The papers said it was "mental patients" & "recession," so I accepted that explanation. It was only when I got involved with a homeless shelter that I learned how the homeless problem grew from near-invisible to omnipresent in the space of 5 years. Here's the short version, from the "Without Housing" Coalition."In 1978, HUD’s budget was over $83 billion. In 1983, HUD’s budget was only $18 billion...' 2008 ?
-Source quoted above.http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x3103173
Unlike Hannah I do believe that charitable contributions can change the lives of many. Especially returning the billions stolen from the mouths and hands of millions of Americans by Republicans throughout these past decades; can and would change the status quo. But those tens of billions have gone to Republican pet projects and other unmentioned and unsavory deeds. During the Reagan years existing public policies along with public disdain for homeless people running loose in the streets of their quaint towns. This created an underlying phenomena of mass razing of entire city neighborhoods helping to bring in the new culture of the yuppie elites and their high-rise condos. Which was followed by ground level 'Gated Communities' along with security patrolled and ctv cordoned off raised parking decks and walkways to and from office towers.
I ran into one of Mike Davis books back in the late 1990's titled 'Fortress LA: City of Quartz'. In my opinion a scholarly work done in a 1980's documentary style unfolding that left me dazed and amazed at the problem of homelessness during the Reagan era, out west. Hundreds of thousands combined into millions of Americans and including the undocumented and migrant workers in many parts of the US suffered greatly at the hands of anti-homeless police patrols. If you don't take the time to read and learn for yourself the facts at how biased party policies and politics affect the lives off Americans you are going to fall for the conspiracy theories covering over the real truth and aim of those you will hear from the pulpits of America to the halls of Congress. Keep in mind that Hitler himself chose the mentally ill as inclusion into the parade of those who were marched to the gas chambers and also of those who were dumped in mass graves.
In ending let me leave you with this one last revelation found at Salon.com from 2008. 'These patients were often younger than patients previously discharged, less likely to respond to medication, and less likely to be aware of their need for medication. In 1988 the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) issued estimates of where patients with chronic mental illness were living. Approximately 120,000 were said to be still hospitalized; 381,000 were in nursing homes; between 175,000 and 300,000 were living in board-and-care homes; and between 125,000 and 300,000 were thought to be homeless. These broad estimates for those living in board-and-care homes and on the streets suggested that neither NIMH nor anyone else really knew how many there were.' 2013, End of quoted material, from Source Salon.com
The further shutdown of mental hospitals, halfway housing and group housing allowed for the continuing increase in the levels of homelessness within the Mentally Challenged populations. This year as we look back at what was left to us during the late years of the Bush administration and the Great Recession felt by millions of Americans-many who lost everything including their jobs and homes. Keep in mind this year as you shuttle off to do your civic duty at your local polls. Remember the long strides and momentum we have picked up through our own efforts and the determined combined efforts of this administration. And the Democrats who have fought long and hard to help make many beneficial labor laws a reality. Be especially mindful as you cast your votes at those who would thwart our efforts at helping to bring a minimum wage raise of $10.10 an hour and higher; a reality for millions of hurting Americans!" JRH-2014 NDMH
Thanks to President Obama, the CDC, NIH, DWB; and MY PERSONAL APPEAL TO YOU!
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014"Thank you President Obama for staying on top of this terrible dilemma, Doctors Without Borders who work day and night. To run hospitals and care for the sick and infected for placing yourself in harms way, to help those infected, and for providing information to those who are too sacred to do anything. Thanks to the National Institute of Health and the CDC for monitoring and taking the necessary measures to stop the deadly momentum of this disease. Understand that this is not a phenomenon that evolved mostly through the careless and haphazard inability or negligence of people to do nothing as the disease progressed from town to town and person to person. This has become an epidemic because what should have been done years ago in the most impoverished parts of the world had not been done.
Though many well meaning charitable and caring people have been working in many parts of Africa to help build adequate living facilities, roads, sewerage, hospitals, and other facilities such as for safe drinking water; and still much public awareness campaigns have taken place. Still getting people who are so deadly impoverished to react and interact with health officials has not always evolved as many have planned it to. Because, of the immenseness of the needs in Sierra Leone and other towns; because of cash strapped governments in underdeveloped areas have found themselves at a loss to be able to fight the scourge of diseases that crop up and affect human life.
You need to see this and then get involved because there are great needs all over the world where people are fighting each and every day with; poverty, illiteracy, lack of adequate drinking water, lack of prenatal and postnatal services for children often born into the worst of impoverished family groups under the worst of conditions and in the most unimaginable living conditions. The global community needs to see films like these to become more aware of the needs of the people who are most affected and also see those who risk their lives to go there and do what they can with the limited funds and medical facilities available. The cries from these health care providers have none stop fopr months if not years asking the global community and organization and governments to send in more help but the pace of aid has been too slow for far too long.
In other words had the global community been more attentive and had provided more resources directly into the areas most at risk perhaps this epidemic would not be as deadly serious as you will be seeing in this short film. Please, everyone who is interested and cares- you really nees to go and see this great video on Ebola- brought to you via Frontline/worldchannel.org through this link http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/ebola-outbreak/. I warn you it is not for the meek of heart. But please do go to the Doctors Without Borders website who surprisingly in some single makeshift hospital projects have been helping some over 50 thousand needy people! Give what you can give! Thanks everyone." JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014"It is not surprising to me but shameful that the Congress of South African Students ignorantly or purposefully has chosen to demonize Israel. One of few nations -globally- that is working to help with the Ebola outbreak -while- these students appear to be more interested in acts of antisemitism of Jews! As thousands have fallen to this deadly virus and the cries for assistance has gone out worldwide; it would be best that these individuals saw the need to take action and help their fellow Africans. At a time in history when their assistance is most urgently needed. What will history foretell of these young men and women -when in hindsight- and after perhaps millions have succumbed to this seemingly incurable pestilence?”JRH-2014 NDMH
I don't have the time to give you a lesson into how I or you should gleam out the facts and dates to stories that appear on sites. I thought this site has lots of great information on Ebola but you need to pay strict attention to the dates of the short and long columns so as to not otherwise find yourself being distracted or thrown of the progressive date curve in the main story of Israel's attempts at trying to develop a possible cure for this deadly virus.
http://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/42885-140907-israel-is-ready-to-cure-the-world-of-ebola# Please pay close attention to the progression of successes and approvals by WHO and others as you gleam through the stories on Ebola found on the entire page. Focus on the progression of dates from September 4th and on to the 30th. It is not uncommon to find headlines of stories strewn all over pages in disorder as to dates covering issues such as Ebola and others to be more seemingly unintentionally focused on -distracting the facts- rather than showing the positive side of the arching curve.
As the spread of this disease crosses borders, have they stopped long enough to silence their hatred and wonder -where- will this pestilence of biblical proportion strike next? Don't they realize that those who curse Israel will themselves be cursed, likewise? Or is this not a congress of students, but of hatemongers with nothing else to do -but- to make headlines. By spewing their vile hatred at those they do not like and or truly wish to understand? What does it say about them when they demonize Israel for defending itself -even today- in the face of a baby child being run over by a terrorist and or as IS beheads children and or sales them to be the brides of mentally and deranged men? Who then rape and torture them before sacrificing them at the edge of the sword.
Compassionate and moral thinking South Africans or any religion of peace would never tolerate these horrific attacks against men, women, and little children! As Israel spends its energy and manpower all over the world as a surrogate to help those stricken with disease and pestilence overcome the rigors and pains of these deadly viruses. Hoping that some of those it helps will one day break free from poverty and disease to become one more healthy and productive student. Grateful and willing to fight in the halls of academia and politics for peace and be themselves the surrogate for the needs of others in need!" JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014
"This is not just a Democratic or Republican issue, God knows there is plenty of blame to go around. Yet, answers are out there, they are simple. But it's the entrenched selfishness, ignorance and arrogance of many that refuse to come together; with open minds, to help resolve the painful hurting of tens of millions of Central and South Americans! Many on both sides of the aisle want what they want regardless of the illegality of the issue and this I think is logically troublesome, financially cumbersome, and morally reprehensible. This a multinational issue which must be handled in a multinational fashion. And not just one that will be cured by the US alone and or any one party or the other; but an issue that must bring everyone to the table." JRH-2014 NDMH
"But according to Nancy Pelosi -whom I respect dearly and whose many ideas I have supported strongly- but on this issue of deportation I'm troubled with; as it appears the trump card -here once again- is preferential treatment. Not that it may be bad but, that after Conservatives have gutted many social programs, as far back as the Reagan administration, and the economy is staggering along. Now the much streamlined Republican legislatures ravaged-social-welfare-system should make adjustments for further accommodations. In support of millions more illegal aliens simply because it is the humanitarian thing to do.
Yet in the entirety of this argument the word Mexican government, how they intend to invest their fair share, and or the responsibility of that government to rule judiciously and fairly. With concern to the health and welfare of that country's population appears to be null and void. Then it would also appear that there is no argument over that issue and no point in arguing it. Because, some people get their shorts a bit crimped up.I think it's ludicrous that today's politicians on both sides of the aisle cannot seem to find the chutzpah to take Mexico and all other South and Central American nations with illegal cross bordering issues to task; in an open forum. For all the people of the of these countries to see why and what is causing this northern exodus. And how these nations are going to fix their economic, lack of adequate jobs creation, infrastructure, education, employment, and housing issues!
If there is no solution today it is because Mexico and all other country's cannot or will not find liveable solutions to their problems. The answers are out there, they are simple. But its the entrenched ignorance and arrogance of many that refuse to come together; with open minds, to help resolve the painful hurting of tens of millions of Central and South Americans. America itself is not without blame because the same solutions of work creation and retention has almost always fallen off the radar screen with foreign policy in most admissions taking center stage, and sociaal program cutbacks being hacked at at the cutting table as a means to ironically raise a more instep with Conservative ideals kind of citizenry as jobs were being sucked out of the economy since as far back as the Reagan administration.
Soon after US technology was sold out to the Far East and unions made their no so good deals in the market. The exodus of American jobs began. An exodus that was evolved as far back as the 1970's when after a great majority of America's corporations started bailing out and threw the US under the bus for tax havens and cheap labor in other countries including border towns along the Mexican border. Yes, jobs were plentiful on their side of the border though wages were below subsistence levels with no benefits. But, those who toughed it out got to learn and use trades which would in later years become an asset to those who crossed the border to earn better wages.
So, do I have a problem with a fair worker program that affords the highest degree of worker training, with liveable above subsistence wages, and adequate benefits? Certainly not! And this is exactly where the US and Mexico should begin to address the issue of cross brodering for jobs and a better way of life. I am not an advocate that those who come here to work should not have the opportunity to stay and live here, and be productive citizens either. But, America once gave millions of Mexicans the right to stay here and make it their home.
Yet, many denied that offer and others did stay; back into the mid 1880's. And so the US is proud of its millions of Mexicans that have stayed and have come to stay and earn, and contribute to this economy. Yet wherever I go in the argument of immigration I always seem to get thrown against the wall. When I remember what my Latino Studies professor at the university asked the entire class, "Why is it that so many Mexicans do not want to become citizens? And still 130 years later we are faced with the same question. As we are reminded- of the mid 1880's and why so many back then refused citizenship!
But the issue isn't just about Mexicans its bigger -because- there are Hondurans, Guatemalans and so many others hurting and in need for a better way of life. A life that appears to slip many of them by -because- it would seem that none of these governments including the US or the UN appear to have any credible solutions to.But if Leader Pelosi is actually demanding an immediate executive order that would halt deportations in a broad scale; and If this is what she has said? Then she is frighteningly out of touch with the reality of this particular issue. Illegal means just that, illegal! Why is it that some people want to overrule the law simply by saying, no it is not wrong.
Because, this is the aspect of this whole issue.That some people in trying to justify their argument against deportation, are actually trying to make you think it is a crime to deport them. While getting you to ignore the illegality of contradicting the illegality of their argument. If I harbor a criminal then I too become a criminal! Then why is it that in this case the criminal turns out to be the good guys? As those who oppose deportation by the sheer preponderance of their logic would argue.
A criminal is a criminal. To try and find a positive value in an otherwise factually negative action is ludicrous. If you go to another country and break their law, then try to argue you did not break their law, you are then thrown in jail and laughed at. But only in the argument of those who defend criminals would you be the criminal for wanting to defend the law.
Because, in their mind they are right and you are wrong even though the opposite is the fact. This is happening in religion today when we have the pope allegedly saying that some accounts in Genesis are wrong. And in a whole array of historical facts and human lifestyle behaviors.In my opinion what Miss Pelosi should be arguing; are the ways in which certain members of the apprehended illegal aliens could best be treated depending on the circumstances of their individual cases -pertaining to their age- and or other aspects of their situation. But to argue this issue simply by ignoring the illegality of crossing a border intentionally -whether- it is to find shelter or to find long term subsistence for them and or children; is still considered an illegal act; until the facts prove otherwise.
People illegally crossing borders can bring disease, illegal drugs, be criminals to commit further crimes, are known statistically to have adverse effects on domestic social services. Because, the citizen taxpayers have to foot the bills created by them.Furthermore, Ms. Pelosi should know that Mexico is not in a state of war with any other country, there is no national disaster that would require the US to permit refugees in, and neither is there any law in the books as we speak that would legalize the illegality of illegal. As far as I know illegal means illegal. The procedure to follow after apprehension of illegals is clear. Until the law is changed and as it is written there is very little reason for change. Because modest adjustments have already been made. At this point what I feel is that people who are pro-immigration reform and those who want to push this issue want to put a blindfold over issues that they want to rule over and make law.
Without studying the facts and coming up with fair and workable solutions to this multinational illegal cross-border epidemic. Even if it is painful to Americans to accept and or to adjust to.Many on both sides of the aisle want what they want regardless of the illegality of the issue and this I think is logically troublesome, financially cumbersome, and morally reprehensible. This a multinational issue which must be handled in a multinational fashion. And not just one that will be cured by the US alone and or any one party or the other; but an issue that must bring everyone to the table. We cannot just change laws to fit the agenda of one or a group of individuals.If so why don't we just burn all bibles, tear down all border crossings, make the free consumption of Marijuana legal, make prostitution legal and promote it in a every city, burn the constitution, abolish all moral and sensible laws, confiscate the wealth and property of all legal US citizens and start off by handing out checks at the border, etc., etc.,? JRH-2014 NDMH
"Any member of the clergy including the pope or anyone of the bishops of the catholic church or any church or religious organization who ignores the word of Almighty God and so chooses to ignore and disobey will reap what they sow. The word of God is clear and to the point about homosexuality and other human actions that would aggrieve God and place man or woman outside the freely given grace of God. [Homosexuals shall not enter the kingdom of God. This word is used twice in the New Testament; in the text we are examining as well as I TIMOTHY 1:10. It denotes one who would take the leading role in a homosexual relationship. It is not fashionable today to suggest that such activity is unrighteous and will keep one out of the kingdom of God, but that is what the Covenant of Jesus Christ says. Practicing homosexuality will keep one from entering heaven. Source; http://www.bible.ca/ef/expository-1-corinthians-6-9-11(2).htm].
But the pope is indirectly suggesting this role by saying that Christians have a lot to learn from those practicing homosexuality. My main point is this. How can anyone believe that going against the word of God and doing what their hearts tell them is right in God's eyes rebellion against his authority and disobedience to God often leads to unhappy results.In this case, the Bible clearly states, one will not enter Heaven. What is the point in professing to be a pope, or bishop or a plain Christian if you are refusing to follow the word of God? To me that is being hypocritical to stand there in the robes of the church and tell the world -including little children- that it is okay to do the opposite of what the bible says not to do! It's just like with drinking, smoking, and other things we do believing it's okay and God won't stand in our way." JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014President Obama has done two things that no other president I know has ever done. He has fought long and hard to keep food on the table of the unemployed by supporting -since the great recession- the extensions on faltering unemployment benefits and that is a certified fact. Two; he has openly voiced his opinion that it is time for American businesses to help raise the minimum wage for all its workers. This would help to turn America around from its spiraling financial trouble. If you remember not too long ago it was corporate America who chose to break camp and bail out on millions of workers.
While setting up camp in bordering Mexican towns, the far east and other places where labor laws are practically non-existent, with little to no wage increases, and no real health benefits. While, in many cases destroying the environment by polluting the land and air. Meanwhile, America lost millions of jobs and the ranks of the homeless and poor middle classes grew exponentially as real estate foreclosures went through the roof. Right after that Republicans decided to shub a contract with America down the noses of the American people which included the tearing down of much needed welfare programs.
Since then Republicans have been dismantling one social program after the other, while, supporting the likes of anti-middle class corporate scam artists such as ALEX(American Legislative Exchange Council). An organization which behind closed doors has been writing legislation and getting it passed through underhanded lobbying efforts; such as spreading lots of wealth around in the right places. And supporting Republican candidates wherever it is needed to help maintain its status quo. Now if you think this all just a fantasy then let me go on the record right now and ask the Republican leadership and Republican party to do one thing.
If it is true that they do support the millions of poor in the middle class and the poor underprivileged. I would like the Republican party of America to prove to the people of the US that they stand behind the raising of the minimum wage for all Americans to $10.00 p/h as the President's has asked and or to go a step further and raise it to $15.00 per hour by 2017 or before, preferably? If Republicans and conservatives really believe in helping America's poor and the poor middle classes and others? Then they will come before the television cameras and tell the people that they believe it is the right thing to do now! If they don't which I wholeheartedly believe they won't. Then I ask the American people one question.
Why would you waste your time and breath believing in the lies of a party which has no intentions of ever doing anything right by you? They may help the rich as in ALEX and others -but- they have not proven beyond a reasonable doubt by their actions that they ever intend to support the raising of the minimum wage' which will help millions of Americans including businesses! So before you walk into that polling booth this year contact your Republican representative and ask him or her what I have just asked here. Or are you too afraid and intimidated by their rhetoric to stand up by your own two feet or call them and find out for yourself -where they stand- on unemployment extensions or the raising of the -much needed- minimum wage for all Americans?
I think you will be surprised. And if they prove me wrong then I guess they will win the elections this year! Republicans have a great chance to win the elections this year if they could for once in their lives just do the right thing by the American people. After all they represent them don't they? Or, do they represent ALEX and the other corporate cronies?" JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014"I've come to the conclusion that the minimum wage itself is a way for the well off to keep a section of the American people living below poverty or in poverty. If you're living below poverty you are not living. You're flat-rated and probably if not -definitely depended- on whatever crumbs the Conservative System of Poverty Maintenance has decided those who are at or below the poverty level will be allowed to have for some duration.
While they beg and eek out an existence as they desperately search for some form of subsistence; other than the slave rations that the Conservative Poverty Maintenance System allows. What exactly does the system that we have to come know as the minimum wage really mean? It means you get to live in poverty; which usually means living in inadequate housing, incapable of adequately maintaining a healthy diet (since Republicans have practically gutted SUBSISTENCE PROGRAMS). Because ALEX says you don't deserve charity just AS their founder said it's better if you don't vote." JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014"How do you promise to build a coalition and promise to aid the ground forces with airstrikes while the ground is screaming we need the air strikes, where are they? How could the ground forces as small as they are -imagine a battalion of women fighters- begging for assistance and no answer. While, Kerry is holding hands with the partner of one of the worlds worst terrorist organizations who is waiting for the billion dollar payoff so they can rebuild the tunnels! I believe that historically this vice president must go down in the records classified in the top five of the worlds dumbest statesman that ever lived.
Just in my book alone from his repeated blundering over his attempts at legitimizing a fake phony toothless hater such as Abbas and his pathetic PA partners -HAMAS; known as one of this worlds worst terrorist organizations. These two have skyrocketed to the top echelons of buffoonery in politics that has ever existed -that I know of- next to Nixon's blunders with Watergate. Abbas will shuttle much of this billion right over to his terrorist partners in HAMAS for further rebuilding and renovations to their terror tunnels. Has Abbas ever made any mention to promise to seal those tunnels for ever? No!
This new deal with Iran will also go down equally as another blunder working its way through the US state department over a settlement of negotiations in nuclear talks. Which is another sham in the works if anyone knows Iran's record at lying and making fake promises! I would have to say that Iran, Abbas/HAMAS and North Korea are branches of the same tree. I wonder if Kerry might just invite the pope over to Iraq since he is on his global goodwill mission, and travel over to the graves of the Christian children who were beheaded by IS in Iraq and lay down some wreaths and say a few prayers?And maybe while he is flying south he might not mind swing over to North Iraq and visit with Kurdish fighters; to usher his support for the troops and perhaps enlighten them on his approval to vamp up the much needed air strikes promised?" JRH-2014 NDMH
One month after the printing of my comments above, JewsNews.com reported below on retired Lt. General/ US and former Congressman Allen West's statements concerning Kerry's proposed $5 billion dollar tax free giveaway (partly funded by US citizen's tax payer money's) going to a certified terrorist organization Hamas. Under the guise 'of course' that it will be used to help rebuild Gaza and promote peace. Read for yourself the rest of the following eye opening remarks from the General/Congressman.>>>!
'The aid package for Hamas, purportedly for the reconstruction of Gaza after the latest conflict with Israel, totals more than $5 billion, with some of that money made up of U.S. taxpayer dollars.
Kerry believes that showering Hamas with money will lead to peace in the region, but that is unlikely. Previous aid allowed into Gaza didn't go to infrastructure as was intended. Instead it went to the purchase of rockets and missiles, as well as the construction of the terror tunnels used to attack Israel.
'Out of this conference must come not just money but a renewed commitment from everybody to work for peace that meets the aspirations of all, for Israelis, or Palestinians, for all people of this region,' Kerry told the meeting in Cairo.
'And I promise you the full commitment of President (Barack) Obama, myself and the United States to try to do that,” he said. “Make no mistake: What was compelling about a two-state solution a year ago is even more compelling today,' added Kerry.
Allen West says that this is the definition of insanity, doing the same thing again, yet expecting a different result. Hamas will do the exact same thing with this money that they did the last time they received international aid, which is use it to further their struggle against Israel.
John Kerry and President Obama have just rewarded terrorists for their actions. They have provided material support and comfort to a known terrorist organization, as well as aided and abetted an enemy of the United States and one of her closest allies, Israel.
This is treason and should be treated as such. There can no longer be any doubt that Obama, along with many in his administration, are sympathetic to the cause of the Islamists and have aligned themselves with the enemies of our own country and our allies.' SOURCE: Jews News.com
Bold use is for my emphasis only where applicable. JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014
"This came as a shock to me that a column I posted for my upcoming November NDMH-2014 edition of my web pages. Which I am as we speak still adding material for and was actually soon to go digital. But, which I had already posted those previous comments to in one of the most sought after global social sites; is now being revealed in Jews News.com. I mean it's no real revelation but, that I was quick to pick up on, that, that sham of a free taxpayer giveaway would eventually only turn out to be a sham handout to Abbas. Later, most of which would eventually end up in the hands of terrorist organization HAMAS hands; vintage Arafat manipulation. In his column Lt. General West said that HAMAS must first go before any money exchanges hands and I said that Abbas must go on one of my previous column's regarding a Palestinian state. Though I loathe what some people have done to Conservatism I cannot disagree with the General's words concerning HAMAS!" JRH-2014 NDMHMY COMMENTS ON BRIDGING PEACE BY OVERCOMING HATE
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014"Not long ago a young Muslim-American man made a video and posted it on the internet. This was a great video as I'm sure there are so many thousands if not millions of people out there of Christian, Arab, and Jewish background who agree and feel the same. That despite what or who you call your deity. That there is but one God, and that if you are a person of faith; you should be mature enough to help bring peace about and help mend the fences. Between you and those you have hurt or who have hurt you. However, I can only speak for the Jewish/Christian God who is known as the God of love. John 3:16 For God so loved the world (and that includes all of us White, Black, Yellow, Brown, etc.,..etc.,,) that He gave his only Son that who so ever believe upon Him will not perish but have everlasting life.
And what I get out of this message is that when people can look beyond their differences that is when they will be able to find a common ground where they will see that they are not unlike each other. And when instead they stop looking at what they have against each other and start looking at what they have in common. As human beings with hopes, fears, and longing for love and peace, and brotherhood. Then maybe they can rise above all the hatred and violence and find a better tomorrow than all the wrong yesterdays and the terrible things they've done to one another! In the letter to Ephesus Jesus points out that even though the members of that church were very religious and zealous for their faith and their works to others.
That they had forgotten their first love and Jesus warned them that if they did not repent and do their first works that they would have their lamp removed from them. Speaking for my faith I believe that that lamp-stand Jesus spoke about is the Holy Spirit which Jesus Himself told them would come to be with them after He had left to go back to the Father/God. But it is more than just that because the Holy Spirit inspires us to love one another, He guides us into the paths of righteousness and the humble giving of ourselves to others. I believe that what happened at Ephesus is that they stopped believing in what the Holy Spirit could do and they started to believe in what they as a powerful church could do.
And this offended God, because they had started to become a worldly church and God had taken a backseat. When God is at the center of your life He is doing the driving, the directing and He allows the Holy Spirit to guide us! It is very easy for someone to begin to fade away from the path of righteousness and to be led astray and in doing this one begins to depend more on oneself instead of loving God and His Word. The Word of God tells us that you cannot serve two masters because either you will love one and hate the other. The church at Ephesus had lost that zest for loving the Lord and His word. On the outside they appeared as true believers and charismatic but, on the inside where God can see, they were dead and their works were dead.That is sinful to God, that is rebellion, and that injured God. So Jesus asked them to return to their First Love. The love of God and His word over the selfish love of self and the world." JRH-2014 NDMH
"You're both correct John and Ravi Lyer! The tragedy of Haiti- like so many others- is a sad blemish for global benefactors; who offer a pittance in the name of charity!"JRH-2014 NDMH While as we read above how $5 billion to terrorists is rewarding hatred.AS ELECTIONS LOOM, THE FIGHT TO RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE BOILS OVER, AND ISIS FEARLESSLY MARCHES ON TO BAGHDAD
By John R Hernandez@ndmh-2014"I've come to the conclusion that the minimum wage itself is a way for the well off to keep a section of the American people living below poverty or in poverty. If you're living below poverty you are not living. You're flat-rated and probably if not -definitely depended- on whatever crumbs the Conservative System of Poverty Maintenance has decided those who are at or below the poverty level will be allowed to have for some duration. While they beg and eek out an existence as they desperately search for some form of subsistence; other than the slave rations that the Conservative Poverty Maintenance System allows. What exactly does the system that we have to come know as the minimum wage really mean? It means you get to live in poverty; which usually means living in inadequate housing, incapable to adequately maintaining a healthy diet (since Republicans have practically gutted food stamps) because ALEX says you don't deserve charity just like their founder said its better if you don't vote.
Even the pope has now jumped on the band wagon supporting the plight of those in poverty. In approximately two weeks from now the American people will go to the voting booths to put in place or throw out another useless bunch of hypocrites who don't really care about them. Because this party system has been corrupted from the core. The founding principles have been compromised by money and individuals who have bought into the system and now control who stays in and needs to depart just to appease those who pull the levers of injustice behind those curtains.
This why for over 40 years most working Americans from the middle classes on down have been forced to live in a state of poverty and fear. They been living with thee fear from within and without; fear of economic collapse and fear of terrorism striking anywhere at any moment. The most important thing in an economy in a nation is that the people get to live happy healthy lives under the comfort of a system that promises a fair and livable wage, efficient and affordable health care and a strong retirement system which promises a safe and enjoyable life after work.
Our government has spent trillions of tax payer dollars helping to maintain the health and welfare of people who'd rather terminate our existence or subjugate us to a life worse than slaves. Because this is what the tenets of their beliefs orders them to do to all who stand between them and complete control of others it tells them must be conquered and subdued. f America could understand this it would know how to fight the war and win it. Diplomacy is dead the day the head of our innocent journalist was severed before the global media.
So we have the enemies from without knocking at our door prompting us to come to them and play their dirty little games and we have the enemies from within playing with our heads telling us what they want us to know stringing us along like patsies. This is what the political system that runs this nation is doing to Americans, stringing us along. How long has this government been handing us a bill of goods while Iran builds the WMD'S it has vowed to produce which with is says will be sued to destroy Israel and the US along with all other allies.
Those are not veiled threats while all along the US drags its feet, global terrorism is arming itself to the teeth preparing for that next big fight and this time it will be the bloodiest you ever imagined it to be. Reports are that even with the impact of thousands of air strikes on terrorist sites IS is on target acquiring more and more ground in Iraq. If allowed to take over Iraq -as I fear it is- the unspoken plan in order to checkmate Iran and force it to rethink its nuclear intentions. Those behind the scenes calling the shots need to know that ISIS holds no pity or love for Iran and when and if it holds the ground in Iraq. Iran will have the fight of its life on its hands and this time it will not be like the last time.
By John R. Hernandez@NDMH-2014"What is needed and should of been done before bringing infected patients into the states. are floating hospitals to be located off coastal waters. Coastal lines facilities with ready access for those who fall through the border cracks. The US needs to focus on something that can quarantine and service those infected- before- they are allowed to come on land, after treatment. The risks could be exponentially diminished and the potential of mistakes and escape of viruses, contained. We have plenty of ships that can do just this and other decommissioned ones; which can be refitted with necessary equipment to handle limited capacities and other significant responsibilities.
Bringing contaminated patients into local hospitals and or land based government facilities has been known to have its issues in the past. We cannot afford an epidemic of the magnitude that an Ebola or any of its related viruses can unleash; on a national scale here in the homeland. The cost to disinfect entire hospital wards can run into the millions and billions after it's all said and done. And often that is only a temporary solution; as we know bacteria will continue to crop up relentlessly. I realize that new innovations such as ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and ultraviolet light has shown promise.
But, on a limited basis and has not been shown to be cost effective across the board in some hospitals which do not meet the financial out of pocket expenses. There is so much to think about even with staph and anti-bacteria resistant viruses. We have known for far too long now of the risks of not being prepared. But innovations such as floating facilities most importantly including our naval hospitals are certainly a way to go. In order to help keep this virus at bay!" JRH-2014 NDMH
By JRH-2014 @NDMH"One man wants to burn Korans and wears a nuke Isis shirt and the world is in an uproar. One man one act of conscious outrage while thousands if not millions of American flags have been burned by Muslims. Men, women, and children have been beheaded; thousands of terrorists strapped with dynamite have blown up buses, markets, and buildings in the name of a so-called peaceful religion. Terrorists are circling the wagons around Israel about ready to open up a can of whoop-a and no-one is outraged. No one utters a word, you can hear a pin drop. It's called double standard; and it has become the staple of global media. Who should be shunning this type of bias against those who stand up to acts of hatred aimed at Americans and any innocent person; by radical Islamist bent on some mindless tyrannical world subjugation!" JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R. Hernandez@NDMH-2014"Today Millennials are more diverse and educated than in any other generations? That's just not only a bag of malarkey but an insult to the long history of educated teachers dating back to George Washington's professors, along with the founding fathers, and every other generation that has helped get this nation to where it is today. But if that is not enough today's young men and women are equally in the worst crisis of their lives; post recession era. With the highest number of college graduates and non-graduates smothered by tens of thousands of dollars in unpayable student loans.
Straddling young men and women with long term student loans that they can never pay back?
Instead why not just make a college education free of charge? Heck you can make a concession and make them pay for their own books. But, then again I remember paying up to $ 150.00 for one book in communications class. Let them pay for their student fees as an option and work off the cost of student housing and other non-incremental costs. But then again, I could imagine the government going into the book sales business and what the prices would be then?
Sadly, there was an alternative to immediately bail out big business and others but, the cries of the indebted have fallen on deaf ears. Solutions could be, all or partial loan forgiveness in a case by case basis and allowing student debt to be entered in bankruptcy. Will this President and this government do the right thing? Time will tell if they will bail out the millions of indebted in student loans just like they bailed out their friends on wall street just a few years back? Though, it's curious to me that the total student loan debt is miniscule compared to the wall street bailout!" JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R. Hernandez NDMH-2014"All this year there have secret channels open everywhere trying to come up with a solution to this dilemma of how to get radical Islam of Israel's back and stop the rocket shelling. One would need Abbas to resign and the PA to announce a new conciliatory government free from the presence or auspices of HAMAS. A military and rebel-free zone must be set up in Gaza and the terrorist tunnels must be destroyed and shut down for ever. In order that peace talks may continue in a more rewarding and promising way for both sides.
But, with the exception that Israel will not relinquish any land deemed necessary to its security and defense. In addition all rebel fighters must lay down their arms and be repatriated to help rebuild much of the land they themselves helped to destroy from the tens of thousands of rockets and mortar fire they caused. There shall be no need of any UN peacekeepers -since- whenever they have been deployed they goof things up and everyone knows how biased against Israel the UN has been lately and at other times; to be of any real use.
Israeli forces will remain on alert and visible until which time the PA has shown - its goodwill determination- to live side by side with Israel in a long term peaceful coexistence. But, unless there is a legitimate recognition of Israel's sovereignty and existence along with the ceasing of hate-filled anti-Jew brainwashing of Palestinian children. Which can be facilitated by the departure of Hamas and Abbas. And the PA finding a more reasonably moderate leader -chosen by- the will of the people, free from the constant anti-Jew hate and anti-Israel hate speech. It will be difficult for these two parties to come together to the peace table and commit to any long term ceasefire and or long term peaceful agreement.
It's not beyond the realm of reason or probability that one cannot come up with a moderate or reasonably thinking segment of the Palestinian population. Willing to be open minded enough, for the sake of its future and the future of its children. Which would be willing to accept peace as its hope and promise. That a peaceful coexistence is possible once the right kind of government is set in place; that is not so anti-Israel and radically minded as the present one has been, for far too long now." JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R. Hernandez NDMH-2014"We no longer have a two party system but, a gangland style cronyism underhanded manipulation of politics, wealth, and power. Which controls much of this nation through pilfering, backroom dealings, and abject disregard of those they purport to serve! No doubt there are well meaning individuals in the two party system such as the police, the medical field, academia, etc.,.
With judiciary committees, internal affairs, citizen review boards, church boards, corporate boardrooms, academic boards etc.,The power that the people once had since the creation of parties, organizations, groups, government entities, medical establishments, and others. Has been watered down by the overwhelming influence of wealth concentrated in the few who rule with an iron fist. Wealth and those who control it, write the scripts by which societies are pressured, oppressed, and manipulated. Into conforming to the will of those who control the power and much of the wealth in this and other societies." JRH-2014 NDMH
“We have done a lousy job in just about everything we stick our noses in, including Afghanistan. Our reinventing of our global reputation hinges on our being able to re-think our thoughts before we act on impulses." JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R. Hernandez NDMH-2014"Serial killers call others disbelievers -but- it doesn't mean that what they believe in is right! Hitler believed in the Aryan cause as he systematically set out to eliminate anyone whose bloodline was impure.As well as doing away with the aging and disabled, the functionally illiterate and mentally challenged and many others whom he deemed of inferior races! IS is no different that the Hitlers of this world and all the rest who hide their psychopathic tendencies!
Those who follow the maniacal rantings of monsters such as the leaders of these groups are no different than the Jim Jones of this world. Who need others to either carry out their maniacal atrocities and or follow them to a horrific ending in the guise that paradise awaits!" JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R. Hernandez NDMH-2014"Alan Dershowitz had gone on CNN and many other sites touting his new book and .....he also speaks of the need for troops on the ground if not shining boots such as the special forces and others. He says he hopes that other boots on the ground instead of the US will be used as he says that the US has failed as in Iraq and made mistakes. Myself I have waned back and forth on the issue of troops on the ground however I just admit that when we measure and weigh the results of previous campaigns. When local forces were used to fight terrorists, the locals fared miserably and even the forces we had embedded on the ground received some casualties as in Afghanistan.
What I am trying to say is two-fold; if America cannot muster or is not willing to produce its own fighting force to stem the tide of these murderous terrorists such as IS, HAMAS, Hezbollah, Jihadists, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and others. I fear that much territory in the middle east including oil fields, the wealth of many nations, and the beheading and horrific deaths of many men, women, and children including our own Christians, and other American families will be one of the worst calamities of this century; as it falls prey to radical Islam. So at some point American forces will have to step in, in conjunction with our one main ally Israel and perhaps some other partners such as Saudi Arabia, maybe Turkey though it ominously is being drawn into the radical Islamic fold.
Of course we may be able to depend on Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Germany, Qatar, and others who still appear to support some resemblance of freedom and liberty. But America must have decisive intelligence combined with ground troops that are mobilized and in a fashion ready to take the fight to the terrorists with as little casualties as possible. Because, somehow, the US liken the UN at times seems to goof things up. Whether its by friendly fire, killing of innocent civilians, an overly higher ratio of wounded soldiers in contrast to enemy deaths. We can't seem to keep our recognizance, aerial assault teams and soldiers either safe and or from stepping on land mines or getting cornered.
Let's not forget and I don't interject this in here but it is curious to me the rumors I heard not long ago of the removal of some of our European NATO commanders and some of the reasons given for their removals did not seem too kosher. Our military intelligence infrastructure must have impeccable information if America is to carry out a winning war against a swarm of terrorists such as IS. If we cannot carry out this small of an engagement how would we look facing a formidable force and I'm thinking what is building up on the Ukraine and other areas. The building and maintaining of coalitions can and must be the best way and perhaps the only way freedom and liberty loving nations and countries will withstand the rising tide of radical Islam bent on taking over the free world." JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R. Hernandez NDMH-2014"It's curious to me that Jews News would be criticizing the President of the United States of America after he has worked tirelessly to put together a global coalition of partners to help stem the tide and momentum of IS who is trekking directly in the direction of Israel at this time. I have been a strong opponent of some President Obama's decisions -but- on this issue I have toned down my viewpoint. In light of the fact that the solution presented is one where the importance of the ground campaign must be borne by local troops. Within the local communities affected; including some neighboring militias and volunteers. Which, Israel has voiced its willingness to take a roll in this engagement against IS!" JRH-2014 NMDH
By John R. Hernandez NDMH-2014"This a similar strategy that the US has used in Afghanistan, Iraq and others. Utilizing the locals on the ground and equipping them with arms and providing intelligence, reconnaissance, air and naval power to shore up their defenses. In order that they can take the fight to the opposition -who- has proven that its mission is total and complete domination of the middle east, if not the world. This time their lives are on the line as American and allied military forces will be on stand down; and hopefully not be needed. Except in the case that the ground forces are completely wiped out.
So, we are providing a great coalition and they are providing the ground forces. And if everything goes well; the good guys should be victorious -though- it will not be a short lived battle. IS has looted and captured much weapons and a large cash reserve at hand to bolster its martyr reserve. So, if the coalition is smart all it has to do is one long-term non-stop barrage of air power followed by an intense ground campaign. Combined forces should be able to exhaust whatever firepower IS will muster. Good luck boys and God speed!" JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R. Hernandez NDMH-2014"If you were living in an Islamic country or region you might feel different, disliked, or discriminated against. For your beliefs, your religion, your way of life. So, why should people feel offended? When someone who is not an American speaks their mind from the point of view of how they feel; based on how they are treated and or viewed as? The idea is tolerance; it helps you to open your otherwise arrogant or closed mind to maybe swap shoes with that person; in order to see what they see, feel, and maybe think! and if all goes well -you just might find- that the other person is human just like you!” JRH-2014 NDMH
Isn't it strange that the verse from Luke 19-19 occupy till ye come, is partially used in the national people's uprising that took place all over America a few years ago which b y the way was shut down by, the national authorities in a most strange of ways to the point that not even a word about it is spoken of in the national media. How strange of them to keep so silent on this the most important peoples refusals to continue to put up with the tyranny that has overcome America for far too long now. In fact I'd be willing to bet that my mentioning of this most prideful of peoples rising upon to the rage of disrespect and indecent treatment by this nation's leadership on both sides of the aisles. Because of stripping down of social programs and its inability to raise wages and provide the benefits and real jobs that Americans have been striped of by corporate interests.
That sword used against our journalist to behead him this past month is indicative of the same sword used against our sailors and citizens some over two-Hundred and twenty years ago along the Barbary Coast. Our first war against Muslims ran for 32 years. millions were killed and or enslaved. The song the marines sing from thee halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli. Recounts our engagement against the Barbary Coast pirates and the sword the marines wear on their sleeves is called the Mameluke Sword the one we fought against and won over as a reminder of that long and bloody war!
Bainbridge enterprise, and the constitution, war vessels of our navy, first naval war ships to defend the rights of the seas and the lives of not just our American men and women kidnapped by Barbary Coast Pirates from Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers, and Morocco under the tutelage of the Ottoman Empire the reigning power during the early 1800's. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Adams where the three American presidents to eventually stand up against these pirates who enslaved our merchant ship sailors and travelers. The Barbary Coast wars were some of the most bloody seen to that day at sea and on coastal lands. Dr. Chuck Harding whose website Awake America.org teaches Americans the invasion of misinformation about Muslim infiltration of our nation.” JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R. Hernandez NDMH-2014"When will the global community realize that what they're up against are an ages old network of terrorists hellbent on unleashing their hatred of western society and all it stands upon? This hatred has been boiling over for far too long and the time has come for it to be unveiled with hellfire fury. IS is just the tip of the iceberg. Radical Islam is far from the scattered drunken bunch of cells going off on their separate missions worldwide.
No longer arer Jihadists Arab men or women from the middle east. Today they comprise members of many societies and ethnicity who sympathize and are glamorized by Radical Islam. The man behind the trigger as I have alluded to in the past has and will continue to be Iran. Ahmadinejad had one sadistic problem he loved to get the attention of the global media it engendered his illusions of power and grandeur. In effect not unlike Hitler though the latter fulfilled his dreams of mass destruction and genocide.
But, thanks to the western powers he met his end somewhat prematurely before he got to the final stage of his world conquering mission. Unlike Hitler, the twist with Ahmadinejad is his illusion of reincarnating some Islamic caliphate. The one that will unite all Muslims on their mass takeover of the world under the banner of Islam. And as you already know those who do not capitulate to their demands will be furnished with a beheading and or live out their lives as subordinates of the Islamic state.
But, Ahmadinejad's impatience and dapper-don attitude made the powers that be behind this movement take him out of the limelight. Apparently their nuclear ambitions carry a heavier weight than some reincarnation of an Islamic pseudo- hero. Not that there is no credibility to it but that they need the nuclear edge." JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R. Hernandez NDMH-2014"The best leaders are those who are willing to put their personal feelings aside about others; opinions and or actions. Because, one never really knows why people behave as they do at any given time. Until one is willing to humble themselves and look beyond the present moment -and see yourself- in their situation/in others/in their eyes; as you once were!"JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R. Hernandez NDMH-2014"A true secretary of state would have stepped aside from making any comments that would appear biased against one party over the other in such a sensitive and complicated political situation. As that being faced by Israel and its overtly aggressive and terrorist neighbor. But it appears he is clearly being biased against Israel by his actions and words. Simply by the preponderance of the facts laid out here and in just about every historical context Kerry has overstepped his authority and office.
Doesn't Kerry know or care to know the disaster he is allowing to be created by blessing the statehood of this satanic union between HAMAS and the PA. Where, has Kerry been in the past six weeks of war between Israel and HAMAS -while- Abbas stood by believing HAMAS would be victorious.? How two faced can Kerry get? And Abbas is equally as much of a two face if not worst. Imagine once again recognizing the leader of a terrorist organization- when- it allies itself with another terrorist organization, HAMAS.
In case you forgot this is the same PA leader who denounced Israel and said he would never negotiate or recognize its statehood or right to exist anywhere in that part of the world. Based on those words alone one would have to wonder what could Kerry be thinking? This is the same PA leader who partners with other known terrorists in order that they may launch from Gaza thousands of rockets straight into Israel not only with no concern for innocent life but, neither the lives of Arabs who make their home in Israel.
This is the same PA leader who turns a blind eye as the terrorists of his partner in government Hamas launch rockets from hospitals, schools, hotels, and cemeteries at Israel and other innocent persons. The same PA leader who allows for the excavation and building of thousands of terror tunnels from Gaza to Israel by Hamas his partners in order to terrorize and kill more Israelis. It would seem that the democratic party is bent on derailing their own elections. The democratic party is going to pay dearly in the coming elections as a result of the stupid and derelict words and actions of this administration; when it comes to Israel!" JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH"The Blessed and Glorious word of God says I will curse those who curse you and bless those who bless who. Haughty Christians need to be reminded that when they seek to place a yoke around Israel or castigate it for defending itself or striking out against those who would murder its children or other residents. That the Jewish people are the chosen children of Almighty God and we as Christians are but gentiles. Who were grafted into the promised covenant through the shed blood of Christ; a Jew, crucified and now risen and sitting at the Right Hand of the Father in Heaven. Gentiles need to understand the power of the resurrected Christ as well as -the power that directed the hand of one single Jewish boy called David- to slain the giant Goliath with but one single stone.
World leaders who thirst to castigate and humiliate the Children of Almighty God are in desperate need of bible study; Jewish history, including its religious laws and holidays,but, especially bible prophecy.The Devil is leading humanity astray and lying to it that it no longer needs God in order to eat, drink, and be merry. Because he has had over 6 thousand years of practice as a liar and accuser of the brethren. It is he who is working in the children of perdition whose works have been aimed historically towards the destruction of the children of God. But greater is the Power of Almighty God than the power of Satan.
The Hand of Almighty God will continue to stand over Israel, and all its enemies will be turned away. Because of the Risen Christ gentiles are able through Grace and the Faith in the Living God to share in the Blessed Glory that is in Christ Jesus. Through the Promise of Salvation from the damnation that awaits those who turn their face and go astray; refusing to obey the Blessed and Glorious Word of Almighty God.He will honor those who honor His Word and bless those who bless His Children." JRH-2014 NDMH
on the environment and choices
"Humanity is at a pivotal crossroads; rapid environmental disruptions have outpaced its ability to adequately address solutions." JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R. Hernandez NDMH-2014"Daniel I agree with your every point. I too saw and still see the monumental leaps that the new innovations via the Note has brought us over the over simplistic and lacking Apple product. Apple appears to have been acting under the blind guise that its market superiority over the past decade may have been all it thought it needed to just get by. That shows in the face of all the emerging and about to emerge new and bright ideas and technology. That Apple may need some fresh ideas along with a change of direction at the helm." JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014"I can never love communism which suppresses and impoverishes individuals. Russia is a country where the real class divide is exemplified by the poor on one side and the rich on the other. Two different worlds living in one country side by side; joy, splendor, riches, and status while poverty, oppression, depression, and the tyranny of gangs, and racketeers control the lives of those at the bottom rungs of Russian society. Putin is no different than radical Islam.He is just a dictator in a suit and tie. Hard to believe that anyone would like a man who invaded a sovereign country and then decides to terrorize the entire Ukraine by placing armed troops at its border.
And let me tell you something else; if anyone wants to be a separatist it's because back in Russia they are guaranteed a stipend and a certain amount of rations each and every month just like in Cuba. These separatists never could see thee true meaning of freedom and liberty or self determination because they find the Western style way of life too costly both in energy sent gathering the much needed goods to survive from month to month.Unlike Russia where as long as you get along, the government will guarantee your care package will be there each and every month. If Putin is forcing the passage of these laws you can bet its not to help Russia but, to help the rich and protect the profits of the rich.
Putin doesn't give a dime about the poor. The Ukraine owes Russia money for the fuel it has borrowed but, been unable to pay for. Yet, that doesn't give Russian President Putin the right to invade that country and steal its land!Tell Putin to let his people go, to level the playing field so that every Russian can live a free life with every opportunity to succeed and share in the fruits of the labor of that country. The sad fact is that almost every nation country on Earth oppresses one group over the other. This how countries get one group to produce the goods sold on its markets and abroad. Greedy rich people think that poverty is needed to produce the goods they consume and sell to others at a profit! And in conclusion let's look at Yahoo News coverage of the situation form an earlier report on their digital network." JRH-2014 NDMH
Yahoo News reports from its digital media platform below
"NATO and Kiev say at least 1,000 Russian soldiers and possibly many more remain on Ukrainian soil although the Kremlin denies this. Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk accused Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday of seeking to "eliminate" Ukraine as an independent country with the goal of resurrecting the Soviet Union. The West, deeply alarmed at Putin's less predictable and more aggressive actions, is seeking to isolate the strongman and pledged greater support for the government in Kiev. Poroshenko heads to Washington this week to meet President Barack Obama, seeking to secure a "special status" with the United States as he steers Ukraine further out of Russia's orbit. View gallery Smoke billows around Donetsk's International Airport …Smoke billows around Donetsk's International Airport as shelling continues between pro-Russian f …Obama has rejected direct military involvement but unveiled tougher economic sanctions on Moscow that -- together with similar EU measures -- effectively lock Russia out of Western capital markets and hamstring its crucial oil industry." SOURCE YAHOONEWS.COMJohn R Hernandez
"The best leaders are those who are willing to put their personal feelings aside about others; opinions and or actions. Because, one never really knows why people behave as they do at any given time. Until one is willing to humble themselves and look beyond the present moment -and see yourself- in their situation/in others/in their eyes; as you once were!"JRH-2014 NDMH
"Thanks Terry. Most people read what I say and are so blown away that they get stuck between the epiphany of the moment and the intimidating backlash of being told the truth; from someone who they may deem beneath them!" JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH0-2014Marketing sometimes seems like a traveling revival camp which sets up the tents and runs its campaign only to run off into the sun set as the taste, sense, and feeling of euphoria wears off and the general public is left with the eventual longing for the next fad. You could look at hair shampoo products for example . How many times have you not said to yourself this product is great but I sure wish I could find something better or that smells better or feels different?
Products have a shelf life just like traveling revivals, cars, and or meats. Ad campaigns and marketing blitzes are the same; they have to be run at a specific time and under specific conditions in order to get the best bang for the money that your client is expecting. How many ads are run during the upcoming Super Bowl or any other local and national sports event? That actually hits the numbers the clients are expecting? The problem with so many PR professionals and agencies is that they are always -it seems- looking for a new catch word or phrase to make their brands stand out in the eyes of their prospective employers or the public at large.
Catch phrases are good, after all, the majority of those using them are graduates of the SEO and other captivating lynchpin models used to attract and attain audience, viewer, and reader attention. Using these techniques has made millions if not billions for some if not many out there who run and or work for the big and no so big agencies or corporate units which like to tout themselves as the go to leaders in this industry. The sad thing is that s so many have sold their credibility, reputations and careers to attain a piece of this years marketed products profits; without actually realizing that once there was one main value.
That of the credibility and reputation of the person behind the words. Take products for example. Every year we see millions spent on ad campaigns, PR sell-a-thons, and media blitzes on television and other media venues trying to sell inferior products with little if any shelf life to hungry, ready to spend money on the next fad that come along people who are driven to the next craze by the previous craze. And what they are getting are inferior products that hardly if ever really stand up or provide what they have been marketed to do for them.
How many of us have mountains of these products in our garages, or addicts or basements like trophies or idols we once worshiped but who have not lived up to their reputation? I would rather run one campaign that lived up to what I said it would. Than run one hundred that fell short of the mark to be later remembered as the guy that made it just like all the rest of my colleagues. Selling junk bonds or whatever else writes itself as failures in the end in the eyes of the following generation of clients, buyers, or wanna be PR experts.
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014"I agree. Somehow, when I hear the word 'coalition' in the context of American intervention I envision unhappy results...! Furthermore, I am trying to stay cautiously optimistic. That any material and logistical support to rebels in and of itself could help muster sufficient momentum and increase the number of rebel ground forces and moral. Given the edge of the sword reactionary approach from IS. Never the less, as the growing number of coalition forces aligns itself towards this new initiative agreed upon by allies and presented by the US; in the face of the most recent beheading of a Brit. It appears as if one heck of an engagement is looming in the near future. Why with Australia, France, Great Britain, the US, Saudi Arabia and others. If I was an end times prophecy alumni I might point to that one biblical scenario spoken of by many. From the looks of it I might be right!" JRH-2014 NDMH
"I don't know John. I can agree right now -after all- Apple seems to have captured the imagination of so many; because its marketing strategies are so broad and it offers a competitive edge. With its arsenal of gadgets and ability to remain multifaceted. I will secede that it does need a good shot of fresh momentum, perhaps we will see more surprises. As it mutates (acquires and develops a wider presence within a broader array of unique brands). Never the less I've enjoyed your insights, thanks." JRH-2014 NDMHALTERNATIVE FUELS TO STAVE OFF AIR POLLUTING PETROCHEMICALS
By JRH-2014"Haresh, if I may interject; It may be a steep climb. But, something must be done not just only in the developed world but in the developing and emerging countries. Struggling to meet the demands for transportation of goods from point A to to point B; by using vehicles -whose engines- are still dependent on highly toxic and environmentally damaging diesel fuels." JRH-2014 NDMH
Bio- diesels are alternatives; which utilize other forms of organic combustible materials such as Algae, Soy, and Ethanol. Bio-diesel such as that made from Soy is more earth friendly as opposed to the multiple side effects of petroleum. Below is a small quote from the page at cancer.org:
"Exposure to diesel exhaust is widespread in the modern world. Exhaust from diesel engines brings a complex mixture of soot and gases to roadways, cities, farms, and other places. Health concerns about diesel exhaust relate not only to cancer, but also to other health problems such as lung and heart diseases." http://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancercauses/othercarcinogens/pollution/diesel-exhaust
John R Hernandez CEO at AHAED
"The sad thing about some bosses is that they are too arrogant for their own good. They see employees as expendable nuisances. But, rightly -so in today's day and age- what translates into well behaved, educated, and ambitious help can sour into useless investments; not worthy of keeping on the roll. Academia has a lot to blame for this -because- and this is in my opinion; today's educational institutions are no better than social clubs where one goes to get a degree; not work for it. The tiers of the social classes are often circumscribed by family and or wealth which determine the upper ranks.
While others have to struggle wading in the waters of hypocrisy and indifference.
Often, some tenured professors are so arrogant that they make it easy for lesser ranked individuals -who can and have shown promise- to ditch or drop classes because they can't get a good grade no matter how hard they try. Since, often that one professor is so myopic and narrow minded and to put it bluntly a stanch supporter of one political party over the other, one ideology over the other, one school of thought over the other; ad infinitum.How many students have been broken down by vindictive teachers who pick and choose who the class winners are? And this festering cesspool of myopic individuals often make or break our children's careers who may be too embarrassed and confused to come to us and let us help them.
It's just as equal for them when they get that first job just out of college/university and they shake hands with the smiling warm seeming and sensitive manager who characterises everything that a dream come true exemplifies.Until they start to get their feet wet and later on that sheep turns out to be a wolf. Employees need to be treated with respect and managers are expected to be respected. When the two can come to the meeting of minds on this the sky's the limit. Two minds working together. who could ask for more? Unlike college, the work environment is a demanding playing field for the newcomer who may not be as fit for the dash of and rigors of the everyday sprint to and from the 9 to 5 devotion. But no man is an island and bosses need to learn this. If they are to retain the best and brightest of the crop. To be continued,." JRH-2014 NDMH
"I have really loved everyone's answers here. And such an incredible fountain of energy and wisdom. That I ask myself are all women this wonderfully gifted? They bare so much, and seem so uniquely like how I think. And Ronni I'm sure something special and big is in the works for you and those like you who won't give up. You refuse to let yourself down or limit yourself when you know deep inside how incredibly made you are. In adding to the questions of women in the workplace and the roadblocks. I think that only you can limit yourself to the boundless possibilities and edge of your seat marvels that await you. When you open up and release that rainbow of creativity, locked within. I think that some people focus too much on the dark side of things and that hinders their ability to see beyond the moment. In effect it zaps their energy to be creative and to unveil the secrets awaiting within their imagination about to explode. I also think that some people limit their possibilities when they are not open to change. To letting in that breath of fresh air that comes from new ideas, new friendships; to pushing away that screen that they throw up, that veil that surrounds them. Sadly hindering them, and at times even provoking the fear of letting the world back in...!" JRH-2014 NDMH
In so far as women's wear is concerned and my being a fan of fashion I believe that a certain degree of decor is required of a lady depending on the environment she is projecting herself within. The impression she leaves with others whether its women or men varies by the degree of importance, the space she is being portrayed in, and the impression she is trying to make or leave. As we all overachievers know sometimes we overemphasize, over reach when making a statement. Call it spoiled, over indulgent,and or sometimes just getting back at someone. But, yes women shouldn't be overly sleazy when they dress up to meet other peer group members and especially not when its a serious business connection. But, women will be women and men will be men. We need each other at times to help us understand not just that we are human but that there are limits we must live within in order to be who we are but not to offend. If it takes stilettos to get that new contract? So be it, but do it with taste because often its not the clothes that make the lady but the lady that takes the clothes.
"I have really loved everyone's answers here. And such an incredible fountain of energy and wisdom. That I ask myself are all women this wonderfully gifted? They bare so much, and seem so uniquely like how I think. And Ronni I'm sure something special and big is in the works for you and those like you who won't give up. You refuse to let yourself down or limit yourself when you know deep inside how incredibly made you are. In adding to the questions of women in the workplace and the roadblocks. I think that only you can limit yourself to the boundless possibilities and edge of your seat marvels that await you. When you open up and release that rainbow of creativity, locked within. I think that some people focus too much on the dark side of things and that hinders their ability to see beyond the moment. In effect it zaps their energy to be creative and to unveil the secrets awaiting within their imagination about to explode. I also think that some people limit their possibilities when they are not open to change. To letting in that breath of fresh air that comes from new ideas, new friendships; to pushing away that screen that they throw up, that veil that surrounds them. Sadly hindering them, and at times even provoking the fear of letting the world back in...!" JRH-2014 NDMH
JR Hernandez
"Thanks a bunch LaRae for your precious words. And In so far as woman’s wear is concerned and my being a fan of fashion. I believe that a certain degree of decor is required of a lady depending on the environment she is projecting herself within. The impression she leaves with others whether its other women or men varies by the degree of importance, the space she is being portrayed in, and the impression she is trying to make or leave. As we all overachievers know sometimes we over emphasize, overreach when making a statement. Call it spoiled, over indulgent, and or sometimes just getting back at someone. But, yes women shouldn't be overly sleazy when they dress up to meet other peer group members and especially not when its a serious business connection. But, women will be women and men will be men. We need each other at times to help us understand not just that we are human. But that there are limits we must live within in order to be who we are; while trying not to offend. If it takes stilettos to get that new contract? So be it, but do it with taste- because- often it's not the clothes that make the lady but the lady that makes the clothes." JRH-2014 NDMH
"Israel needs to worry about Israel; those who pander to its enemies, and the fact that it is target number one on every global terrorist's hit-list!" JRH-2014 NDMH
Pope Says Iraqi Christians Suffering Like Jews; he meant to say like the occupiers
"I can't believe that this is the same pope who just a short couple of months ago was in the middle east to call the Jews occupiers! It's hard to get a clear picture after such an insult has not been repented of or apologized for? Pretending it never happened is worst." JRH-2014 NDMH
May God's light shine upon you every step of your way and may He bless your walk with Him and all gathered with you this night.
Jewish Prayer:
Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying: This is how you shall bless the children of Israel, saying to them: כג. דַּבֵּר אֶל אַהֲרֹן וְאֶל בָּנָיו לֵאמֹר כֹּה תְבָרֲכוּ אֶת בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל אָמוֹר לָהֶם:
24. "May the Lord bless you and watch over you. כד. יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָֹה וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ:
25. May the Lord cause His countenance to shine to you and favor you. כה. יָאֵר יְהוָֹה | פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ וִיחֻנֶּךָּ:
26. May the Lord raise His countenance toward you and grant you peace." כו. יִשָּׂא יְהוָֹה | פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם:
27. They shall bestow My Name upon the children of Israel, so that I will bless them.
The liturgy of Rosh Hashanah reflects the dominant thematic strands that are woven together in this holiday: the celebration of God's coronation and kingship, the creation of the world and the beginning of a new yearly cycle, and the recognition of the seventh new month as the time when individuals, nations, and indeed all humankind are judged.
"Thank you Greece for saying no to bigotry and antisemitism. I WILL CURSE THOSE WHO CURSE YOU AND BLESS THOSE WHO BLESS YOU!" JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R Hernandez@NDMH-2014"A true secretary of state would have recused himself or herself from taking any steps or making any comments that would appear biased against one party over the other in such a sensitive and complicated political situation. As that being faced by Israel and its overtly aggressive and terrorist neighbor. But it appears he is clearly being biased against Israel by his actions and words. Simply by the preponderance of the facts laid out here and in just about every historical context Kerry has overstepped his authority and office.
Doesn't Kerry know or care to know the disaster he is allowing to be created by blessing the statehood of this satanic union between Hamas and the PA. Where, has Kerry been in the past six weeks of war between Israel and Ham as -while- Abbas stood by believing Hamas would be victorious.? How two faced can Kerry get? And Abbas is equally as much of a two face if not worst. Imagine once again recognizing the leader of a terrorist organization- when- it allies itself with another terrorist organization, Hamas.
In case you forgot this is the same PA leader who denounced Israel and said he would never negotiate or recognize its statehood or right to exist anywhere in that part of the world. Based on those words alone one would have to wonder what could Kerry be thinking? This is the same PA leader who partners with other known terrorists in order that they may launch from Gaza thousands of rockets straight into Israel not only with no concern for innocent life but, neither the lives of Arabs who make their home in Israel.
This is the same PA leader who turns a blind eye as the terrorists of his partner in government Hamas launch rockets from hospitals, schools, hotels, and cemeteries at Israel and other innocent persons. The same PA leader who allows for the excavation and building of thousands of terror tunnels from Gaza to Israel by Hamas his partners in order to terrorize and kill more Israelis. It would seem that the democratic party is bent on derailing their own elections. The democratic party is going to pay dearly in the coming elections as a result of the stupid and derelict words and actions of this administration; when it comes to Israel!" JRH-2014 NDMH
By John R. Hernandez @NDMH 2014"I can never love communism which suppresses and impoverishes individuals. Russia is a country where the real class divide is exemplified by the poor on one side and the rich on the other. Two different worlds living in one country side by side; joy, splendor, riches, and status while poverty, oppression, depression, and the tyranny of gangs, and racketeers control the lives of those at the bottom rungs of Russian society. Puttin is no different than radical Islam.
He is just a dictator in a suit and tie. Hard to believe that anyone would like a man who invaded a sovereign country and then decides to terrorize the entire Ukraine by placing armed troops at its border. If Putin is forcing the passage of these laws in order to stop the proliferation of certain Islamic literature deemed -provocative or a security risk- you can bet its not to help Russia. But, to help the rich and protect the profits of the rich. Putin doesn't give a dime about the poor.
The Ukraine owes Russia money for the fuel it has borrowed but, been unable to pay for. Yet, that doesn't give Russian President Putin the right to invade that country and steal its land! Tell Putin to let his people go, to level the playing field so that every Russian can live a free life with every opportunity to succeed and share in the fruits of the labor of that country. The sad fact is that almost every nation country on Earth oppresses one group over the other. This is how countries get one group to produce the goods sold on its markets and abroad. Greedy rich people think that poverty is needed to produce the goods they consume and sell to others at a profit!" JRH-2014 NDMH
"Was there an imminent clear and present danger posed by our American journalist; that made his beheading televised worldwide for his own family to see? But, then again how important is the life of one reporter over the importance of a muslim's bank account? God forbid we should offend, them!" JRH-2014 NDMH
"Student loan refinancing has been in effect for almost ten years. Would sham be too abrasive a term to use. I've written about this in the past. So I will just add that the entire student loan system in America is corrupt to the core and disadvantageous to unsuspecting students. Who for the most part end up never being able to pay so much as the interest on their loans. Because, as most of us who do not have our heads in the sand know. Very few if any get a real paying job after college to afford to pay off this scam of educational aid! Canada on the other hand has taken a more pro-active approach. By allowing students to file bankruptcy in cases of hardship for all or most of their student loan debt. Just like America, Canada's loan providers have raised concerns for over 15 years over their roi's in other words their profit margins. The courts have however been steadily more favorable to the plight of students in that country than in the US." JRH-2014 NDMH
A Canadian Parliamentary Report dated November 2008 lays out the student debt initiatives dating back over eight years now, 'A new set of amendments were made to the Canada Student Financial Assistance Regulations(41) in 2004, and they incorporated some of the approaches recommended by the Senate. The good standing requirement for obtaining debt relief was replaced with less restrictive eligibility criteria, and the amount of available relief was increased. The ceiling on debt relief was also increased again to allow for more of the debt to be forgiven in cases of hardship. In addition, students who had declared bankruptcy were no longer excluded from obtaining new student loans from the government for later studies, or from applying for debt relief.(42)
In 2005, a further set of amendments to these regulations increased the debt relief ceiling again, to a total of $26,000 ($10,000 upon the original application, $10,000 on the second application, and $6,000 on the third).(43) However, any applicants must have first applied for, received, and exhausted all possible interest relief up to the maximum of 30 months, must be in good standing with respect to the payment of the principal, and must be making loan payments in excess of a given percentage of income, as established by a table in the regulations.(44) A debtor suffering from a disability may also qualify for a Permanent Disability Benefit, where all or a portion of the loan is forgiven.(45)
As indicated earlier, amendments to the BIA itself, introduced in 2005, came into effect in July 2008, along with additional amendments by the subsequent government to clarify them.(46) (The original amendments had been passed on an expedited basis and given Royal Assent earlier than anticipated owing to an imminent election, although the Senate Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce was still in the process of hearing witnesses on them).(47) The amendments have reduced the bankruptcy exemption for student loans from the ten-year period to a seven-year period. These amendments have also permitted debtors to apply to the courts to include government student loans in their discharge five years after studies have ended.(48)
A new Repayment Assistance Plan, to take effect in the autumn of 2009, has also been announced by Human Resources and Social Development Canada. According to the CanLearn website, the new plan is designed to ensure that:s
no debtor will be required to make a student loan payment above an affordable level;
no payment will be required from debtors with very low incomes;
no borrower will have a payment period exceeding 15 years; and
eligibility criteria will be simplified and standardized.(49)
The details of the plan are not yet publicly available.
SOURCE: http://www.parl.gc.ca/content/lop/researchpublications/prb0126-e.htm
JRH-NDMH 2014"It took countless rapes, massacres, beheading, looting’s, invasions of property and lands; to get the global community to finally get up up off its romp. And muster a band of seemingly undecided elements -starring right out of a James Cagney movie-to commit to working together to end the IS bloodbath!" JRH-2014 NDMH
JRH-NDMH 2014"Do you know what dismantling welfare, food stamps, unemployment, medicare, and removing all memory of Christian-Judeo history is? Communism!" JRH-2014 NDMH
JRH-NDMH 2014"in order for tragedies such as September 11th, 2001 to never happen again America's security agencies were integrated into one piece of security apparatus called Homeland. Had the CIA, NSA, and the FBI - been able to work together- based on the information they had on hand, 9/11 would of never taken place! These agencies had a strict set of rules etched in the law which protected them and prevented them from working in certain jurisdictions and taking actions that might have averted terrorist acts but, that was the law back then.
Yet, we must never forget that centralizing that much power into one sphere is exactly the opposite of why these agencies were set up to remain autonomous and independent pieces of a puzzle. It's one thing to tweak the system to get it to work, better than before. It's another to take away its autonomy. That's called totalitarianism! The chief of the NSA during House Intelligence testimony said that for example when a known suspect walks across the Niagara bridge into the US from Canada he is an American and must be afforded all rights.
This was the excuse (or law) given as to why none of the 9/11 suspects were apprehended; even after intelligence reports on hand revealed them traveling the US, taking flight lessons, meeting and or contacting the International Bin laden communications center. Where, terrorists would call in and exchange information and travel itineraries and other plot related information by using code. The center was under heavy surveillance and US intelligence agencies knew what was going on." JRH-2014 NDMH
JRH-NDMH 2014"The credibility of the UN has never been lower than when it attacks Israel as a war crimes criminal! While it allows murdering ruthless HAMAS to continue to dig its terrorist tunnels in Gaza, hide weapons in schools and hospitals, and incite further unrest." JRH-2014 NDMH
As of this writing and according to Israeli news HAMAS admits to using civilian sites as cover.
JRH-NDMH 2014On September 14th the digital edition of Yahoo News the report that the associated press had revealed 'more evidence' about Hamas -a sibling of the Islamic Brotherhood headquartered in Qatar- that it had used public buildings and or areas as launching sites to fire countless rockets at Israel.
Below is partial post of yahoo news report:
"Hamas Quietly Admits It Fired Rockets from Civilian Areas
Just two weeks after the end of the latest round of fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, the Associated Press ran this story on Friday, revealing more evidence about Hamas's use of residential areas as launching grounds for their rockets. Throughout the seven-week conflict, Israel frequently…
The Atlantic Wire
In addition, within the yahoo news report it was noted that India's NDTV revealed it had filmed the entire installation and launching of a rocket attack aimed at Israel directly from the side of a hotel in Gaza in a busy district. Also cited in the yahoo news report was this statement, "In a number of incidents, Hamas terrorists threatened to kill UNRWA (United Nations Relief)personnel if they revealed that the Islamist group was using the UN facilities for purposes of war, to ensure that they would not speak out about Hamas’s activities."
JRH-NDMH 2014"Three days a year for sick days is a scandalous shame considering the hundreds of billions big businesses like walmart make. Ten paid sick days should be the norm if not 15 considering that most workers are dedicated, loyal, and are for the most part underpaid and under-recognized. It's time employers were made to pay their fair share into raising the bar to a livable minimum wage, stopping the bias against offering all employees full benefits (which offer child care), and permanent employment instead of scab status." JRH-2014 NDMH
JRH-NDMH 2014"Those who glamourize vicious animals; whose heartless actions deserve an equally bitter and more eerie end; should never forget that you live by the sword and you die by the sword. The coalition of nations that is about to reign down hellfire on IS and its other partners in crime will not be stopped. Until each and every one of these murdering animals is either put away for the rest of their natural life -or- the same death sentence is declared upon him or her!" JRH-2014 NDMH
JRH-NDMH 2014"HAMAS has been declared a global terror organization. It must be purged from any place where decent law abiding people gather and that includes especially the UN. If the UN is wanting to be considered a global legitimate and peace loving organization -which- strives to bring peace loving people together. Then it has no business attempting to legitimize terrorists or their organizations!" JRH-2014 NDMH
JRH-NDMH 2014"Read the entire interview, in-dept and informative, very well done. President Obama showed a fresh insight on all subjects presented to him by his host and Chuck Todd pulled no punches!" JRH-2014 NDMH
"Hard to believe that it would happen in Lakewood!" JRH-2014 NDMH
A LITTLE LATE IN THE GAME; the morbidity of the global powers foot-dragging could bring disastrous results
Created, Edited, and Published By John R. Hernandez, Jr. © 2014
http://www.newdawncommunications.blogspot.com/ http://www.newdawnmedia.wordpress.com/
"What difference is there in an organization who by its own words, actions, and beliefs thinks of itself above all tenets of world civility, established political laws and boundaries of morality, and diplomatic mutually agreed upon arrangements? How does the global civil community make a justifiable judgment based on any rational reasoning? With regard to the torturing and massacre of hundreds if not thousands of its own people; including Jews and Christians. I see this band of terribly misguided individuals now on a rampage through the middle east -beheading anyone who refuses to repent and pledge allegiance to them- as a likeness unto Hitler's venomous and bloodthirsty trek across Europe. And from the looks of it, it may take a global coalition of world forces; to bring this globe trotting Jihadist whirlwind of destruction, senseless beheading, and horrific massacre of innocent peace loving people to a final end.
ISIS has vowed to take the fight into Israel, not unlike Hitler's openly hatred of the Jews. But this time the tables will be turned in favor of the Jewish state with its formidable intelligence capabilities AND powerful armed forces to put a huge dent in the ISIS armor. President Obama and the rest of of the world leaders have finally decided to take the fight to ISIS -A LITTLE LATE IN THE GAME- but, not a surprise from all we've seen from the global community. With regards to its foot dragging attitude towards Israel; and its Prime Minister's request for assistance in the past 12 months. ISIS is nothing short of Syria's response to the Western powers. Which it sees as the main supplier and ultimate benefactor of the forces fighting to help topple its sadistic and failed government.
But, lets hope that the world community doesn't lose focus on the hands pulling the strings behind the scenes surrounding global terrorism, Iran. Waiting with baited hands for the moment when it reveals to the world the frightening truth behind its nuclear programs. On that day, the ensuing aftermath of its globally concerted retribution against Judaism, Christianity, the Western powers, and all who refuse to repent and vow allegiance to its caliphate. It will be far worse to deal with than it could be, had the so-called -civilized- world powers, stopped its morbid foot dragging and dealt with the problems of global Jihadism before the fact!" JRH-2014 NDMH
"In the meantime a more worst and sinister plot is being hashed behind the scenes by Iran on its feverish quest to attain and deploy weapons of mass destruction. As its sleeping cells of human drones await the final orders to wreak havoc on a global scale!" JRH-2014 NDMH
A LITTLE LATE IN THE GAME; the morbidity of the global powers foot-dragging could bring disastrous results
Created, Edited, and Published By John R. Hernandez, Jr. ©2014 http://www.newdawncommunications.blogspot.com/ http://www.newdawnmedia.wordpress.com/
“What difference is there in an organization who by its own words, actions, and beliefs thinks of itself above all tenets of world civility, established political laws and boundaries of morality, and diplomatic mutually agreed upon arrangements? How does the global civil community make a justifiable judgment based on any rational reasoning? With regard to the torturing and massacre of hundreds if not thousands of its own people; including Jews and Christians. I see this band of terribly misguided individuals now on a rampage through the middle east -beheading anyone who refuses to repent and pledge allegiance to them- as a likeness unto Hitler’s venomous and bloodthirsty trek across Europe.
And from the looks of it, it may take a global coalition of world forces; to bring this globe trotting Jihadist whirlwind of destruction, senseless beheading, and horrific massacre of innocent peace loving people to a final end. ISIS has vowed to take the fight into Israel, not unlike Hitler’s openly hatred of the Jews. But this time the tables will be turned in favor of the Jewish state with its formidable intelligence capabilities AND powerful armed forces to put a huge dent in the ISIS armor.
President Obama and the rest of of the world leaders have finally decided to take the fight to ISIS -A LITTLE LATE IN THE GAME- but, not a surprise from all we’ve seen from the global community. With regards to its foot dragging attitude towards Israel; and its Prime Minister’s request for assistance in the past 12 months. ISIS is nothing short of Syria’s response to the Western powers. Which it sees as the main supplier and ultimate benefactor of the forces fighting to help topple its sadistic and failed government.
But, lets hope that the world community doesn’t lose focus on the hands pulling the strings behind the scenes surrounding global terrorism, Iran. Waiting with baited hands for the moment when it reveals to the world the frightening truth behind its nuclear programs. On that day, the ensuing aftermath of its globally concerted retribution against Judaism, Christianity, the Western powers, and all who refuse to repent and vow allegiance to its caliphate. It will be far worse to deal with than it could be, had the so-called -civilized- world powers, stopped its morbid foot dragging and dealt with the problems of global Jihadism before the fact!” JRH-2014 NDMH
"What is wrong with America? Humanism has crept into the daily lives of many Americans and it has corrupted their way of life. Those with abominable lifestyles are allowed to live and believe that their way of life is a result of how they were born even though you and I know that a DNA strand clearly shows two options, male or female. No brainer there! The apostasy faith has crept in and has been allowed to corrupt the faith our forefathers handed down to many of us hundred if not thousands of years ago. Both the distorted humanistic way of life and its apostic companion have been allowed to invade the lives of many to the point where laws have been created to protect this distorted and anti christian way of life.
Many, today, in the traditional church not only support this false humanistic way of life but, some will fight tooth and nail to allow its continued immersion into many of today's academic institutions of higher learning; including some elementary teaching venues. Why am I telling you all this? Because, as societies break away from traditional religious practices and beliefs to the point where the word of God is being replaced with humanist language. We can begin to see the inherent word of God in prophecy coming to life before our eyes!" JRH-2014 NDMH
"Everything that happens good or bad is not always -because- God wants it to happen. You kill someone in cold blood that is your actions; you run someone over because you're driving too fast that is your actions; you shoot drugs that is your actions; you pretend and blame Israel when it is only trying to defend itself that is your ignorance at work. There is a lot that God can or will not do to interfere in man's affairs.
But, God has given us a picture book of actions and words to describe those actions He will and has taken in Man's history on Earth. Man has the ultimate open choice to do what is right or to make wrong decisions -which- ultimately reveal their outcomes with good or bad results. No, not everything that happens good or bad is because God wants it to happen!" JRH-2014 NDMH
JRH-NDMH 2014"When you look at the broad range and capacity of these rockets, the degree of damage to life and property both of Israelis, Arabs, and peoples of many races and ethnicities living in and around Israel. The fact that those behind these savage rocket attacks clearly never had any inclination to come to terms with any peace agreement.
You will realize that what Israel and the Arab community -it is trying to protect- including all other peoples there; are all caught up in a massive -yet- intricate web of deception and a deranged desire for world domination. Not surprisingly unlike the same diabolical and deranged web of deception spawned by the one man who in the past century planned out the mass extermination of not only Jews but, of peoples of many colors and races.
The only question that remains unanswered is how is it possible for the world community to stand by and watch 500 or more deadly rockets being launched into Israel in the past 6 months and do or say absolutely nothing about it?" JRH-2014 NDMH
No Other Nation on Earth Could be Asked to do Less
JRH-NDMH 2014"The still cold murdered bodies of three teenage boys have made no impact on the conscience of Abbas, HAMAS, Fatah, and or any of the heartless radical murdering Jihadists. They continue their diabolical rampage against Israeli society; with countless rocket launches, further threats of violence, and impending annihilation.
Abbas is equally as guilty for these children's deaths -since- he has refused to distance himself from the latter. Iran works feverishly and haste-fully to attain enough nuclear material for its weapons of mass destruction. Isis gaining strength in Iraq is at the threshold about to get its hands on more territory; this time in Syria. All in all, one could say Israel is like a caged tiger surrounded by its enemies on all sides.
The time will come when the caged tiger will have to strike out in defense of itself, its territorial integrity, and in defense of its brethren. No other nation on Earth could be asked to do less. What then, is the global community waiting for? Another 9/11 -this time- in the Middle East; in order for it to be moved after-the- bloodshed to order the military to do its job? JRH-2014 NDMH (FROM JULY 7TH)
JRH-NDMH 2014"Well, since President Obama by his recent remarks has with one fell swoop redefined the definition of the family. It does not surprise me that he would be visiting the issue of Family-Friendly-Workplace Policies. To let the rest of us, who oppose some of the extravagant posturing of his shape shifting personality; as it evolves further into the primordial swamp of distaste and disgust for moral values." JRH-2014 NDMH
END PARENTAL ALIENATION; but, is anyone listening?
JRH-NDMH 2014"Happy Father's Day to all my brothers out there who are being alienated from their children by a vindictive ex. For whatever it's worth as long as you haven't done anything wrong by your kids. They will never stop loving you or being your children. Though, they may be miles away they'll always be by your side. Nothing or no one can ever stop them from being your children or you from being their real dad! JRH-2014 NDMH
JRH-NDMH 2014'While, the world is fixated on the sham that are these so-called peace talks between Israel and the PA. Hezbollah, the Jihadists, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al Qaeda are all hoping that Iran comes through with the good news that its work has been completed and it is now in possession of a nuclear bomb. It's time Israel washes its hands of this charade and gets back to the business of running the nation, protecting it's people, and focusing on its blessed future ahead! And as an appetizer, really guys do we actually think that continued dialogue with hardened criminals running global terrorists networks will bring the desired peace which has been promised for decades? Instead Israel has received hundreds of bombings, rocket attacks, kidnappings and murders. And as if that wasn't enough all of the above have been visited upon Israel with the blessing of none other than those same individuals who have publicly and adamantly rejected any official and or unofficial acceptance of the state of Israel!" JRH-2014 NDMH A pre-war post from April 1st.
Sexism and Beyond in the Literary World
My Contribution To Our Group DiscussionBy John R. Hernandez
re-edited social media discussion 9/14
“It was about 40 years ago or more that the opposite sex from man's point of view and from the general establishment's point of view including the tons of billions that came in from advertising. Made the glamorous life of women writers appealing. You can see it in everything from lingerie, to make up, to jewelry, mink coats, Caribbean vacations, Women have for the most part historically captured the elite world of fiction writing including many made for tv miniseries. Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice was one and still is one of my favorites of hers a prolific author of many novels.
I'm also reminded of the book titled Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte whose book, SparkNotes describes as a critique on dealing with gender struggles-inequality, social class and oppression. But, the list is also as long as it is wide of the number of famous and not so famous men writers who have written about everything under the stars from poetry to novels, composers and lyricists like myself. I will admit and agree with Johnny that sexism is alive and well. Sadly, what makes sexism worst is when its combined with cronyism.“ JRH-2014 NDMH
www.sparknotes.com › ... ›
Jane Eyre
1). SparkNotes Charlotte wrote Jane Eyre later that year. The book, a critique of Victorian assumptions about gender and social class, became one of the most successful novels ..
2). Jane Austen resources: Jane Austen - Biography - Writer - Biography.com www.biography.com/people/jane-austen-9192819
Jane Austen's novels of manners, including Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility, are literary classics. Learn more about her life and career, ... Jane Austen Quotes (Author of Pride and Prejudice goodreads.com/author/quotes/1265.Jane_Austen
3).Goodreads 1941 quotes from Jane Austen: 'The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.', 'There is nothing... In vain have I struggled. It will ... - There are few people whom I ...
Then, right up there with Austen is the infamous Mr. Dickens:
Charles Dickens Writer Charles John Huffam Dickens was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's most memorable fictional characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period. Wikipedia Born: February 7, 1812, Landport Died: June 9, 1870, Gads Hill Place, Rochester, United Kingdom Spouse: Catherine Dickens (m. 1836–1858)
Nicknames: Boz, Dickens,
Charles Dickens' Christmas Carol,
Charles Dickens Plays: A Tale of Two Cities, The Frozen Deep, No Thoroughfare, The Goblins
Books View 45+ more A Christmas Carol (1843) A Christmas Carol David Copperfield (1850) David Copperfield Great Expectations (1860) Great Expectations Oliver Twist (1838) Oliver Twist The Pickwick Papers (1836) The Pickwick Papers
I truly believe that this subject and this discussion -here- can be expanded upon. To where do you stand on who your great authors were and are. There is so much to discuss about writers of the early era and for that matter of almost any era. Writing is so crucial; science, history, law, etc., So guys I'm sure we can all agree that there is a streak of sexism running down the floors of many of today's literary organizations and publishing houses for that matter. But, both sexes have produced equally, the most amazing and creative individuals, the world of literature has ever had the pleasure and honor to enjoy and grow up with.
All info on Charles Dickens mentioned above can be readily found at: [https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=charles+dickens&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDgwYHsxCHfq6-gYlBSpkSF4hlWGZpbmSixReQWlScnxecmZJanlhZPHtW-fRr8j8WKv4QP-bPyhGeeV1IHAA-Z3O5RQAAAAJane|leo://plh/https%3A*3*3www%2Egoogle%2Ecom*3webhp%3Fsourceid%3Dchrome-instant%26ion%3D1%26espv%3D2%26ie%3DUTF-8%23q%3Dcharles%2Bdickens%26stick%3DH4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDgwYHsxCHfq6-gYlBSpkSF4hlWGZpbmSixReQWlScnxecmZJanlhZPHtW-fRr8j8WKv4QP-bPyhGeeV1IHAA-Z3O5RQAAAAJane/FTJj?_t=tracking_disc] . revised; 91014/JRH-2014 NDMH less